test 2

2006-11-17 Thread Sandro Hawke
let's try that attachment again

Description: application/scribe

Programmable XML Fallback and Impact Mechanism (PXFIM)

2007-11-06 Thread Sandro Hawke

Ok, so here's what I end up with from the day's discussions.  It's a
fairly-small generalization from what we're talking about for RIF (that
the WG seems pretty comfortable with), to cover all (namespaced) XML.
Obviously this is quick-and-dirty write-up, but maybe it gets the idea
across.   Maybe the abstract enough

 - s

/== Programmable XML Fallback and Impact Mechanism (PXFIM)

== Abstract == 

PXFIM provides forward compatiblity for XML-based languages deployed
on the Web, allowing them to evolve in place and to be extended by
users independently.  It does this by allowing creators of extensions,
new languages, and new language versions to publish fallback
information, including impact data.  This information is used by
PXFIM processors to translate documents from new (unimplemented)
formats into old (implemented) ones as needed.

== Operational Model ==

Conceptually, a PXFIM processor is a frontend, in front of normal
XML-consuming software.  Before the regular software consumes any XML
document, the PXFIM processor has a chance to transform the document.

When deployed, the PXFIM processor is configured with a set of XML
Schemas for validating the documents it is allowed to pass to the
backend.  These schemas communicate to PXFIM which XML languages the
backend implements.  They should be written tightly, so they do
*not* accept anticipated future versions the languages.

The PXFIM processor is also configured with a table of weights for
different kinds of impacts.  This table will be application
specific, as detailed [below].

== The Algorithm ==

Here's what a PXFIM processor must do:

1.  Try to validate the input document against each of the backend
schemas.   If it validates against any of them, pass it through
and we're done.   Otherwise:

2.  Parse the input document for any PXFIM declarations and PXFIM
import-control information.

3.  If there is no PXFIM import-control information, or if there is
and it allows it, dereference all the namespaces used in the
document.  [@@ some issues about rdf-style URIs, but this is close
enough for now.]  The returned content should contain more PXFIM
declarations or be (somehow) linked to other documents which do.

4.  Use these PXFIM declarations [ and maybe others? ] to find the
minimal-impact fallback path from the input to one of the backend
acceptable schemas.Each step on the fallback path is an XSLT
which transforms a document from a new format to an old one,
possibly changing the meaning or other characterisitcs. These
changes indicated by the associated impact information.

5.  If there is such a path, perform the fallbacks, and pass the result
to the backend along with the accumulated impact flags.  If there is
not one, let the backend know that fallback is not possible for this

== Example Scenario ==

A new XML language, PianoML is developed for communicating information
about pianos.  The first version, 1.0, is adopted by several
organizations that buy and sell pianos, as well as music schools, moving
companies, and a few musicians.  It allows them to pass around
information about specific pianos (eg Steinway piano #212640, which has
alligatored finish and curve-tapered legs).  Their inventory systems and
various other software is modified to read and write this format.
[ It took me several tries to come up with a FooML that didn't really
exist.  :-) ]

After some time, it becomes clear that some useful fields were left
out.  In version 1.0, there was a one-bit flag saying whether the
tuning pegs tended to slip.  For version 1.1, some users wanted
detailed information about which pegs tended to slip, and how strong
the tendency was.  This could easily be added, but how would the
software written to handle PianoML 1.0 files respond?  Some systems
would probably fail, some would ignore the new information, some might
do other odd things.

Fortunately, the PianoML 1.0 specification mandated PXFIM processors
for PianoML consumers.  Because of this, the creators of PianoML 1.1
could publish PXFIM declarations linked from the PianoML 1.1 namespace
document and reasonably expect them to followed.  These declarations
were written to include a fallback procedure which removed the
detailed information about pegs slipping, and set the some-pegs-slip
flag if one or more of them were stated as slipping with a tendency of
more than 20%.

Late on, some moving companies realized it would be helpful to them to
further extend PianoML with information helpful to them about which
kind of bolts needed to be removed to remove the piano's legs.  The
other communities using PianoML were resistant to this information
being included -- it was of no interest to them.  However, the moving
companies were free to include it, written in their own extension (in
their own namespace), because they also published PXFIM 

Re: Announcement: Cool URIs for the Semantic Web - W3C SWEO IG Note

2008-04-10 Thread Sandro Hawke

 In this particular case, I speculate DCMI thought it was  
 getting around that issue by using purl.org which issues a 302  
 instead of a 303, thinking it would be cached, but doesn't appear to  
 happen in my browser.  If purl.org were returning a 303, the point I  
 make would be more obvious.

(historical aside)

That's a clever speculation, but I don't think that's what actually
happened.  purl.org and dcmi long predate the idea of using 303 See
Other for this application.  (303 for the semweb was my idea (circa
2003); purl.org and dcmi'a use of it were due largely to Eric Miller (in
the 90's); when I suggested to Eric to use 303, he said it sounded like
a good idea, but he wasn't involved in running them any more.)

