Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-25 Thread Jouni Valkonen
I agree, I have not read any post from anonymous Jojo for a while, but as I 
know, she has not contributed with much relevant information. As she is 
anonymous, I would recommend banning her, becuse she does not want to 
contribute with the high quality content. She does not even seem to know what 
here is off-topic and why it is off-topic. High quality content is always 
on-topic here.

As she is continuos problem that is degrading the list quality, I would 
strongly recommend banning her. There should not be much tolerance for 
anonymous users, who are flooding the list with irrelevant content.

Although Jojo is a girls name, I am not perfectly sure with her gender identity.


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Jojo Jaro
Just to clarify, Ruby is not referring to me.  I have never joined cold fusion 
now, nor have posted there, as far as I can remember.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Ruby 
  Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 4:33 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning 
recent trolling activity

  The avatar I believe you are referring to has also been banned from 
commenting on our website due to the exact same activity that has nothing to do 
with our focus of cold fusion.  

  It is quite offensive and I believe the entity has a mental illness, so 
engaging it will do no good.

  On 12/22/12 9:21 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

Here, after a long period simply ignoring this fellow's posts, when it 
became clear that he was using this list almost totally to troll, I started 
responding again, initially by documenting what he'd been doing, showing how he 
was lying about his own behavior. 

  Ruby Carat
  Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Jojo Jaro
Yes, it would be good if Mr. Beaty took a long look at the situtation Vortex-L 
has become.

Then maybe, he can see that I was discussing with civility on a thread I 
started before Lomax, SVJ and others started the insults.  Yes, I am the troll 
for responding appropriately to insults.  Maybe, he'll notice that my responses 
are with insults that are calibrated to the level of nastiness thrown my way.  
Maybe. he'll notice which people really start the insults around here.

Very well, whichever twilight zone you live in, I'm the troll

You know, the Bible does predict a time when people would twist facts so much 
that they would call evil, good and good, evil.  Alas, that time is upon us.  
The victim is the aggressor that needs to be banned.  While the aggressors, 
because there's a bunch of them, as in a mob, get their way.  After all, 
there's a lot of them so they must be right.

OK, whatever.  

I am fighting to keep a little sanity in Vortex-L and keep people like you from 
dragging down this fine fine forum with your incessant trolling of off-topic 
posts.  We have lost fine fine great men with great ideas because of incessant 
off-topic posts and noise and you still maintain that it is your right to do 
so.  May I remind you that this problem preceeded my joining Vortex-L, so I am 
not the problem.  I am one fighting to highlight this problem and people like 
Lomax and SVJ  and others just can't handle the fact that I am trying to fix 
this forum that has become dysfunctional. 

So, If Bill does what you want, I wouldn't care too much.  After all, I am not 
really interested in joining a mob group.


  - Original Message - 
  From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson 
  Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 11:42 PM
  Subject: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent 
trolling activity

  I just sent off a brief message to Mr. Beaty asking if he could take a moment 
of his time to assess whether what I personally perceive to be an increase in 
trolling activity originating from certain anonymous individuals (whose names 
shall not be mentioned here to avoid email filters) might need to be addressed.


  It's generally not my policy to pester Mr. Beaty as we all have busy lives 
that need attending to. However, I am getting concerned.


  It was just my own personal opinion that I expressed to Mr. Beaty. As a 
single opinion I don't carry that much weight. It's more likely to be the 
collective opinions of the Collective that will carry the necessary weight. 
Therefore, others who might feel concerned about recent trolling activity might 
want to drop Bill a line. Be sure to express your own opinion. BE BRIEF!!!


  I did mention the fact that, IMHO, posting clearly marked Off Topic [OT] 
discussions is a perfectly healthy activity for Vortex-l participants, as long 
as the intention is not to incite undue aggravation among other members. 
Unfortunately, certain trolls  have been abusing that privilege. IMHO, it might 
be time to address the matter, administratively.


  My 2 cents



  Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Harry Veeder
how to shovel crap


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 10:32 PM 12/22/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Then maybe, he can see that I was discussing with civility on a 
thread I started before Lomax, SVJ and others started the 
insults.  Yes, I am the troll for responding appropriately to 
insults.  Maybe, he'll notice that my responses are with insults 
that are calibrated to the level of nastiness thrown my way.  Maybe. 
he'll notice which people really start the insults around here.

He can see it by looking at the history of each thread. He can see 
that Jojo initiated the uncivil exchanges, converting civil 
disagreement into personal attacks. I've documented this in the past, 
and if Mr. Beatty wants some support in finding the documentation, if 
he actually needs that -- he may not --, I'll be happy to provide 
whatever he asks for, either on or off-list.

He'll be able to tell that, in the most recent exchange, the 
discussion had gone cold, with Jojo having made the last comment, and 
other people just leaving it at that. He can then see that Jojo 
re-initiated it.

I am fighting to keep a little sanity in Vortex-L and keep people 
like you from dragging down this fine fine forum with your incessant 
trolling of off-topic posts.  We have lost fine fine great men with 
great ideas because of incessant off-topic posts and noise and you 
still maintain that it is your right to do so.  May I remind you 
that this problem preceeded my joining Vortex-L, so I am not the 
problem.  I am one fighting to highlight this problem and people 
like Lomax and SVJ  and others just can't handle the fact that I am 
trying to fix this forum that has become dysfunctional.

So, If Bill does what you want, I wouldn't care too much.  After 
all, I am not really interested in joining a mob group.

The list owner knows that some level of off-topic posting is useful socially.

If it were true, however, that I were using this group for Muslim 
propaganda, to argue about Islam, that would be a problem, but Jojo 
introduced the whole issue of Islam. It appears to have been done to 
troll for my response. There was no relevance to ongoing discussions, 
which weren't about Islam. This was entirely introduced here by Jojo. 
The same is likely true about Jojo's attacks on President Obama. I 
first became involved in discussion with Jojo, as I recall, over his 
birther claims.

I hadn't been familiar with the claims, generally trusting that if 
Obama really were not born in Hawaii, the truth would out -- and 
there might then be a constitutional problem, the resolution of which 
would be tough, and probably the Supreme Court would punt, 
i.e.,  consider that it would be an issue for Congress to resolve. 
But that's moot here.

Jojo attacked me precisely because I researched his claims, and found 
them *preposterous*. And I reported that here.

It's quite like the Moon God claims. I.e., if you search, you can 
find evidence for them. But we don't decide issues one-sidedly, 
only fanatics do that. We look at the balance of evidence.

This is actually relevant to common Vortex discussions. For example, 
we can find evidence that Rossi is a fraud. We can find evidence that 
he's for real.

What's the balance? Someone who is a fanatic only looks at one side. 
To actually come to sane conclusions -- or to recognize that no clear 
conclusion is yet possible -- one must consider *all the evidence.*

Someone like Jojo, arguing about Vortex topics, will cloud the 
issues, taking only one side. That happens all the time, we accept it 
here, *when it's on topic.* We also allow people to express unpopular 
opinions about other topics here. It is only when this totally 
dominates participation that it starts to be a problem.

I'll repeat my position: the list owner should warn anyone the list 
owner sees as having a problem with participation here, giving 
guidance on what is acceptable and what is not, and if the person 
neglects the warning, they should be banned. That's very simple, and 
the list owner is completely free to, for example, warn me or Steve 
or anyone. I'm not going to leave because of such a warning, if there 
is one. I'd respect it, to the degree possible.

I survived on Wikipedia as long as I did because, until I concluded 
that due process was a waste of time, there, and because Wikipedia 
has a stated mission that causes a broader common law than owner 
rules to apply, I followed community process and heeded 
administrative warnings. -- and what ultimately happened was that I 
was pursued in spite of this, that bans were re-interpreted to 
include what they clearly had not originally been intended to 
include. The faction I'd confronted -- successfully! -- was *going to 
retaliate* no matter what I did, and enough members of ArbComm, from 
leaks from their private mailing list on, were 
complicit that compliance became useless. My purpose on Wikipedia was 
to experiment with community process, and that mission had been 
accomplished, completed 

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Peter Gluck
Speaking about civilty CMNS does not accept CV-less unidetinfiable members
using nicknames saying what they want and not being accountable.
Vortex used to be a nice place, it is not more.
The Delete key is overused. Couldn't we discuss about the possible futures
of LENR. I wrote a paper about this but only Gary Wright has sent a
comment- not for the leading idea of the writing

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 7:31 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

 At 10:32 PM 12/22/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

  Then maybe, he can see that I was discussing with civility on a thread I
 started before Lomax, SVJ and others started the insults.  Yes, I am the
 troll for responding appropriately to insults.  Maybe, he'll notice that my
 responses are with insults that are calibrated to the level of nastiness
 thrown my way.  Maybe. he'll notice which people really start the insults
 around here.

