2005-12-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
studio, you shouldn't expect that everybody that does anything with RS
has the time or energy to write a new manual for RS3D. Having said
that, I wouldn't mind having a wiki for RS stuff, or at least a
section about coding on the Image Contest forum. At least on a trial
basis, if it turns out that there is no activity in it we could
probably remove it again.

Fredrik Bergholtz

On 30/12/05, studio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yep, it can. And lots more to go: there's a game engine which really
  works AND a whole package with examples  a book (you have to buy THAT
  from them but it's worth the price  the engine itself is FREE). Don't
  know if Blender can replace RS anywhere soon (I doubt it, because they
  rely on polygons and RS on mathematically defined primitives which is
  far superior as a modeling toolset) but surely there's a lot of stuff in
  Blender RS is still missing so you should consider it as a an ADDITION
  to RS.
  All the best for 2006  happy rendering whatever tools you use 
   from Wolfram

 Hi Wolfram :

Sorry to edit your post so much . Congrads though for seeing the pot-
 ential of the Free GPL directive and contributing to it .

   I have to agree with most of what you say above . I'm just getting to
 know Blender now and think it's a pretty cool partner app to be running
 alongside Realsoft , or Max or LW etc . However , the free Personal
 learning Edition of Maya might also be an app one might find worth check-
 ing out too . The fluid dynamics of Blender drew me , but I think Maya's
 stuff is far superior , from what little I've read .

   Anyway , the bottom line for me is the ability of RS to do so many ,
 many amazing things that it's potential is never-ever going to be real-
 ised to anywhere nears it's full potential , simply because it's depth
 is so vast that only a small handful of people are able to grasp it .

   Put 10 guys in a room with RS and a short animation project and if
 you have some key guys in there you will accomplish incredible things .
 RS is awesome but I think it really needs the community to write some
 more elaborate , in depth articles and tutorials , much along the line
 of what is happening over in the Blender camp .

(this is the part where I sound bitter) . It's great to be able to
 show the world what you can do with RS , big huge pat's on the back to
 you people ... but how about throwing the community a bone and telling
 us HOW you did it , exactly , in step-by-step form .

Time and time again we see list geniuses shoot VSL code from the
 hip and say  it should work , but I don't have RS running in front of
 me right now   Then wait till you do and then try it, then create
 the material , then share it (explain it would be nice too) .

Zaug has just shared this very cool script with the list , and I know
 it must have taken him through a very steep learning curve that required
 a lot of his precious spare time . Fantastic ! Now , if we were to do it
 the Blender way , Zaug would then write a nice HTML tutorial explaining
 how he did it , and any other stuff he learned along the way .

   In fact , doing it the Blender way would probably see Zaug pioneer the
 'Scripting' section of an on-line Dynamic manual , like Blender has on their
 Wiki site (I thought I created a new idea [dynamic manual] but the Blender
 people have had it for a long time) .

So , [rant mode off] perhaps the best thing about Blender , in the end,
 is for RS people to glimpse at just how great it is to see a community
 share knowledge , give their time , and not in any kind of haphazard way
 but in a way where info get's taken in, in an effective manner , with an
 end result that see's a 3D person constantly upgrading their skill level .

There used to be a ton of sharing on this list , not all that long ago,
 but seems to be almost dead now except for off-topic threads and my late
 night rants .

A logical question might be what good is an extensive app like RS if
 the average person doesn't know how to use it ?  There is lot's of info
 in the manual of course , but so much knowledge has been learned the hard
 way , over and over again by dozens of people . Better to have one person
 find the solution or workaround to a problem , then document that solution
 for the rest of the community .

 Happy Hanukkah/Clone the Meskanens


Happy new year grom Germany and good luck for RS Version 6 :-)) and more beginner tutorials ;-)

2005-12-30 Thread Frank BrĂ¼bach
Dear RS Friends, wish you all a happy new year and your family. Of course all the creative and good guys working for the next version of Realsoft 3D V 6.0. Perhaps some good ideas can involve into RS from other 3d apps, but I think the RS User have likely more patience with the finnish software and so you can step by step to the next level. I can compare my Mazda with an BMW or Mercedes or VW Beetle, but every car will bring me to the way I like and want to go :-) I would like to have more tutorials, even for "beginners", so the fear of learning to a new 3d application isn't so high and difficult. Every small tutorial will help I can hope the RS User Forum will take this chance and have done a lot of good work till this end of the year. Many thanks, best regards, Frank BrĂ¼bach (Frankolino) :-) from Germany ( See you next year againand with new power to create a very fantastic new Realsoft 3D Version 6.0 :-))Nur bis 31.12.: 1&1 DSL mit WEB.DE Preisvorteil! Jetzt einsteigen und die Vorteile sichern!