  -- Sandro

Re: Biological Taxonomy Vocabulary 0.1

2008-05-10 Thread Sandro Hawke

[to a much-smaller list]

 Suffice to say, the new namespace URI is:
 I can't imagine many people have had time to implement it yet, given that
 I only posted about it about 16 hours ago, but for what it's worth, I'll
 keep the old documents at the old URI for the next week or so, to allow
 any early adopters to catch up.
 Consider using /additional/ versioned URIs, e.g.
 from which people can access the previous versions of your ontology. The
 version-free URI, which you have chosen now, will always refer to the
 of these versioned ontologies.
 The URI of the ontology, which is used within the ontology header, will
 always be the version-free one. But you may, as a hint to people, add an
 'owl:versionInfo' annotation property to the ontology header, which
 to the respective versioned URI:  
   owl:Ontology rdf:about=http://purl.org/NET/biol/ns;
 owl:versionInfo rdf:resource=http://purl.org/NET/biol/20080510/ns; /

I think this is probably a good approach, but I'd refine it a little bit
and say that the main namespace should not so much dereference to the
latest ontology, as the latest release.  There can (and probably
should) be alpha- and beta-test versions which are later but not (yet)
suitable replacements.

Make sense?(I've never done this with ontologies -- there could be a
problem with it -- but i think it's right.)

 -- Sandro

Re: scribing in the new regime

2008-06-18 Thread Sandro Hawke

 Argh.  Got 223 errors.  

What kind of errors?   Were they are hard to fix?

 Shouldn't the formatter crush out Zakim stuff?

 I've done it manually, but it's a real pain.

I don't know which Zakim stuff you mean.   Sure, the formatter should do
whatever we want it to do.   What do you want it to do?

 5.  Eventually use the Save button on the generated version.
 But not until approved, right?

No, you save it when it's ready for review. You can save multiple
times./me ponders how to make that more clear.

- s

Re: scribing in the new regime

2008-06-18 Thread Sandro Hawke

   Argh.  Got 223 errors.  
  What kind of errors?   Were they are hard to fix?
 Any mention of Zakim seemed to generate an error.

/me looks back through old version of the minutes on the wiki.

Ah.  You (sort of understandably) included Zakim, RRSAgent, and trackbot
in the list of people present at the meeting.  That confused the system,
making the names ambiguous, since the system has hardcoded that there
are bots by those names.

I've modified the code so that run with your earlier version it now
 Scribe Error: the name 'RRSAgent' looks too much like the name of
 one of the common bots. The bots should not be listed among the
 meeting attendees.  

I've also reworded some other messages.  You can run it on that old
version of the chatlog like this:


   Shouldn't the formatter crush out Zakim stuff?
   I've done it manually, but it's a real pain.
  I don't know which Zakim stuff you mean.   Sure, the formatter should do
  whatever we want it to do.   What do you want it to do?
 Questions to and replies from Zakim seemed to generate errors.  
   5.  Eventually use the Save button on the generated version.
   But not until approved, right?
  No, you save it when it's ready for review. You can save multiple
  times./me ponders how to make that more clear.
 Well, I'm then confused as to how others can make changes.

I don't really understand your question.  I've added some explanitory
text in the Save box:


... does that explain it?

 PS:  I also don't know how to comment out stuff.

Hmmm.   I don't either.   Can you give me example of why you want to do

 -- Sandro

Re: scribing in the new regime

2008-06-18 Thread Sandro Hawke

 5.  Eventually use the Save button on the generated version.
 But not until approved, right?

No, you save it when it's ready for review. You can save multiple
times./me ponders how to make that more clear.
   Well, I'm then confused as to how others can make changes.
  I don't really understand your question.  I've added some explanitory
  text in the Save box:
  ... does that explain it?
 How can non-scribers fix minor issues with the minutes (as has happened
 quite often in the past)?

I've rephrased the explanation on saving, adding the text, This applies
to both the scribe and anyone else who edits the minutes on the wiki.

Does that do it?

   PS:  I also don't know how to comment out stuff.
  Hmmm.   I don't either.   Can you give me example of why you want to do
 So that stuff that the scribe thinks should be removed can instead be
 commented out so that other WG members can more easily add it back in.

Ahh, makes sense. 

How about OMIT: at the start of the text on irc?

 -- Sandro

Re: scribing in the new regime

2008-06-18 Thread Sandro Hawke

I implemented/installed OMIT: and linkifying http/issues/actions.

- s

options for RDF language-tagged literals

2008-07-09 Thread Sandro Hawke

I don't remember how much you've heard of this idea of merging RDF's
language-tagged literals into datatype literals.  The idea RIF-WG and
OWL-WG are working with is a kind of hack of inventing a datatype whose
lexical space contains a string with an @ and a language tag appended.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]^^rif:text  == chat@fr

As I say, it's a sort of a hack, but it works for getting RDF down to
having just one kind of literal, which is a big win for folks building
semantics around it, eg RIF and OWL.(Maybe some distinction still
needs to be kept between foo and foo^^xs:string.  I'm fuzzy on that

Axel Polleres just had another suggestion, though, which is:

chat^^lang:fr   == chat@fr

which really seems a lot better.  It also seems like something RDF Core
would have considered.  (Along with chat^lang:fr, I imagine.)   Can
you remember any of why it was not chosen?   If you don't, I guess I'll
ask Brian and Graham next -- from the minutes I see, they seem to be the
most interested in the subject.