 He can see it by looking at the history of each thread. He can see that
 Jojo initiated the uncivil exchanges, converting civil disagreement into
 personal attacks. I've documented this in the past, and if Mr. Beatty wants
 some support in finding the documentation, if he actually needs that -- he
 may not --, I'll be happy to provide whatever he asks for, either on or

 He'll be able to tell that, in the most recent exchange, the discussion
 had gone cold, with Jojo having made the last comment, and other people
 just leaving it at that. He can then see that Jojo re-initiated it.


 I am fighting to keep a little sanity in Vortex-L and keep people like
 you from dragging down this fine fine forum with your incessant trolling of
 off-topic posts.  We have lost fine fine great men with great ideas because
 of incessant off-topic posts and noise and you still maintain that it is
 your right to do so.  May I remind you that this problem preceeded my
 joining Vortex-L, so I am not the problem.  I am one fighting to highlight
 this problem and people like Lomax and SVJ  and others just can't handle
 the fact that I am trying to fix this forum that has become dysfunctional.

 So, If Bill does what you want, I wouldn't care too much.  After all, I
 am not really interested in joining a mob group.

 The list owner knows that some level of off-topic posting is useful

 If it were true, however, that I were using this group for Muslim
 propaganda, to argue about Islam, that would be a problem, but Jojo
 introduced the whole issue of Islam. It appears to have been done to troll
 for my response. There was no relevance to ongoing discussions, which
 weren't about Islam. This was entirely introduced here by Jojo. The same is
 likely true about Jojo's attacks on President Obama. I first became
 involved in discussion with Jojo, as I recall, over his birther claims.

 I hadn't been familiar with the claims, generally trusting that if Obama
 really were not born in Hawaii, the truth would out -- and there might then
 be a constitutional problem, the resolution of which would be tough, and
 probably the Supreme Court would punt, i.e.,  consider that it would be an
 issue for Congress to resolve. But that's moot here.

 Jojo attacked me precisely because I researched his claims, and found them
 *preposterous*. And I reported that here.

 It's quite like the Moon God claims. I.e., if you search, you can find
 evidence for them. But we don't decide issues one-sidedly, only fanatics
 do that. We look at the balance of evidence.

 This is actually relevant to common Vortex discussions. For example, we
 can find evidence that Rossi is a fraud. We can find evidence that he's for

 What's the balance? Someone who is a fanatic only looks at one side. To
 actually come to sane conclusions -- or to recognize that no clear
 conclusion is yet possible -- one must consider *all the evidence.*

 Someone like Jojo, arguing about Vortex topics, will cloud the issues,
 taking only one side. That happens all the time, we accept it here, *when
 it's on topic.* We also allow people to express unpopular opinions about
 other topics here. It is only when this totally dominates participation
 that it starts to be a problem.

 I'll repeat my position: the list owner should warn anyone the list owner
 sees as having a problem with participation here, giving guidance on what
 is acceptable and what is not, and if the person neglects the warning, they
 should be banned. That's very simple, and the list owner is completely free
 to, for example, warn me or Steve or anyone. I'm not going to leave because
 of such a warning, if there is one. I'd respect it, to the degree possible.

 I survived on Wikipedia as long as I did because, until I concluded that
 due process was a waste of time, there, and because Wikipedia has a stated
 mission that causes a broader common law than owner rules to apply, I
 followed community process and heeded administrative warnings. -- and what
 ultimately happened was that I was pursued in spite of 

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Eric Walker
On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Peter Gluck wrote:

Speaking about civilty CMNS does not accept CV-less unidetinfiable members
 using nicknames saying what they want and not being accountable.
 Vortex used to be a nice place, it is not more.

I agree.  The sock puppets can go somewhere else.  As can those who insist
on religious trolling (in contrast to those thoughtful contributors, such
as Abd, who simply feel the need to defend their religion against blatant
trolling).  I say ban the offenders, unsentimentally, without skipping a
beat.  They will have received far too many warnings already in my opinion
and are simply trying to see how much they can get away with.


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Jojo Jaro
As I was when people started calling the Bible a fairy tale written by goat 
herders.  You feel that I have no right to defend what I believe from lies, yet 
feel that Lomax has every right to defend his from the truth.  Every one went 
up in arms when I defended the Bible from lies; but when Lomax defends his from 
the truth; that is OK and celebrated.  I wonder why people are afraid to 
criticize islam.  Could it be that muslims would not put up with it like 
Christians would turn the other cheek?

I'm pretty sure that's it.  People tiptoe around islam while having a field day 
with Christianity.  Why?  They know they can get away with criticizing 
Christianity, unlike with islam.  

What exactly have I said about islam that is not the truth?  That you consider 
that trolling?

Have I not provided evidence from muslim scholars of what I said?  Have I not 
provided incontrovertible evidence that muhammed is indeed a child molester who 
forcibly took a 6 year-old little girl barely out of diapers still playing with 
dolls, and had intercourse with her when she was 9 years old.  The great 
prophet, for whom great wars are being fought, molested a 9 year old little 
girl.  It seems to me that those who follow such a man would need to have his 
head examined.  Yet he has the audacity to proclaim himself an expert.  LOL


  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric Walker 
  Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 1:49 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning 
recent trolling activity

  On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Peter Gluck wrote:

(in contrast to those thoughtful contributors, such as Abd, who simply feel 
the need to defend their religion against blatant trolling).


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Eric Walker

I've never added anyone to a killfile in my lilfe, but I'm doing it now.  I
hope Bill Beatty will ban you at some point, as you appear to have no
desire to get in tune with the wishes of the people on this list and would
prefer instead to try to steer the threads towards your own purposes.
 Until you are banned, as I hope you will be, blocking you will have to be
adequate for now.

All the best,

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 As I was when people started calling the Bible a fairy tale written by
 goat herders.  You feel that I have no right to defend what I believe from
 lies, yet feel that Lomax has every right to defend his from the truth.
 Every one went up in arms when I defended the Bible from lies; but when
 Lomax defends his from the truth; that is OK and celebrated.  I wonder why
 people are afraid to criticize islam.  Could it be that muslims would not
 put up with it like Christians would turn the other cheek?

 I'm pretty sure that's it.  People tiptoe around islam while having a
 field day with Christianity.  Why?  They know they can get away with
 criticizing Christianity, unlike with islam.

 What exactly have I said about islam that is not the truth?  That you
 consider that trolling?

 Have I not provided evidence from muslim scholars of what I said?  Have I
 not provided incontrovertible evidence that muhammed is indeed a child
 molester who forcibly took a 6 year-old little girl barely out of diapers
 still playing with dolls, and had intercourse with her when she was 9 years
 old.  The great prophet, for whom great wars are being fought, molested
 a 9 year old little girl.  It seems to me that those who follow such a man
 would need to have his head examined.  Yet he has the audacity to proclaim
 himself an expert.  LOL


 - Original Message -
 *From:* Eric Walker
 *Sent:* Monday, December 24, 2012 1:49 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty
 concerning recent trolling activity

 On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Peter Gluck

 (in contrast to those thoughtful contributors, such as Abd, who simply
 feel the need to defend their religion against blatant trolling).


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Jojo Jaro
Excellent spin Lomax.  Gotta admit, I did not forsee this spin.  So, it's 
about Balance now, right?

OK, if I am understanding you correctly, we should look at muhammed's life 
in Balance.  On the one hand, he is a child molester who forced sex on a 9 
year old little girl barely out of diapers;  BUT BUT BUT  on the other 
hand, he is a such such such great leader and allah's apostle (the HOLEY 
prophet) he is worth following and killing and going to jihad for.  Is this 
what you want people to swallow?  OK whatever.