2005-12-30 Thread Brandon Moon


Quick note on Maya PLE... it is only to play with.  There is NO way to 
take data from PLE and use it with anything except Motionbuilder PLE.  
That is the catch...  they want evryone to love it so thet will buy the 
regular version, but then your PLE files won't transfer to complete or 
unlimited version.  Oh, and there is a moving watermark, and generally 
res limit is 1024x768.


studio wrote:

 I have to agree with most of what you say above . I'm just getting to
know Blender now and think it's a pretty cool partner app to be running
alongside Realsoft , or Max or LW etc . However , the free Personal
learning Edition of Maya might also be an app one might find worth check-
ing out too . The fluid dynamics of Blender drew me , but I think Maya's
stuff is far superior , from what little I've read .



Re: Tutorials needed was Re: CHARACTER ANIMATION STUFF and RS ....

2005-12-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I may be missing your point, but as far as I can see none of those
plugins come with source code or descriptions about how they were
made. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame anyone for not wanting to
share their source code and I don't want to take anything away from
those great people who contribute to our community, it is just that I
feel that this was not a good example for your argument.

About tutorials for plugin-making, I feel that there are too few of us
who understand or are beginning to understand how the SDK works. For
me it is way too early to start writing tutorials. What I really need,
and now I'm repeating myself, is a place to discuss the problems. I
feel awkward having to ask the Realsoft staff every time I run into

By the way, I really like the layout of that page, neat idea, Robert.
(When I saw it last I think that it was early testing stage with
little to no content)

Fredrik Bergholtz

On 30/12/05, studio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  studio, you shouldn't expect that everybody that does anything with RS
  has the time or energy to write a new manual for RS3D. Having said
  that, I wouldn't mind having a wiki for RS stuff, or at least a
  section about coding on the Image Contest forum. At least on a trial
  basis, if it turns out that there is no activity in it we could
  probably remove it again.
  Fredrik Bergholtz

It would be absurd for anyone to think that everybody that does
 anything with RS has the time or energy to write a tutorial .

Repeating myself is normal , so here it goes again :

What I was trying to say was how important it would be to the
 whole RS community if we all took a slightly different approach
 to creating . That is , create our works , but then also consider
 sharing the method in a manner other than e-mail .

We already have people on the list who share the actual project,
 and that can really be a big help . All we have to do to learn is
 dissect the various areas of the project to see exactly how this
 'trick' or method or workaround has been done .

   One step further would be to write another one of the many one-
 page mini-tute's that several people have indeed taken the time
 to do . Frank , Stef , Mark , Aidan , Matthias to name a few .

Not everyone can , but some can and choose not to be bothered .
 Some just mail off guesses without even being bothered to start up
 RS and try their guess first . Others take the time to create really
 awesome web sites full of tutorials and links and projects and mat-
 erials etc like this one .

If you go to the 'Plugins' section of Roberts site (above) you
 will see many , many examples of people giving endless hours of
 their time to the community , for free , in most cases . Just awe-
 some .

Seems awefully slow around here lately . Not sure what everyone
 is doing these days with RS . Seems to be not very much . My rant
 is a weak attempt at perhaps inspiring some to pick up RS again if
 for no other reason than to share what they know , even if they don't
 feel all that much like creating 3D renderings or animations .


RE: Tutorials needed was Re: CHARACTER ANIMATION STUFF and RS ....

2005-12-30 Thread Robert den Broeder
Others take the time 
 to create really awesome web sites full of tutorials and 
 links and projects and materials etc like this one .

Thanks for the promotion and your kind words Garry! Much appreciated :)
Keep an eye on that site if you're interested in following the developments
of V6 features.

Best regards,  Happy new year to all!


Re: Tutorials needed was Re: CHARACTER ANIMATION STUFF and RS ....

2005-12-30 Thread studio
 Thanks for the promotion and your kind words Garry! Much appreciated :)
 Keep an eye on that site if you're interested in following the developments
 of V6 features.
 Best regards,  Happy new year to all!

Hi Robert :

  Will stay tuned , but I find it hard to believe RS can move from
V5 to V6 so quickly . Is Satu a coder ? (just kidding)

 I hope to convert a tutorial this weekend using the style-
sheets that are common on your site . Hope you don't mind , and
it will probably take some heavy duty editing on your part to
make it fit in properly , since I don't understand stylesheets .

  Anyway , it's a chance for me to put your money where your
mouth is (english expression) .

Cheers Robert  indeed Happy New Year to All !!!


 Others take the time 
  to create really awesome web sites full of tutorials and 
  links and projects and materials etc like this one .

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RE: Tutorials needed was Re: CHARACTER ANIMATION STUFF and RS ....

2005-12-30 Thread Robert den Broeder
Hi Garry,

   Will stay tuned , but I find it hard to believe RS can move from
 V5 to V6 so quickly . Is Satu a coder ? (just kidding)

I never mentioned a quick release of V6. Only that I will show more info on
how V6 develops :)
So you can all see.

  I hope to convert a tutorial this weekend using the style- 
 sheets that are common on your site . Hope you don't mind , 
 and it will probably take some heavy duty editing on your 
 part to make it fit in properly , since I don't understand 
 stylesheets .

All tutorials I published so far are plain HTML and the only style I use is
the manual format.
That means same font and same use of titels.

   Anyway , it's a chance for me to put your money where your 
 mouth is (english expression) .

OK Garry take that chance while you can ;)

Best regards,