   -- Sandro


Phillips, Addison wrote:


Would you consider including I18N WG in your joint task force? These issues 
seem to arise fairly frequently. We'd like to see consistent solutions develop.



As for the namespace, I personally prefer rdf:  sharing jos' arguments 
here that it is in my opinion NOT problematic to do so. Several rdf: 
namespaced properties already do not have a specified formal semantics 
(the reification having been mentioned already, so what).

My point is rather that our intention was what we wanted to reflect is 
the lang tagged literals from RDF from the beginning, realizing that 
there is some un-uniformity with these compared with other (typed) literals.

However, your raised concerns, issues make we shift a bit towards a 
completely different proposal, which at first glance, seems much much 
cleaner to me. As for you proposal/issues:

1) subtags: if we stick with the current understanding that we talk 
about a single datatype with pairs in its lexical space,  I am not sure 
whether this needs to be semantically reflected... do you mean to say 
that e.g. a fact


 should in our semantics also imply


 In RDF's semantics this is certainly not the case now and I think it 
would complicate things there ...

 A probably more feasible solution would be to do a real type hierarchy,
for language tags and - instead of a datatype 
owl:internationalizedString or rif:text which has pairs of strings and 
language tags as lexical space - define separate datatypes and 
(subtypes) for each lang-tag, ie.



where e.g. lang:en-US is a subtype of lang:en, i.e.
that would also imply


 (just as xsd:integer is a subtype of xsd:integer of xsd:decimal in the 
XML Schema type hierarchy, see 

Anything wrong with that? To me this seems much cleaner than this 
fiddling around with pairs of strings and lang-tags.

The new lang: namespace could then be something in the control of
our task force and define a datatype-IRI for each of the lang-tags 
defined in BCP 47.

Anything wrong with that??? Seems simpler than what we are into now and 
feasible to me. The problem of addressing our concerns would then boil 
down to deriving a type hierarchy from the BCP 47 document, rather than 
defining a single datatype... and defining the lang: namespace.

which could in its namespace-URI somehow refer to BCP 47.

This said, summarizing: If that works, I am in faor of an own new 
namespace above rif or owl, I guess. If there is some issue problem with 
that and we want to stick with the current pairs in the lex space, I am 
in favor of the rdf namespace.

2) As for your second issue, i.e. to add several language tags
in a priority list... I am not sure how/whether we could address this or 
whether this is really in the scope of what we want to define. We are 
talking a bout typed constants which belong to a certain language or 
not, also, it would complicate things probably... unless we define in 
the lang-type hierarchy that e.g. a type en,fr would be implicitly a 
supertype of both en and fr... would that work?



would imply both



 Does that make sense? I am not sure whether I understand your issue 
well enough though and what more complications such an extension would 
bring. Still, it looks to me as if this considerably complicates things.


Addison Phillips
Globalization Architect -- Lab126

Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jie
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 11:33 AM
To: Phillips, Addison

mailing list for rdf:text, namespace use

2008-07-22 Thread Sandro Hawke

 I don't think there is a need to continue cc'ing the comments lists
 for all the WGs on this thread.
 I'd like to consider this a task force of RIF, OWL, and I guess I18N, let you
 guys do the work and then report back to the WGs.

Ooops, yeah.   I've added www-archive to the cc list, so the e-mail is
properly archived *somewhere*, at least.

Shall I request a new mailing list for this?   [EMAIL PROTECTED], I

One odd thing that occured to me (during my sleep, I think) about using
the RDF namespace is that the rdf:text datatype will never be used in
(existing) RDF serializations, because they already have a way to
serialize such data.  Happily, this lets us avoid worrying about the
constraint in RDF Syntax [1], Any other names [in the RDF namespace]
are not defined and SHOULD generate a warning when encountered.  We
should note this in the spec, I think.  Note also that future RDF
serializations might choose to use this, so they don't have to
special-case language-tagged strings.

 -- Sandro

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-syntax-grammar-20040210/#section-Namespace

Re: mailing list for rdf:text, namespace use

2008-07-23 Thread Sandro Hawke

 A mailinglist would indeed make life easier.

I did request a mailing list.  I'm not sure how long it will take.  The
person who used to do this (usually within the hour) left a few weeks
ago, so they may be disorganized.

   -- Sandro

please review application/rif+xml

2008-09-16 Thread Sandro Hawke

The following media type registration is currently published as part of
a W3C Last Call Working Draft [1] and will soon be submitted to the IESG
for review, approval, and registration with IANA (as per [2]).

At this point, we would appreciate comments on this registration
information.  If you see any problems, please let us know.

(It's tempting to say a few words about RIF here, but I suppose I should
let the registration stand on its own.  It does includes links to the
specification and to the Working Group home page.)

  -- Sandro

[2] http://www.w3.org/2002/06/registering-mediatype

   Type name: application

   Subtype name: rif+xml

   Required parameters: none

   Optional parameters: charset, as per RFC 3023 (XML Media Types)

   Encoding considerations: same as RFC 3023 (XML Media Types)

   Security considerations: 

   Systems which consume RIF documents are potentially vulnerable
   to attack by malicious producers of RIF documents.  The
   vulnerabilities and forms of attack are similar to those of
   other Web-based formats with programming or scripting
   capabilities, such as HTML with embedded Javascript.