Goodness creepers, everyone who follow this child molester and fight for him 
and commit murder for him should have their heads examined.

Have I not told that truth that muhammed had a 9 year old concubine that HE 
HAD SEX WITH?  If you consider it insulting when people tell the truth about 
your religion islam, how do you think I would feel when people told lies 
about the Bible?  The Bible written by goat herders?  Nothing could be more 

Well, I guess, a book written by honest hard working goat herders has got to 
be infinitely better than a book written by a child molester.  LOL


PS.  So, how about apologizing for calling me a liar about A'isha.  You said 
that I was lying about muhammed's 9 year old concubine and that there were 
only evangelical sources.  I have provided sources from muslim scholars (2 
of them.)  Are you honest enough to acknowledge that I did not lie about 
what I am saying.  How about learning how to study and research correctly, 
ha?  My goodness, you were a muslim chaplain?  No wonder muslims are 
confused.  They have you as the chaplain.

So, who's the liar now.  I provided proof from muslim scholars.  (Salih 
Muslim and Salih Bukhari are 2 of the most respected and venerated muslim 
works.)  You provided proof from wikipedia.  Yet I am the liar?

In case people don't see it.  Here's the proof of A'isha (muhammed's 9 year 
old sexual toy) again.

Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3311:
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace
be upon him) married her when she was seven years old, and he was taken to
his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; and
when he (the Holy Prophet) died she was eighteen years old.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 236:

Narrated Hisham's father:
Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed
there for two years or so and then he married 'Aisha when she was a girl of
six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old.

Here is how the Prophet used to have fun and sex with his child bride.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 6, Number 298:

Narrated 'Aisha:

The Prophet and I used to take a bath from a single pot while we were Junub.
During the menses, he used to order me to put on an Izar (dress worn below
the waist) and used to fondle me. While in Itikaf, he used to bring his head
near me and I would wash it while I used to be in my periods (menses).

Sahih Muslim Book 3, Number 0629:

'A'isha reported: I and the Messenger (may peace be upon him) took a bath
from the same vessel and our hands alternated into it in the state that we
had had sexual intercourse.

Can we ever imagine how an over fifty years old man could fondle his
pre-teen wife during her menstrual cycle! By the way, the meaning of Junub
is sexual defilement, that is, the state after having sex.

- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 1:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning 
recent trolling activity

At 10:32 PM 12/22/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Then maybe, he can see that I was discussing with civility on a thread I 
started before Lomax, SVJ and others started the insults.  Yes, I am the 
troll for responding appropriately to insults.  Maybe, he'll notice that 
my responses are with insults that are calibrated to the level of 
nastiness thrown my way.  Maybe. he'll notice which people really start 
the insults around here.

He can see it by looking at the history of each thread. He can see that 
Jojo initiated the uncivil exchanges, converting civil disagreement into 
personal attacks. I've documented this in the past, and if Mr. Beatty 
wants some support in finding the documentation, if he actually needs 
that -- he may not --, I'll be happy to provide whatever he asks for, 
either on or off-list.

He'll be able to tell that, in the most recent exchange, the discussion 
had gone cold, with Jojo having made the last comment, and other people 
just leaving it at that. He can then see that Jojo re-initiated it.

I am fighting to keep a little sanity in Vortex-L and keep people like you 
from dragging down this fine fine forum with your incessant trolling of 
off-topic posts.  We have lost fine fine great men with great ideas 
because of incessant 

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Jojo Jaro
oh my goodness, such a great lost for me.

If people would stop insulting me, this round of insults would end.  It's that 

I never start insults, but I will finish it.  I hate bullies, gang of bullies, 
liars and gang of liars.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric Walker 
  Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 6:45 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning 
recent trolling activity


  I've never added anyone to a killfile in my lilfe, but I'm doing it now.  I 
hope Bill Beatty will ban you at some point, as you appear to have no desire to 
get in tune with the wishes of the people on this list and would prefer instead 
to try to steer the threads towards your own purposes.  Until you are banned, 
as I hope you will be, blocking you will have to be adequate for now.

  All the best,

  On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

As I was when people started calling the Bible a fairy tale written by goat 
herders.  You feel that I have no right to defend what I believe from lies, yet 
feel that Lomax has every right to defend his from the truth.  Every one went 
up in arms when I defended the Bible from lies; but when Lomax defends his from 
the truth; that is OK and celebrated.  I wonder why people are afraid to 
criticize islam.  Could it be that muslims would not put up with it like 
Christians would turn the other cheek?

I'm pretty sure that's it.  People tiptoe around islam while having a field 
day with Christianity.  Why?  They know they can get away with criticizing 
Christianity, unlike with islam.  

What exactly have I said about islam that is not the truth?  That you 
consider that trolling?

Have I not provided evidence from muslim scholars of what I said?  Have I 
not provided incontrovertible evidence that muhammed is indeed a child molester 
who forcibly took a 6 year-old little girl barely out of diapers still playing 
with dolls, and had intercourse with her when she was 9 years old.  The great 
prophet, for whom great wars are being fought, molested a 9 year old little 
girl.  It seems to me that those who follow such a man would need to have his 
head examined.  Yet he has the audacity to proclaim himself an expert.  LOL


  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric Walker 
  Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 1:49 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty 
concerning recent trolling activity

  On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Peter Gluck 

(in contrast to those thoughtful contributors, such as Abd, who simply 
feel the need to defend their religion against blatant trolling).


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread MJ

George Carlin on religion:

On 23-Dec-12 20:36, Jojo Jaro wrote:
As I was when people started calling the Bible a fairy tale written by 
goat herders.  You feel that I have no right to defend what I believe 
from lies, yet feel that Lomax has every right to defend his from the 
truth.  Every one went up in arms when I defended the Bible from lies; 
but when Lomax defends his from the truth; that is OK and celebrated.  
I wonder why people are afraid to criticize islam.  Could it be that 
muslims would not put up with it like Christians would turn the other 
I'm pretty sure that's it. People tiptoe around islam while having a 
field day with Christianity.  Why?  They know they can get away with 
criticizing Christianity, unlike with islam.
What exactly have I said about islam that is not the truth?  That you 
consider that trolling?
Have I not provided evidence from muslim scholars of what I said?  
Have I not provided incontrovertible evidence that muhammed is indeed 
a child molester who forcibly took a 6 year-old little girl barely out 
of diapers still playing with dolls, and had intercourse with her when 
she was 9 years old.  The great prophet, for whom great wars are 
being fought, molested a 9 year old little girl.  It seems to me that 
those who follow such a man would need to have his head examined.  Yet 
he has the audacity to proclaim himself an expert.  LOL


- Original Message -
*From:* Eric Walker
*Sent:* Monday, December 24, 2012 1:49 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty
concerning recent trolling activity

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Peter Gluck wrote:

(in contrast to those thoughtful contributors, such as Abd,
who simply feel the need to defend their religion against
blatant trolling).


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Jojo Jaro
BTW, there is no need to ban me.  I will gladly unsubscribe and never 
resubscirbe again.

This will end when people stop destroying this forum with incessant off-topic 
posts.  It's not about what people in this group want, it's about civilized 
behavior and following the rules of this forum.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric Walker 
  Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 6:45 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning 
recent trolling activity


  I've never added anyone to a killfile in my lilfe, but I'm doing it now.  I 
hope Bill Beatty will ban you at some point, as you appear to have no desire to 
get in tune with the wishes of the people on this list and would prefer instead 
to try to steer the threads towards your own purposes.  Until you are banned, 
as I hope you will be, blocking you will have to be adequate for now.

  All the best,

  On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

As I was when people started calling the Bible a fairy tale written by goat 
herders.  You feel that I have no right to defend what I believe from lies, yet 
feel that Lomax has every right to defend his from the truth.  Every one went 
up in arms when I defended the Bible from lies; but when Lomax defends his from 
the truth; that is OK and celebrated.  I wonder why people are afraid to 
criticize islam.  Could it be that muslims would not put up with it like 
Christians would turn the other cheek?

I'm pretty sure that's it.  People tiptoe around islam while having a field 
day with Christianity.  Why?  They know they can get away with criticizing 
Christianity, unlike with islam.  

What exactly have I said about islam that is not the truth?  That you 
consider that trolling?

Have I not provided evidence from muslim scholars of what I said?  Have I 
not provided incontrovertible evidence that muhammed is indeed a child molester 
who forcibly took a 6 year-old little girl barely out of diapers still playing 
with dolls, and had intercourse with her when she was 9 years old.  The great 
prophet, for whom great wars are being fought, molested a 9 year old little 
girl.  It seems to me that those who follow such a man would need to have his 
head examined.  Yet he has the audacity to proclaim himself an expert.  LOL


  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric Walker 
  Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 1:49 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty 
concerning recent trolling activity

  On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Peter Gluck 

(in contrast to those thoughtful contributors, such as Abd, who simply 
feel the need to defend their religion against blatant trolling).


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Jojo Jaro


I never initiate insults. I never inititate personal attacks.  NEVER have, 
NEVER ever.

You handpick my posts and build a fallacious history of the events here and 
lie about it.

You're a BOLDFACE liar, just like your great HOLEY prophet.


- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 1:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning 
recent trolling activity

At 10:32 PM 12/22/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Then maybe, he can see that I was discussing with civility on a thread I 
started before Lomax, SVJ and others started the insults.  Yes, I am the 
troll for responding appropriately to insults.  Maybe, he'll notice that 
my responses are with insults that are calibrated to the level of 
nastiness thrown my way.  Maybe. he'll notice which people really start 
the insults around here.

He can see it by looking at the history of each thread. He can see that 
Jojo initiated the uncivil exchanges, converting civil disagreement into 
personal attacks. I've documented this in the past, and if Mr. Beatty 
wants some support in finding the documentation, if he actually needs 
that -- he may not --, I'll be happy to provide whatever he asks for, 
either on or off-list.

He'll be able to tell that, in the most recent exchange, the discussion 
had gone cold, with Jojo having made the last comment, and other people 
just leaving it at that. He can then see that Jojo re-initiated it.

I am fighting to keep a little sanity in Vortex-L and keep people like you 
from dragging down this fine fine forum with your incessant trolling of 
off-topic posts.  We have lost fine fine great men with great ideas 
because of incessant off-topic posts and noise and you still maintain that 
it is your right to do so.  May I remind you that this problem preceeded 
my joining Vortex-L, so I am not the problem.  I am one fighting to 
highlight this problem and people like Lomax and SVJ  and others just 
can't handle the fact that I am trying to fix this forum that has become 

So, If Bill does what you want, I wouldn't care too much.  After all, I am 
not really interested in joining a mob group.

The list owner knows that some level of off-topic posting is useful 

If it were true, however, that I were using this group for Muslim 
propaganda, to argue about Islam, that would be a problem, but Jojo 
introduced the whole issue of Islam. It appears to have been done to troll 
for my response. There was no relevance to ongoing discussions, which 
weren't about Islam. This was entirely introduced here by Jojo. The same 
is likely true about Jojo's attacks on President Obama. I first became 
involved in discussion with Jojo, as I recall, over his birther claims.

I hadn't been familiar with the claims, generally trusting that if Obama 
really were not born in Hawaii, the truth would out -- and there might 
then be a constitutional problem, the resolution of which would be tough, 
and probably the Supreme Court would punt, i.e.,  consider that it would 
be an issue for Congress to resolve. But that's moot here.

Jojo attacked me precisely because I researched his claims, and found them 
*preposterous*. And I reported that here.

It's quite like the Moon God claims. I.e., if you search, you can find 
evidence for them. But we don't decide issues one-sidedly, only fanatics 
do that. We look at the balance of evidence.

This is actually relevant to common Vortex discussions. For example, we 
can find evidence that Rossi is a fraud. We can find evidence that he's 
for real.

What's the balance? Someone who is a fanatic only looks at one side. To 
actually come to sane conclusions -- or to recognize that no clear 
conclusion is yet possible -- one must consider *all the evidence.*

Someone like Jojo, arguing about Vortex topics, will cloud the issues, 
taking only one side. That happens all the time, we accept it here, *when 
it's on topic.* We also allow people to express unpopular opinions about 
other topics here. It is only when this totally dominates participation 
that it starts to be a problem.

I'll repeat my position: the list owner should warn anyone the list owner 
sees as having a problem with participation here, giving guidance on what 
is acceptable and what is not, and if the person neglects the warning, 
they should be banned. That's very simple, and the list owner is 
completely free to, for example, warn me or Steve or anyone. I'm not going 
to leave because of such a warning, if there is one. I'd respect it, to 
the degree possible.

I survived on Wikipedia as long as I did because, until I concluded that 
due process was a waste of time, there, and because Wikipedia has a stated 
mission that causes a broader common law than owner rules to apply, I 
followed community process and heeded administrative warnings. -- and what 

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 02:20 PM 12/22/2012, Vorl Bek wrote:

But aside from such outrages, unpleasantness can best be dealt
with by using a killfile.

I don't use a killfile, because I historically often need to review 
messages quickly. I filter his posts into a special folder, and don't 
routinely read them. But when the matter seems to require attention, 
I may respond, and I have the whole history then.

Killfiles are useful for ordinary problems. This isn't ordinary.

Some of us think only of ourselves. Yes, we can protect ourselves 
from begin trolled by using a killfile; however, that does not 
protect newcomers to the list, who will read interchanges and think 
it's typical of the list. These people may just go away.

Jojo Jaro has promised to go away numerous times. He doesn't. He also 
has said that he only responds to outrageous comments from others, 
but the history does not support that. If it does, contrary to my own 
research, anyone is welcome to post evidence, either privately to me, 
or, if they feel it's needed, to the list in an OT thread like this.

It's also true that there were inappropriate comments from others, on 
occasion. But nobody else but Jojo is consistently trolling. He's 
acknowledged it. He's retaliating. Or he's answering propaganda, 
often some simple comment reflecting a view he disagrees with. He's 
very open about it, if one actually reads what he's posted.

If all he did was to disagree, this wouldn't be a problem. He doesn't 
merely disagree, he trots out every claim he could make to offend 
maximally, as to what he expects. He claims to expect me to try to 
go to my imam and ask for a fatwa against him. I.e., ask for some 
religious ruling that he should be killed.

He has a totally crazy image of me, of Muslims, and, for that matter, 
of many of us, in various ways. And he repeats it, over and over, 
even when there has been no new excuse.

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
Eh? Daniel seems to a bit, ah, out of it here. Nobody is blocked, not 
yet. Mr. Beaty has been asked to consider responding to the 
situation, and that's it.

I'm not sure what Daniel is saying here. Yes, posts here show up on 
Google searches. In fact, when I have tried to find sources for Jojo 
Jaro's claims, this forum seems to pop up first.

At 02:38 PM 12/22/2012, Daniel Rocha wrote:
I think people who spread lies that tend to induce genocide should 
not be outside jail and much less allowed to post on this forum. I 
think it is shameful for Mr. Beaty to allow this person to block 
that certain person, since not doing that is allowing such lies to 
be spread in google. So, Mr. Beaty will end up to be a collaborator 
with a nazist mentality, even possibly against his wishes, and 
influencing other people who look for information on google, to act 
in genocide like ways against Muslims.

2012/12/22 OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson

It was just my own personal opinion that I expressed to Mr. Beaty. 
As a single opinion I don't carry that much weight. It's more likely 
to be the collective opinions of the Collective that will carry the 
necessary weight. Therefore, others who might feel concerned about 
recent trolling activity might want to drop Bill a line. Be sure to 
express your own opinion. BE BRIEF!!!

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 05:36 PM 12/23/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
As I was when people started calling the Bible a fairy tale written 
by goat herders.

I don't recall that. Rather rude, I'd say, but is there something 
wrong with being a goat herder (i.e., a nomad)?

People who believe the Bible (or the Qur'an) are fairy tales are 
common. There is something wrong with the idea.

No fairies in the fairy tale. Must mean something else, like myth.

Something wrong with myth? Myth is how people preserved ideas and 
conveyed meaning that wasn't scientific fact. Not commenting on the 
Bible here, but the Qur'an is not a science textbook, nor is it a 
history text. It calls itself a story. A story that conveys 
something, and it does that.