   Excessive Resource Use / Denial of Service Attacks

  Full and complete processing of a RIF document, even one
  conforming to the RIF-BLD dialect, may require unlimited CPU
  and memory resources.  Through the use of import, it may
  also require arbitrary URI dereferencing, which may consume
  all available network resources on the consuming system or
  other systems.  RIF consuming systems SHOULD implement
  reasonable defenses against these attacks.

   Exploiting Implementation Flaws

  RIF is a relatively complex format, and rule engines can be
  extremely sophisticated, so it is likely that some RIF
  consuming systems will have bugs which allow specially
  constructed RIF documents to perform inappropriate
  operations. We urge RIF implementors to make systems which
  carefully anticipate and handle all possible inputs,
  including those which present syntactic or semantic errors.

   External (Application) Functions

  Because RIF may be extended with local, application defined
  datatypes and functions, arbitrary vulnerabilities may be
  introduced.  Before being installed on systems which consume
  untrusted RIF documents, these external functions should be
  closely reviewed for their own vulnerabilities and for the
  vulnerabilities that may occur when they are used in
  unexpected combinations, like cross-site scripting
   In addition, as this media type uses the +xml convention, it
   shares the same security considerations as other XML formats;
   see RFC 3023 (XML Media Types).

   Interoperability considerations: 

   This media type is intended to be shared with other RIF
   dialects, to be specified in the future.  Interoperation
   between the dialects is governed by the RIF specifications.

   Published specification: 

   RIF Basic Logic Dialect
   W3C Working Draft (Recommendation Track)

   This media type is intended to be shared with other RIF
   dialects, to be specified in the future.

   Applications that use this media type: 

   Unknown at the time of this draft.  Multiple applications are
   expected, however, before the specification reaches W3C
   Proposed Recommendation status.

   Additional information:

 Magic number(s): 

   As with XML in general (See RFC 3023 (XML Media Types)),
   there is no magic number for this format.

   However, the XML namespace http://www.w3.org/2007/rif#; will
   normally be present in the document.  It may theoretically
   be missing if the document uses XML entities in an
   obfuscatory manner.

   The hex form of that namespace will depend on the charset.
   For utf-8, the hex is: 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 77 77 77 2e 77
   33 2e 6f 72.
 File extension(s): 

   .rif (or .xml)

 Macintosh file type code(s): 

   TEXT (like other XML)

   Person  email address to contact for further information:

   Sandro Hawke, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please send technical comments
   and questions about RIF to [EMAIL PROTECTED], a
   mailing list with a public archive at

   Intended usage: 


   Restrictions on usage: 



   The editor and contact for this media type registration is
   Sandro Hawke, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: minutes - wiki magic?

2009-02-24 Thread Sandro Hawke

[cc'd www-archive, in case others get interested]

[You write about perhaps using the scribe tools OWL-WG is using]

Sure, I'd be happy to have you guys as the second users.  (Eric just
grabbed me in the hall to talk about it.)

Is your wiki up and running?   

Where in web space do you want minutes to appear?

For OWL, the chatlogs, which start as IRC logs and are then cleaned up
are named like:

and the formatted minutes are named like this:


You'll also need a wiki page like:


which doesn't exactly match the other databases of participants because:
  - it needs to list all the irc names used for people which
can not be derived by the algorithm
  - it needs to list everyone who has attended any meeting,
including guests and part-participants

(One of the current bugs in the system is around the handling of the
participant list.  The list really needs to have a transaction-log
style, so that we can tell who the participants (really attendees)
were at any given point in time.  If that list changes later, then a
name might BECOME ambiguous after-the-fact, which would make old minutes
harder to work with.  So, for now you can use the Participants2 style,
and expect at some point we'll have to upgrade this to a transaction-log

BTW, the script has a clear object model of MeetingEvents which could be
dumped in RDF/XML easily.  I was going to dump them all into virtuoso at
one point, but never quite got there.  Of course I'm not sure it would
be socially good to have it easy to datamine the meeting records.

 -- Sandro

Re: minutes - wiki magic?

2009-03-02 Thread Sandro Hawke

 What next? :)

I'll try to take care of it today...

- s

Re: minutes - wiki magic?

2009-03-03 Thread Sandro Hawke

I've got the copy-to-wiki 90% automated.

I ran it to produce


and then made a Present: line by hand, based on what Zakim said.

Several names still don't match; I'd imagine Participants2 is missing
some folks.   Let me know how it goes.