And that is *my* story. My training is to use the word story to 
refer to interpretations, to the creation and assignment of 
*meaning.* True and false are stories. That is, they necessarily 
involve interpretations. That's not Islam, it's epistemology and 
simple understanding.

 You feel that I have no right to defend what I believe from lies,

The truth does not require defending, it's just truth.

 yet feel that Lomax has every right to defend his from the truth.

Jojo Jaro actually has no idea what I believe. He simply makes 
assumptions from Muslim. He imagines the situation is parallel, it isn't.

What I actually *worship* is Truth, and I don't own the truth; 
rather, it owns me. In all these discussions, I have simply stated 
what I've observed. Jojo Jaro thinks that I'm offended by the 
truth, and he believes that he has the truth. But he does not tell 
us what he actually knows, he tells us what he *believes*. There is a 
huge difference. And what he believes is not what he'd find in the 
Bible, for example, it's what he's gotten from reading lots of 
material that is from people he trusts, apparently. It's not coming 
from God, and unless his religion is something invented in the last 
few decades, it's very modern and not religious at all, except in a 
very loose sense.

He takes whatever he likes and *believes* it.

  Every one went up in arms when I defended the Bible from lies;

Great example. a fairy tale written by goat herders. Is that a 
*lie*. No, it's just an opinion, and not a particularly offensive 
one, except possible for some slur on nomads. It's just plain wrong, 
basically stupid. The nomads didn't write, they were generally 
illiterate. They almost certainly *did* tell stories. And so what?

Now, did someone repeat fairy tale written by goat herders over and 
over? I don't recall seeing it at all. And did 'everyone go up in 
arms when Jojo defended the Bible? Again, I don't recall, basically 
I don't recall Jojo defending anything. He attacks. Period. If 
someone says something false about the Bible, and that fairy tale 
statement could be false, at least that's a reasonable 
interpretation, he doesn't explain what's false and what is true, he 
attacks the poor person who said that, except that I don't recall it 
happening here, and I haven't looked back to his early posts. Jojo 
*never* gives evidence, he just makes his statements and expects 
everyone to either believe him or do research *that he makes difficult.*

 but when Lomax defends his from the truth; that is OK and celebrated.

Some don't like that I'm responding here. If Jojo had simply 
responded to false statements, that would be one thing. But what was 
false that needed to be responded to with Allah is a Moon God and 
Muslims are all liars and Muslims follow a pedophile prophet and 
Muslims are all vicious killers and all the rest. No, Jojo does not 
defend, he attacks, and he attacks with what he might believe is the 
truth, but which he actually does not know. He's the same as those 
who attacked Jesus as a heretic, believing what they'd been told about him.

  I wonder why people are afraid to criticize islam.  Could it be 
that muslims would not put up with it like Christians would turn 
the other cheek?

Jojo is hardly an example of turning the other cheek. He's very 
explicitly disavowed doing that, and has threatened to respond (and 
has responded) to perceived insult with *more* insult, thus breaking 
not only the Christian rule, but the older Jewish rule (Islam 
actually combines them, as I pointed out in a post, but, to be sure, 
that's normative Islam, not necessarily how Muslims behave.)

I'm pretty sure that's it.  People tiptoe around islam while having 
a field day with Christianity.  Why?  They know they can get away 
with criticizing Christianity, unlike with islam.

That's pretty weird. So people dislike what Jojo is doing because 
they are afraid of Islam. Who, here, is having a field day with 
Christianity? Jojo is not Christianity. Hardly!

There is only one person here who might be in real danger from what's 
been written here. Me. I'm not anonymous. I can be found. And there 
are Muslim fundamentalists who don't like how I write about Islam. 
For a time I had 

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread David L Babcock

Please!  Please do!
Ol' Bab

On 12/23/2012 6:23 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
BTW, there is no need to ban me. I will gladly unsubscribe and never 
resubscirbe again.
This will end when people stop destroying this forum with incessant 
off-topic posts.  It's not about what people in this group want, it's 
about civilized behavior and following the rules of this forum.


- Original Message -
*From:* Eric Walker
*Sent:* Monday, December 24, 2012 6:45 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty
concerning recent trolling activity


I've never added anyone to a killfile in my lilfe, but I'm doing
it now.  I hope Bill Beatty will ban you at some point, as you
appear to have no desire to get in tune with the wishes of the
people on this list and would prefer instead to try to steer the
threads towards your own purposes.  Until you are banned, as I
hope you will be, blocking you will have to be adequate for now.

All the best,

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

As I was when people started calling the Bible a fairy tale
written by goat herders.  You feel that I have no right to
defend what I believe from lies, yet feel that Lomax has every
right to defend his from the truth.  Every one went up in arms
when I defended the Bible from lies; but when Lomax defends
his from the truth; that is OK and celebrated.  I wonder why
people are afraid to criticize islam.  Could it be that
muslims would not put up with it like Christians would turn
the other cheek?
I'm pretty sure that's it. People tiptoe around islam while
having a field day with Christianity.  Why?  They know they
can get away with criticizing Christianity, unlike with islam.
What exactly have I said about islam that is not the truth? 
That you consider that trolling?

Have I not provided evidence from muslim scholars of what I
said?  Have I not provided incontrovertible evidence that
muhammed is indeed a child molester who forcibly took a 6
year-old little girl barely out of diapers still playing with
dolls, and had intercourse with her when she was 9 years old. 
The great prophet, for whom great wars are being fought,

molested a 9 year old little girl.  It seems to me that those
who follow such a man would need to have his head examined. 
Yet he has the audacity to proclaim himself an expert.  LOL


- Original Message -
*From:* Eric Walker
*Sent:* Monday, December 24, 2012 1:49 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to
Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Peter Gluck wrote:

(in contrast to those thoughtful contributors, such as
Abd, who simply feel the need to defend their religion
against blatant trolling).


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Jojo Jaro
Can you guarantee no more incessant off-topic posts?


  - Original Message - 
  From: David L Babcock 
  Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 11:29 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning 
recent trolling activity

  Please!  Please do!
  Ol' Bab

  On 12/23/2012 6:23 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

BTW, there is no need to ban me.  I will gladly unsubscribe and never 
resubscirbe again.

This will end when people stop destroying this forum with incessant 
off-topic posts.  It's not about what people in this group want, it's about 
civilized behavior and following the rules of this forum.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric Walker 
  Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 6:45 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty 
concerning recent trolling activity


  I've never added anyone to a killfile in my lilfe, but I'm doing it now.  
I hope Bill Beatty will ban you at some point, as you appear to have no desire 
to get in tune with the wishes of the people on this list and would prefer 
instead to try to steer the threads towards your own purposes.  Until you are 
banned, as I hope you will be, blocking you will have to be adequate for now.

  All the best,

  On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

As I was when people started calling the Bible a fairy tale written by 
goat herders.  You feel that I have no right to defend what I believe from 
lies, yet feel that Lomax has every right to defend his from the truth.  Every 
one went up in arms when I defended the Bible from lies; but when Lomax defends 
his from the truth; that is OK and celebrated.  I wonder why people are afraid 
to criticize islam.  Could it be that muslims would not put up with it like 
Christians would turn the other cheek?

I'm pretty sure that's it.  People tiptoe around islam while having a 
field day with Christianity.  Why?  They know they can get away with 
criticizing Christianity, unlike with islam.  

What exactly have I said about islam that is not the truth?  That you 
consider that trolling?

Have I not provided evidence from muslim scholars of what I said?  Have 
I not provided incontrovertible evidence that muhammed is indeed a child 
molester who forcibly took a 6 year-old little girl barely out of diapers still 
playing with dolls, and had intercourse with her when she was 9 years old.  The 
great prophet, for whom great wars are being fought, molested a 9 year old 
little girl.  It seems to me that those who follow such a man would need to 
have his head examined.  Yet he has the audacity to proclaim himself an expert. 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric Walker 
  Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 1:49 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty 
concerning recent trolling activity

  On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Peter Gluck 

(in contrast to those thoughtful contributors, such as Abd, who 
simply feel the need to defend their religion against blatant trolling).


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread David L Babcock

Can you herd cats?
Ol' Bab

On 12/23/2012 10:38 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Can you guarantee no more incessant off-topic posts?

- Original Message -
*From:* David L Babcock
*Sent:* Monday, December 24, 2012 11:29 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty
concerning recent trolling activity

Please!  Please do!
Ol' Bab

On 12/23/2012 6:23 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

BTW, there is no need to ban me.  I will gladly unsubscribe and
never resubscirbe again.

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Jojo Jaro
Did you try?  

If you post a reply with criticism of the off-topic posts, your credibility 
with me will skyrocket and I will be more apt to take you advice.


  - Original Message - 
  From: David L Babcock 
  Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 11:43 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning 
recent trolling activity

  Can you herd cats?
  Ol' Bab

  On 12/23/2012 10:38 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Can you guarantee no more incessant off-topic posts?

  - Original Message - 
  From: David L Babcock 
  Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 11:29 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty 
concerning recent trolling activity

  Please!  Please do!
  Ol' Bab

  On 12/23/2012 6:23 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

BTW, there is no need to ban me.  I will gladly unsubscribe and never 
resubscirbe again.

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 06:11 PM 12/23/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Excellent spin Lomax.  Gotta admit, I did not forsee this spin.  So, 
it's about Balance now, right?

OK, if I am understanding you correctly, we should look at 
muhammed's life in Balance.

No, Jojo does not understand. Judging the interpretation of facts 
requires *balancing* evidence. Someone who is reasoning from 
conclusions only looks at evidence in one direction. Here, we can 
see, Jojo simply assumes his conclusion, and says things that are not 
from *any* source that would have knowledge. Watch.

  On the one hand, he is a child molester who forced sex on a 9 
year old little girl barely out of diapers;

He repeats the barely out of diapers, because what he wants to do 
is create an impression. Ayesha, at the time when sex became an 
issue, was sexually mature. Now, it can happen -- it's very rare -- 
that a very, very young girl might be sexually mature, technically. 
But that was not the case with this young woman. She was, at the 
*earliest* of the ages reported, nine. And the Arabs didn't use diapers.

So: what is the source that

1. Sex was forced on her.
2. She was little.
3. She was barely out of diapers.
4. He was a child molester.

You can find sources that she was nine; the problem is, these sources 
don't tell us how the reporter knew she was nine. Basically, it boils 
down to *rumor.*

So the only thing that is *possibly true* there is based on rumors.

What is clear is that the Muslim sources on which *all this is based* 
consider her sexually mature at consummation. And that was 
established by the ruling of a judge in the Yemen that a 10-year-old 
girl was raped -- by her husband -- because she had not gone 
through puberty. Believe me, if there was some idea that Ayesha was 
not sexually mature, that decision would have gone very differently.

Marriageability at puberty is an almost universal tribal standard, 
around the world. It still exists, in theory, in some U.S. states, 
it's merely very, very rare that a judge would allow it (and very 
young marriage requires the permission of a judge).

  BUT BUT BUT  on the other hand, he is a such such such great 
leader and allah's apostle (the HOLEY prophet) he is worth 
following and killing and going to jihad for.  Is this what you 
want people to swallow?  OK whatever.

I don't think I've mentioned anything about going to jihad, nor 
have I extolled the greatness of the Prophet. No, Jojo is attacking 
this because he believes it would enrage me. After all, I'm a Muslim, 
and he's been taught to believe that we go ballistic over people saying that.

No. We don't, most of us, we are more amused at the idiocy of the 
claims of someone like Jojo. He's not the first to say these things, 
the Pedophile Prophet trope was common for a time on 
soc.religion.islam until it simply was talked to death, and the 
moderators started to ban it. Christian moderator included. The real 
Christian apologists never supported it. It embarrassed them, in 
fact. Of course, those were real Christians.

Have I not told that truth that muhammed had a 9 year old concubine 

1. Might be true that he had a nine-year old wife.
2. Not true that he had a nine-year old concubine.

 If you consider it insulting when people tell the truth about your 
religion islam, how do you think I would feel when people told lies 
about the Bible?  The Bible written by goat herders?  Nothing could 
be more moronic.

The Bible was not written by goat herders. That's as nonsensical as 
Jojo's diapers on a nine-year old Arab woman (who was, by all 
accounts, sexually mature.)

Well, I guess, a book written by honest hard working goat herders 
has got to be infinitely better than a book written by a child 
molester.  LOL

No, the bible was not written by goat herders, nor was the Qur'an 
written by a child molester. It even was not written by Muhammad. He 
was, like the goat herders, illiterate.


PS.  So, how about apologizing for calling me a liar about A'isha.

And then he lies about what I said, or what I said was really about a lie.

  You said that I was lying about muhammed's 9 year old concubine

Not a concubine. I wrote at one time that maybe there was a servant 
girl who was young, but I don't know such a story and Jojo didn't 
pick up on the distinction. Above, he makes it pretty clear that he's 
calling Ayesha a concubine. She wasn't. Period. So there goes a repeated lie.

 and that there were only evangelical sources.

Never said that about the Ayesha material. Jojo does not actually pay 

I have provided sources from muslim scholars (2 of them.)

Those are not scholars, as such. They are *sources*, early ones, 
compilations of stories about the Prophet, and they don't confirm 
Jojo's claims.

Are you honest enough to acknowledge that I did not lie about what I 
am saying.

I never denied that sources exist. I denied that you had provided 
them, and 

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
I've gone over the history, and Jojo is lying again. I'll be happy to 
apologize if I erred in my analysis. Jojo, below, says I nandpicked 
his posts. If I cherry-picked the posts, I certainly did not attept to do so.

But the cherry-picking claim is a cheap shot. If I cherry-picked, 
then Jojo could point to the others, for balance.

Here, I just summarized. I presented actual links before, that show 
that if Jojo isn't just lying, he doesn't realize what he himself 
did, so certain is he that others are just picking on him.

Let him cast the beam out of his own eye before he attempts to remove 
the splinter from his neighbor's.

At 06:31 PM 12/23/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:


I never initiate insults. I never inititate personal attacks.  NEVER 
have, NEVER ever.

You handpick my posts and build a fallacious history of the events 
here and lie about it.

You're a BOLDFACE liar, just like your great HOLEY prophet.


- Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 1:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty 
concerning recent trolling activity

At 10:32 PM 12/22/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Then maybe, he can see that I was discussing with civility on a 
thread I started before Lomax, SVJ and others started the 
insults.  Yes, I am the troll for responding appropriately to 
insults.  Maybe, he'll notice that my responses are with insults 
that are calibrated to the level of nastiness thrown my 
way.  Maybe. he'll notice which people really start the insults around here.

He can see it by looking at the history of each thread. He can see 
that Jojo initiated the uncivil exchanges, converting civil 
disagreement into personal attacks. I've documented this in the 
past, and if Mr. Beatty wants some support in finding the 
documentation, if he actually needs that -- he may not --, I'll be 
happy to provide whatever he asks for, either on or off-list.

He'll be able to tell that, in the most recent exchange, the 
discussion had gone cold, with Jojo having made the last comment, 
and other people just leaving it at that. He can then see that Jojo 
re-initiated it.

I am fighting to keep a little sanity in Vortex-L and keep people 
like you from dragging down this fine fine forum with your 
incessant trolling of off-topic posts.  We have lost fine fine 
great men with great ideas because of incessant off-topic posts 
and noise and you still maintain that it is your right to do 
so.  May I remind you that this problem preceeded my joining 
Vortex-L, so I am not the problem.  I am one fighting to highlight 
this problem and people like Lomax and SVJ  and others just can't 
handle the fact that I am trying to fix this forum that has become 

So, If Bill does what you want, I wouldn't care too much.  After 
all, I am not really interested in joining a mob group.

The list owner knows that some level of off-topic posting is useful socially.

If it were true, however, that I were using this group for Muslim 
propaganda, to argue about Islam, that would be a problem, but 
Jojo introduced the whole issue of Islam. It appears to have been 
done to troll for my response. There was no relevance to ongoing 
discussions, which weren't about Islam. This was entirely 
introduced here by Jojo. The same is likely true about Jojo's 
attacks on President Obama. I first became involved in discussion 
with Jojo, as I recall, over his birther claims.