  -- Sandro

 Sandro Hawke wrote:
  [cc'd www-archive, in case others get interested]
  [You write about perhaps using the scribe tools OWL-WG is using]
  Sure, I'd be happy to have you guys as the second users.  (Eric just
  grabbed me in the hall to talk about it.)
  Is your wiki up and running?   
 Yes, it's at http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/ though it's still sparse.
  Where in web space do you want minutes to appear?
   For OWL, the chatlogs, which start as IRC logs and are then cleaned up
   are named like:
   and the formatted minutes are named like this:
 We're pretty much duplicating the Web-space structure that OWL WG is 
 using, so I'd imagine chat logs at:
 with formatted minutes at:
 I was a bit confused by 
 http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Minutes_Review_Conventions which 
 suggests that the minutes are on the wiki and editable by any WG member 
 when, in fact, that's not the case?
  You'll also need a wiki page like:
  which doesn't exactly match the other databases of participants because:
- it needs to list all the irc names used for people which
  can not be derived by the algorithm
- it needs to list everyone who has attended any meeting,
  including guests and part-participants
 OK, I have an initial stab at this at:
  (One of the current bugs in the system is around the handling of the
  participant list.  The list really needs to have a transaction-log
  style, so that we can tell who the participants (really attendees)
  were at any given point in time.  If that list changes later, then a
  name might BECOME ambiguous after-the-fact, which would make old minutes
  harder to work with.  So, for now you can use the Participants2 style,
  and expect at some point we'll have to upgrade this to a transaction-log
 Out first meeting's logs were at
 What next? :)
  BTW, the script has a clear object model of MeetingEvents which could be
  dumped in RDF/XML easily.  I was going to dump them all into virtuoso at
  one point, but never quite got there.  Of course I'm not sure it would
  be socially good to have it easy to datamine the meeting records.

Re: vCard - Old vs. New?

2009-05-11 Thread Sandro Hawke

 The problem with Member Submissions and W3C Notes is an unclear update
 mechanism and a lack of maintenance. Vocabs will evolve, and I'm not
 sure if the Rec model really works for them. The Note model works
 even less, with the Note being published once and then generally
 sticking around forever. Some modification of the Rec model that's a
 bit more loose will probably work.

Why more loose?  It seems to me that if folks are going to invest
heavily in an ontology, they don't want anyone playing fast-and-loose
with it.  To put it differently, if I were building my business around
an ontology, I'd want something very much like the W3C
Recommendation-Track Process to govern its evolution and makes sure no
one recklessly broke it.

That said, many ontologies are not at that stage yet.  Specs aren't
suppposed to reach Recommendation until there's something rather like a
global consensus on them.  At earlier stages, something like a
succession of Working Drafts makes a lot more sense.

Or, maybe there's a completely different appoach.  I've been wondering
lately whether the current state of the net (cf crowdsourcing) hasn't
rewriten the foundational notions of IT standards.  For data formats and
their underlying ontologies, maybe it's now practical/sufficient/best to
have dyanmic translation shim code between the different ones, and let
them all bloom.  I think this might work, but it's somewhat less proven
than the W3C Recommendation-Track approach (which is unproven for
ontologies, but seems to work pretty well for data formats in general.)

  -- Sandro

please review text/rif+xml media type registration

2009-07-20 Thread Sandro Hawke
 in an
   obfuscatory manner.

   The hex form of that namespace will depend on the charset.
   For utf-8, the hex is: 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 77 77 77 2e 77
   33 2e 6f 72.
 File extension(s): 

   .rif (or .xml)

 Macintosh file type code(s): 

   TEXT (like other XML)

   Person  email address to contact for further information:

   Sandro Hawke, san...@w3.org.  Please send technical comments
   and questions about RIF to public-rif-comme...@w3.org, a
   mailing list with a public archive at

   Intended usage: 


   Restrictions on usage: 



   The editor and contact for this media type registration is
   Sandro Hawke, san...@w3.org.

   Change controller: 

   RIF is a product of the Rule Interchange Format (RIF) Working
   Group of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).  See
   http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg for information on the group.
   The W3C (currently acting through this working group) has
   change control over the RIF specification.


2009-08-01 Thread Sandro Hawke

[cc www-archive]

We talked about this the other day; I don't think there was a

I want a way to find one or more SPARLQ end points who can answer
queries about some RDF graph, for when the graph is very large.  Folks
providing large graphs may choose to provide this service; folks using
such graphs may choose to use it.  If they both use it, and the graph is
large, there may be significant performance gains.

I propose the following practice:

   1.  Optionally, provide an HTTP header (in response to GET and HEAD):

 SPARQL-Proxy: ...url-of-endpoint...

   Clients may choose to do a HEAD first, or to do the GET and
   simply abort the connection and switch to using SPARQL when they
   notice this header.  The choice to switch to SPARQL might be
   based in part on the value of the Content-Length header, if

   (I don't remember the current political climate around making up
   HTTP headers like that.  My sense is it's okay.)

   2.  Optionally, near the begining of an RDF graph, include a triple:
  ns:SPARQLProxy ...url-of-endpoint...

   This functions just like the HTTP header on a GET request; you're
   getting the graph transmitted to you, but if it's big, you'll see
   this before you get it all, and then you can abort the

The idea here is that the named endpoint would have this graph (called
 above) as one of its named graphs.  It might or might not be the
background graph.

In style-2, there might be some metadata about the endpoint BEFORE this
triple, such as how to turn on inference, or something.  I'm not trying
to address that here.

I think this is a very simple and harmless approach, and meets my needs
well enough.  Do you see any problem with it?  Any suggestions for the
namespace to use?

 -- Sandro

Links from 14 August Cambridge Semantic Web Gathering

2012-08-15 Thread Sandro Hawke

Links from Tom's Talk:
Linked Open Data Cloud: http://thedatahub.org/group/lodcloud
5 Stars of  Open Linked Data: http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html
LOD Cloud Vocabulary Statistics: 
5 Stars of Open Linked Vocabularies: 

Linked Open Vocabularies: http://labs.mondeca.com/dataset/lov/index.html
NCBO Bioportal: http://bioportal.bioontology.org
Open PHACTS overview: 
slide 34
Open PHACTS Milestone 3: 

W3C HCLS IG: http://www.w3.org/blog/hcls/
Other 'Shout-outs'
Pistoia Alliance: http://www.openbel.org/
Open BEL: http://www.openbel.org/
Cambridge Semantics: http://www.cambridgesemantics.com/
Concept Maps (CMAP): http://cmap.ihmc.us/

testing attachments

2013-03-28 Thread Sandro Hawke

what's the mime type?

   @prefix alice: http://alice.example.com/foaf#.
   @prefix foaf:  http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/.
   alice:Alice foaf:knows alice:Bob.

Re: rdfs:Graph ? comment on http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-dataset and issue 35

2013-07-15 Thread Sandro Hawke
off-list but public response, so we can continue informally for a bit.  
(this is what I should have done the first time, given the current 
rather strict rules about public-rdf-comments, because it had gotten out 
of control.)

On 07/15/2013 11:14 AM, Jeremy J Carroll wrote:

Hi Sandro

to reply, in turn informally

I think you have largely understood my position, although - without introducing 
time, I have difficulty seeing much difference between your two concepts: 
rdf:WebviewDataset   and  rdf:DirectDataset.

Equality is another perfectly good way to distinguish them (we don't 
need time).

It follows from this dataset:

  a rdf:DirectDataset.
 GRAPH _:a { s p o }
 GRAPH _:b { s p o }

that _:a = _:b.   Each blank node denotes the same g-snap, therefore 
they must be equal.

In contrast, this is totally different:

   a rdf:WebviewDataset.
  GRAPH a { s p o }
  GRAPH b { s p o }

Here we've said that a and b are each Web Resources (g-boxes) that 
happen to have the same triples.  There's no reason to think they are equal.

Since RDF is known not to do time very well, it doesn't surprise me that there 
may be difficulties in thinking about changes in the graph content in a 
dataset. I am really not expecting RDF semantics to address that.
I am expecting RDF to allow me to describe resources - specifically resources 
introduced by RDF; I am not expecting RDF to provide me the ability to make 
paradoxical statements about resources (which an overly excessive version of 
the rdf:DirectDataset view risks, see:
I want to say simple stuff like who wrote a graph named in the dataset. The 
easiest way to do this is to attach the metadata to the name.

So, given this dataset:

a rdf:DirectDataset.
 a rdf:WebviewDataset.
   GRAPH _:a { s p o }
   GRAPH _:b { s p o }
   GRAPH a { s p o }
   GRAPH b { s p o }
   _:a dc:creator Alice.
   a dc:creator Bob.

it follows that

   _:b dc:creator Alice.

it does NOT follow that:

   b dc:creator Bob.

Kind of important difference, right?   And you can see why people would 
want both kinds of semantics.

(and they tell me the also want other things, like entailments within 
the named graphs, although I'm not convinced that's worth it.)

  This currently is not supported by RDF and I would like to have a clear technical 
explanation as to why, rather than a political rationale (which is of course totally 
understandable) we didn't pick a semantics for datasets, because there are so many 
different ones out there already, so nothing we could pick wouldn't cause someone 

Is the above convincing? I agree there should be some kind of 
rationale in the documents, if possible.

 -- Sandro

Jeremy J Carroll
Principal Architect
Syapse, Inc.

On Jul 11, 2013, at 5:59 PM, Sandro Hawke san...@w3.org wrote:

On 07/11/2013 03:06 PM, Jeremy J Carroll wrote:


This is a formal comment on 
http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-dataset, and it appears a comment 
and quite possibly on the RDF Semantics ….

This is a brief, informal reply to both the message I'm replying to [1] and 
your following message [2].

The short answer is: we didn't pick a semantics for datasets, because there are 
so many different ones out there already, so nothing we could pick wouldn't 
cause someone problems.   So we say that datasets, on their own, have a minimal 
semantics plus application-specific semantic extensions.   If you want 
interoperability between application, you need to indicate your semantic 
extensions.  You can do that out-of-band (in some way you figure out) or in 
band, by putting some metadata in the dataset saying which semantic extensions 
you're using.

We are hoping to produce a NOTE which provides some options, so people don't 
have to start from scratch with these indicators.   We don't think the subject 
is mature enough yet to put designs in a Recommendation, though.

My current thinking, which the group hasn't really talked about, is:

a rdf:WebviewDataset   (Or ResourceStateDataset or GraphStoreSnapshot)

would provide the semantics I think you want, where a URL graph name is 
associated with the graph you'd get if you dereferenced that URL.   You might 
think of the URLs as denoting the Web Resource whose state is represented by 
the associated graph.   My sense from your examples is that's how you're 
thinking about datasets.

   a rdf:DirectDataset

would provide the semantics some other folks want, where the graph names 
actually denote the associated graphs (the pure mathematical set of triples, 
not a thing which can change over time).This is what people are used to 
from N3 and (I think) from most provenance work.