I hadn't been familiar with the claims, generally trusting that if 
Obama really were not born in Hawaii, the truth would out -- and 
there might then be a constitutional problem, the resolution of 
which would be tough, and probably the Supreme Court would punt, 
i.e.,  consider that it would be an issue for Congress to resolve. 
But that's moot here.

Jojo attacked me precisely because I researched his claims, and 
found them *preposterous*. And I reported that here.

It's quite like the Moon God claims. I.e., if you search, you can 
find evidence for them. But we don't decide issues one-sidedly, 
only fanatics do that. We look at the balance of evidence.

This is actually relevant to common Vortex discussions. For 
example, we can find evidence that Rossi is a fraud. We can find 
evidence that he's for real.

What's the balance? Someone who is a fanatic only looks at one 
side. To actually come to sane conclusions -- or to recognize that 
no clear conclusion is yet possible -- one must consider *all the evidence.*

Someone like Jojo, arguing about Vortex topics, will cloud the 
issues, taking only one side. That happens all the time, we accept 
it here, *when it's on topic.* We also allow people to express 
unpopular opinions about other topics here. It is only when this 
totally dominates participation that it starts to be a problem.

I'll repeat my position: the list owner should warn anyone the list 

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Why would he care about off-topic posts on a list that he doesn't subscribe to?

At 10:38 PM 12/23/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Can you guarantee no more incessant off-topic posts?


- Original Message -
From: mailto:ol...@rochester.rr.comDavid L Babcock
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query 
off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

Please!  Please do!
Ol' Bab

On 12/23/2012 6:23 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
BTW, there is no need to ban me.  I will gladly 
unsubscribe and never resubscirbe again.

This will end when people stop destroying this 
forum with incessant off-topic posts.  It's not 
about what people in this group want, it's 
about civilized behavior and following the rules of this forum.


- Original Message -
From: mailto:eric.wal...@gmail.comEric Walker
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 6:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query 
off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity


I've never added anyone to a killfile in my 
lilfe, but I'm doing it now.  I hope Bill 
Beatty will ban you at some point, as you 
appear to have no desire to get in tune with 
the wishes of the people on this list and would 
prefer instead to try to steer the threads 
towards your own purposes.  Until you are 
banned, as I hope you will be, blocking you will have to be adequate for now.

All the best,

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
As I was when people started calling the Bible 
a fairy tale written by goat herders.  You feel 
that I have no right to defend what I believe 
from lies, yet feel that Lomax has every right 
to defend his from the truth.  Every one went 
up in arms when I defended the Bible from lies; 
but when Lomax defends his from the truth; that 
is OK and celebrated.  I wonder why people are 
afraid to criticize islam.  Could it be that 
muslims would not put up with it like Christians would turn the other cheek?

I'm pretty sure that's it.  People tiptoe 
around islam while having a field day with 
Christianity.  Why?  They know they can get 
away with criticizing Christianity, unlike with islam.

What exactly have I said about islam that is 
not the truth?  That you consider that trolling?

Have I not provided evidence from muslim 
scholars of what I said?  Have I not provided 
incontrovertible evidence that muhammed is 
indeed a child molester who forcibly took a 6 
year-old little girl barely out of diapers 
still playing with dolls, and had intercourse 
with her when she was 9 years old.  The great 
prophet, for whom great wars are being fought, 
molested a 9 year old little girl.  It seems to 
me that those who follow such a man would need 
to have his head examined.  Yet he has the 
audacity to proclaim himself an expert.  LOL


- Original Message -
From: mailto:eric.wal...@gmail.comEric Walker
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 1:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query 
off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Peter Gluck wrote:

(in contrast to those thoughtful contributors, 
such as Abd, who simply feel the need to defend 
their religion against blatant trolling).


[Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
I just sent off a brief message to Mr. Beaty asking if he could take a
moment of his time to assess whether what I personally perceive to be an
increase in trolling activity originating from certain anonymous individuals
(whose names shall not be mentioned here to avoid email filters) might need
to be addressed.


It's generally not my policy to pester Mr. Beaty as we all have busy lives
that need attending to. However, I am getting concerned.


It was just my own personal opinion that I expressed to Mr. Beaty. As a
single opinion I don't carry that much weight. It's more likely to be the
collective opinions of the Collective that will carry the necessary weight.
Therefore, others who might feel concerned about recent trolling activity
might want to drop Bill a line. Be sure to express your own opinion. BE


I did mention the fact that, IMHO, posting clearly marked Off Topic [OT]
discussions is a perfectly healthy activity for Vortex-l participants, as
long as the intention is not to incite undue aggravation among other
members. Unfortunately, certain trolls  have been abusing that privilege.
IMHO, it might be time to address the matter, administratively.


My 2 cents



Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-22 Thread leaking pen
Well, it just came to my attention from the B list that somehow I got
unsubscribed a while back and been too busy to notice, so I just rejoined
the list a few days back, I can't honestly say. But I'll keep my eyes out.

On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 8:42 AM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

 I just sent off a brief message to Mr. Beaty asking if he could take a
 moment of his time to assess whether what I personally perceive to be an
 increase in trolling activity originating from certain anonymous
 individuals (whose names shall not be mentioned here to avoid email
 filters) might need to be addressed.

 ** **

 It’s generally not my policy to pester Mr. Beaty as we all have busy lives
 that need attending to. However, I am getting concerned.

 ** **

 It was just my own personal opinion that I expressed to Mr. Beaty. As a
 single opinion I don’t carry that much weight. It’s more likely to be the
 collective opinions of the Collective that will carry the necessary weight.
 Therefore, others who might feel concerned about recent trolling activity
 might want to drop Bill a line. Be sure to express your own opinion. BE

 ** **

 I did mention the fact that, IMHO, posting clearly marked Off Topic [OT]
 discussions is a perfectly healthy activity for Vortex-l participants, as
 long as the intention is not to incite undue aggravation among other
 members. Unfortunately, certain trolls  have been abusing that privilege.
 IMHO, it might be time to address the matter, administratively.

 ** **

 My 2 cents

 ** **


 Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-22 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
I support Steven's action. I have not contacted Mr. Beaty, and my 
position in general is that individuals should not be banned from the 
list without a violated warning from someone speaking with authority. 
But that's normative, not prescriptive, and the matter is up to list 
owner discretion. I do support letting the list know when someone is banned.

And banned list members do have the individual email addresses of 
list members (from before they were banned, if they keep their own 
received mail), and can still submit anything appropriate to the list 
through such a channel. Of course, a list member who forwards 
inappropriate material would themselves be subject to scrutiny. If 
the fellow in question were to send me a mail and I were to forward 
it to the list, in order to respond to it, I'd be responsible for that.

I actually need to be careful about this, because it can happen 
inadvertently. Suppose a banned member sends me an email that is cc'd 
to the list, and I respond with Reply to All as I normally do, not 
noticing that it was sent personally to me. Even though the banned 
member's post would be bounced, *my reply* would not.

I've previously erred in similar ways.

Here, after a long period simply ignoring this fellow's posts, when 
it became clear that he was using this list almost totally to troll, 
I started responding again, initially by documenting what he'd been 
doing, showing how he was lying about his own behavior.

And I also responded in detail about his claims about Islam, and 
there is a purpose to that (and when it was pointed out that any of 
this should have the [OT} tag, I started to add that.) My reason: 
what this fellow claims are myths believed by a surprisingly high 
number of Americans, probably because of the publication in certain 
religious circles.

At 10:42 AM 12/22/2012, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:
I just sent off a brief message to Mr. Beaty asking if he could take 
a moment of his time to assess whether what I personally perceive to 
be an increase in trolling activity originating from certain 
anonymous individuals (whose names shall not be mentioned here to 
avoid email filters) might need to be addressed.

It's generally not my policy to pester Mr. Beaty as we all have busy 
lives that need attending to. However, I am getting concerned.

It was just my own personal opinion that I expressed to Mr. Beaty. 
As a single opinion I don't carry that much weight. It's more likely 
to be the collective opinions of the Collective that will carry the 
necessary weight. Therefore, others who might feel concerned about 
recent trolling activity might want to drop Bill a line. Be sure to 
express your own opinion. BE BRIEF!!!