I'm inclined to say DirectDataset only constrains name/graph pairs where the 
graph names are blank nodes and WebviewDataset only constrains name/graph pairs 

Re: rdfs:Graph ? comment on http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-dataset and issue 35

2013-07-16 Thread Sandro Hawke

On 07/16/2013 10:37 AM, Jeremy J Carroll wrote:

OK - I am getting started on this …

Thanks for helping me think this through

how about this dataset:

 a rdf:DirectDataset.
GRAPH _:a { _:a _:a _:a }
GRAPH _:b { _:b _:b _:b }

does _:a = _:b?:


background: The strings _:a and _:b are blank node labels. Within 
any one TriG document, each blank node label corresponds 1-1 to a blank 

When I said _:a = _:b I meant that in all interpretations, the 
denotation of the blank node that is labeled _:a in this document is 
the same as the denotation of the blank node labeled _:b in this 

So the first named graph in your example is different from the second 
named graph in your example, because the repeated term in it uses a 
different blank node label and is thus a different blank node.   The 
denotations of those blank nodes might turn out to be the same (eg if we 
also are told _:a owl:sameAs _:b), but they are still different blank 
nodes.  Thus the graphs are different.   So we can not infer _:a = 
_:b. In fact, if we were told _:a owl:sameAs _:b, then we'd have an 
inconsistent dataset.

Or this one

 a rdf:DirectDataset.
GRAPH _:a { s p o }
GRAPH _:b { s p o }
GRAPH _:c { _:a _:a _:a }
GRAPH _:d { _:b _:b _:b }

does _:c = _:d ?


(Of course, this is generalized RDF, because you're using a blank node 
predicate.  I'm fine with that.)

What is the definition of two graphs being equal in this view?

Maybe I should say identical here, instead of equal, to avoid this 
denotation step, above.

I'd say it follows from RDF Concepts that two graphs are identical (the 
same graph) if they contain exactly the same triples.   Triples are 
identical (the same triple) if their subject, predicate, and object 
terms are identical.   I believe term identity is spelled out in 
concepts -- it gets a little tricky on language tags -- but it's clear 
enough for blank nodes, I hope.

Here is one:
two graphs g and h within a dataset are equal if there exists an 
automorphism of the dataset mapping each ground node to itself, and 
inducing a bijection over the set of blank nodes such that the 
automorphism maps g to h.

(That isn't quite what is intended - since it does not make A and 
B equal in this case:

 a rdf:DirectDataset.
GRAPH A { s p o }
GRAPH B { s p o }

Sorry, automorphism is over my head.   I can look it up and try to 
figure it out if you want, but hopefully that's not necessary.

In my view what you call the WebviewDataset is the natural model on 
the Web,

I agree it's a very natural model, but I think there are lots of things 
one might like to do with datasets, like express an RDF Update, that 
can't be done very naturally with that model.

and if this is not to be 'the' way of understanding named graphs 
because of some other view, I would like that view to be articulated 
rather than only exemplified.

Is it okay if it's in one or more WG Notes that come out in the next few 
months, instead of in RDF Concepts or RDF Semantics?

I mean, we'd all like that, we're just finding it impossible to get WG 
consensus on putting it in a REC.

   -- Sandro

Jeremy J Carroll
Principal Architect
Syapse, Inc.

On Jul 15, 2013, at 5:39 PM, Sandro Hawke san...@w3.org 
mailto:san...@w3.org wrote:

It follows from this dataset:

 a rdf:DirectDataset.
GRAPH _:a { s p o }
GRAPH _:b { s p o }

that _:a = _:b. 

Re: rdfs:Graph ? comment on http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-dataset and issue 35

2013-07-16 Thread Sandro Hawke

On 07/16/2013 03:45 PM, Jeremy J Carroll wrote:

On Jul 16, 2013, at 8:39 AM, Sandro Hawke san...@w3.org 
mailto:san...@w3.org wrote:

Or this one

 a rdf:DirectDataset.
GRAPH _:a { s p o }
GRAPH _:b { s p o }
GRAPH _:c { _:a _:a _:a }
GRAPH _:d { _:b _:b _:b }

does _:c = _:d ?


Oh that one surprise me, I would have thought with graph literals that 
this would be the case:

with each being just syntax for

{ { s p o } { s p o }**{ s p o } }

The graph itself is just a structure.   Whatever interpretations you 
might give to it, equality, etc, doesn't change the structure itself.   
And the dataset is just concerned with the structure. The graph name is 
attached to the graph (a structure), not the logical meaning of the 
graph, or the consequences of that meaning, or something like that.

-- Sandro

Re: rdfs:Graph ? comment on http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-dataset and issue 35

2013-07-17 Thread Sandro Hawke

On 07/17/2013 11:27 PM, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
Aside from any issues that I have with semantics, the ability to infer 
equality would produce a very big change in RDF reasoning.

True, but it seems to me that in practice, people pick and choose the 
bits of the reasoning they want to do.owl:sameAs (etc) are right 
there, if they want to use them.

   -- Sandro


On Jul 15, 2013, at 5:39 PM, Sandro Hawke san...@w3.org 
mailto:san...@w3.org wrote:

It follows from this dataset:

 a rdf:DirectDataset.
GRAPH _:a { s p o }
GRAPH _:b { s p o }

that _:a = _:b. 