I did mention the fact that, IMHO, posting clearly marked Off Topic 
[OT] discussions is a perfectly healthy activity for Vortex-l 
participants, as long as the intention is not to incite undue 
aggravation among other members. Unfortunately, certain trolls  have 
been abusing that privilege. IMHO, it might be time to address the 
matter, administratively.

My 2 cents

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-22 Thread ChemE Stewart
As religious beliefs have been  behind some of the largest conflicts known
to mankind, I believe it is very unproductive to attack each other's
religion.  America makes it free to choose and believe.

All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these
aspirations are directed toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the
sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards

I do not know if it is trolling, but I would suggest to stop attacking.

My two cents.


On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 12:21 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

 And banned list members do have the individual email addresses of list
 members (from before they were banned, if they keep their own received
 mail), and can still submit anything appropriate to the list through such a
 channel. Of course, a list member who forwards inappropriate material would
 themselves be subject to scrutiny. If the fellow in question were to send
 me a mail and I were to forward it to the list, in order to respond to it,
 I'd be responsible for that.

 I actually need to be careful about this, because it can happen
 inadvertently. Suppose a banned member sends me an email that is cc'd to
 the list, and I respond with Reply to All as I normally do, not noticing
 that it was sent personally to me. Even though the banned member's post
 would be bounced, *my reply* would not.

 I've previously erred in similar ways.

 Here, after a long period simply ignoring this fellow's posts, when it
 became clear that he was using this list almost totally to troll, I started
 responding again, initially by documenting what he'd been doing, showing
 how he was lying about his own behavior.

 And I also responded in detail about his claims about Islam, and there is
 a purpose to that (a

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-22 Thread Vorl Bek
I haven't seen any trolling here. What I have seen are opinions of
one gentleman being depreciated, often with insult, whereupon he
answers vigorously.

If the people who do not like his opinions would ignore him, or
reply politely, I don't think there would be a problem.

I recently started to block everything from or about him so I do
not see anything. 

You might try that rather than trying to get him booted off the
list, which is what 'administratively' would mean.

Is there some reason you can not use killfiles to ignore him; I
mean some psychological reason that requires you to see everything
going on here, no matter how unpleasant it is to you?

I ask because I do not feel any such necessity and do not
understand why anybody would get bent out of shape about something
like what you are talking about.

There are limits of course; I, for example, would demand that Bill
Beaty boot anyone who claimed that Rossi has shown no evidence of
OU heat generation.

But aside from such outrages, unpleasantness can best be dealt
with by using a killfile.

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-22 Thread Daniel Rocha
I think people who spread lies that tend to induce genocide should not be
outside jail and much less allowed to post on this forum. I think it is
shameful for Mr. Beaty to allow this person to block that certain person,
since not doing that is allowing such lies to be spread in google. So, Mr.
Beaty will end up to be a collaborator with a nazist mentality, even
possibly against his wishes, and influencing other people who look for
information on google, to act in genocide like ways against Muslims.

2012/12/22 OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson

 It was just my own personal opinion that I expressed to Mr. Beaty. As a
 single opinion I don’t carry that much weight. It’s more likely to be the
 collective opinions of the Collective that will carry the necessary weight.
 Therefore, others who might feel concerned about recent trolling activity
 might want to drop Bill a line. Be sure to express your own opinion. BE


Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-22 Thread Ruby

The avatar I believe you are referring to has also been banned from 
commenting on our website due to the exact same activity that has 
nothing to do with our focus of cold fusion.

It is quite offensive and I believe the entity has a mental illness, so 
engaging it will do no good.

On 12/22/12 9:21 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
Here, after a long period simply ignoring this fellow's posts, when it 
became clear that he was using this list almost totally to troll, I 
started responding again, initially by documenting what he'd been 
doing, showing how he was lying about his own behavior.

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-22 Thread John Berry
While I think banning one or 2 might be a good idea.
Since Bill has shown a reluctance to do this maybe setting up a filter is
the best way.

I would rather have a list owner that allowed freedom over a dictator that
micromanaged it.

Maybe those who have actually contributed to the running cost would have a
case to request such though?
I never have.


On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 9:33 AM, Ruby wrote:

 The avatar I believe you are referring to has also been banned from
 commenting on our website due to the exact same activity that has nothing
 to do with our focus of cold fusion.

 It is quite offensive and I believe the entity has a mental illness, so
 engaging it will do no good.

 On 12/22/12 9:21 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

 Here, after a long period simply ignoring this fellow's posts, when it
 became clear that he was using this list almost totally to troll, I started
 responding again, initially by documenting what he'd been doing, showing
 how he was lying about his own behavior.

 Ruby Carat
 Skype ruby-carat

RE: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Vorl:


Since I started this post, I'll assume your rely was meant for me.


 I haven't seen any trolling here. What I have seen are opinions

 of one gentleman being depreciated, often with insult, whereupon

 he answers vigorously.


You are certainly free to express your own observations on the matter.
Here's my observation of your observation: I don't think you have been very
observant. Feel free to disagree.


 If the people who do not like his opinions would ignore him, or

 reply politely, I don't think there would be a problem.


Many are doing just that. Myself included. I have been filtering his posts
for quite some time now.


 I recently started to block everything from or about him so I do

 not see anything. 


A sensible approach. As previously mentioned, I also block his posts. 


But I also choose not to block the posts of others who may be replying to
this troll's posts. That is too much of a draconian approach for me to
initiate. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater, etc...


 You might try that rather than trying to get him booted off the

 list, which is what 'administratively' would mean.


I have asked Mr. Beaty to look into the matter administratively since it is
his list to do what he wants with. In the end it is Mr. Beaty's decision,
not mine.


 Is there some reason you can not use killfiles to ignore him;


I do.


 I mean some psychological reason that requires you to see

 everything going on here, no matter how unpleasant it is to you?


I would reply by saying you are being patronizing. You have no idea what I
read and don't read on this list. 


Let me point out that recently there now seems to be brand new poster, an
anonymous individual who goes by the name of Orgasm Wikipedia. This
anonymous poster seems to be gearing up to perform copy-cat trolling
behavior. He recently attempted to equate Mr. Lomax with Ahmadinejad. Lomax
reminds me of Ahmadinejad. This is what concerns me: copy-cat trolling


I am concerned about votex-l possibly catching another trolling virus.
Catching a virus is an apt description Mr. Beaty has used in the past when
trolling behavior suddenly takes an up-tick and begins to potentially affect
the health of his list. The list can catch a fever.


 I ask because I do not feel any such necessity and do not

 understand why anybody would get bent out of shape about

 something like what you are talking about.


It's quite simple. I'm concerned about the over-all health of the vortex-l


 There are limits of course; I, for example, would demand that

 Bill Beaty boot anyone who claimed that Rossi has shown no

 evidence of OU heat generation.


Let me get this straight. You could care less about a poster ranting all
over the place about his religious predilections, but OTOH, if someone
opines that Rossi has shown now OU heat generation he should be booted off
this list? Are you serious? That could possibly turn out to be half the
Vortex-l membership! Hell! I don't know if Rossi is for real. I'd like to
think he is the genuine article, but I really don't know. I have no proof!


 But aside from such outrages, unpleasantness can best be dealt

 with by using a killfile.


Usually a killfile is enough. Unfortunately, sometimes it isn't. In the end,
however, it's Mr. Beaty's decision.


Incidentally, I don't want off topic discussions banned, particularly when
the subjects being discussed are not meant to antagonize others.
Unfortunately, increased trolling activity can result in a temporary ban of
off topic discussions, as implemented by Mr. Beaty as a way to reduce the
vortrex-l fever. That's a major reason why I'm concerned about recent
trolling activity. I don't want off topic discussions temporarily banned as
a way to reduce the fever. Mr. Beaty has had to do this in the past.
Unfortunately, and IMO, that may very well be one of the goals this troller
is attempting. If he can get Mr. Beaty to ban him but also ban off topic
discussions he thinks are inappropriate for Vortex-l, he thinks he wins.
Meanwhile, the rest of us are inconvenienced.



Steven Vincent Johnson