Re: rdfs:Graph ? comment on http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-dataset and issue 35

2013-07-26 Thread Sandro Hawke

On 07/26/2013 12:37 PM, Jeremy J Carroll wrote:

I slept on Eric's question for several days ….

I ended up realizing that another aspect of the current drafts that I 
feel should change a bit is:


When a graph name is used inside RDF triples in a dataset it may or 
may not refer to the graph it names. The semantics does not require, 
nor should RDF engines presume, without some external reason to do so, 
that graph names used in RDF triples refer to the graph they name.

I would like some mechanism which indicates clearly that in my case it 
MAY refer to the graph it names,

Surely the above text makes it clear it MAY.  What you're looking for is 
a way in indicate the situations in which it MUST (or simple does).

and I am proposing that

uuu rdf:type rdfs:Graph

be such a mechanism, and this be understood with intensional semantics 
like rdfs:Class rather than with extensional semantics like 

i.e. if in any graph in a dataset, there is such a triple, and we have 
an interpretation of that graph, and that the dataset does include a 
graph named uuu then it is pretty clear that the intent is that I am 
talking about the graph, and I would like the recommendations to say 
that in such interpretation it is this graph that we are talking about.

It should probably be rdf:Graph (not rdfs:Graph), but otherwise I'm 
happy with this, in broad strokes.   It'll need a second last call for 
Semantics and/or Concepts, unless we put it into some other Rec-Track 

I'd also suggest that use of a blank node as a graph name implies 
(entails) such a triple for that blank node.  No need to specify it, 
since there's no other likely meaning. That would definitely need a 
second last call for Semantics and/or Concepts.

What about Peter's concern, that this is a backdoor to equality? Perhaps 
intensionality solves this; I'm not understanding that part.  Test case:

  # s1,s2 a rdf:Graph   (please, can I have this syntax?   never mind)
  s1 a rdf:Graph.
  s2 a rdf:Graph.

  s1 p 1.

  GRAPH s1 { a b c }.
  GRAPH s2 { a b c }.

Does that entail

  s2 p 1.

?   If not, how can it not?   If IRIs s1 and s2 denote the same thing, 
then it must follow, mustn't it? If so, is that a problem?

Jeremy, thinking about using this in practice: are you using resolvable 
URLs as names for graphs?   Do you have some mechanism for handling the 
situation where dereference gives different triples for those URLs that 
some dataset does?Like put a hash of the graph into the text of the 
URLs, so systems can tell if they're getting the right data?   Or just 
trust everything will always be in sync?

  -- Sandro

Jeremy J Carroll
Principal Architect
Syapse, Inc.

On Jul 19, 2013, at 9:06 PM, Eric Prud'hommeaux e...@w3.org 
mailto:e...@w3.org wrote:

On Jul 19, 2013 2:10 PM, Jeremy J Carroll j...@syapse.com 
mailto:j...@syapse.com wrote:

 Sorry, I am failing to be brief ...

 On Jul 19, 2013, at 9:35 AM, Jeremy J Carroll j...@syapse.com 
mailto:j...@syapse.com wrote:



 rdfs:Graph is the class of graphs. All instances 
of rdfs:Graph correspond to the RDF model of a graph described in the 
RDF Concepts specification [RDF-CONCEPTS].
 An instance of  rdfs:Graph MAY also be described in an RDF 
dataset, in which case the triples in the graph SHOULD/MUST be the 
triples as specified in the dataset.


 (I would be happy with either SHOULD or MUST)

 looking again, MUST is too strong - since this would allow anyone 
to modify anyone's else's intent. We need to qualify which RDF 
datasets and reduce the MUST down to SHOULD.
 e.g. MAY also be described in a related RDF dataset, ….. SHOULD 
…. with the complete modified suggested text as



 rdfs:Graph is the class of graphs. All instances 
of rdfs:Graph correspond to the RDF model of a graph described in the 
RDF Concepts specification [RDF-CONCEPTS].
 An instance of  rdfs:Graph MAY also be described in a related RDF 
dataset, in which case the triples in the graph SHOULD be the triples 
as specified in the dataset.


Sorry to be dim here, but does the triples as specified in the 
dataset indicate a truth predicate of some sort (in which case I 
would have expected indicated instead of specified). Or maybe I'm 
misinterpreting a signal that another graph (probably the default 
graph) includes all of the triples in the identified graph.

Re: rdfs:Graph ? comment on http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-dataset and issue 35

2013-07-26 Thread Sandro Hawke

On 07/26/2013 06:21 PM, Jeremy J Carroll wrote:

Ah, and I just came across some other relevant text:


The |FROM NAMED| syntax suggests that the IRI identifies the 
corresponding graph, but the relationship between an IRI and a graph 
in an RDF dataset is indirect.*The IRI identifies a resource, and the 
resource is represented by a graph (or, more precisely: by a document 
that serializes a graph).*

Given that the text in bold is already normative,

Normative for SPARQL UPDATE is not the same as normative for RDF ...

am I detecting some part of the RDF WG that somehow wishes to go back 
on that.

I'm not sure we're going back on that so much as noticing how vague that 
text is.  It doesn't rule out that the resource is the graph (as in the 
case you are maybe saying you want).

I do not believe that my ideal outcome would be no more than the text 
in bold.

I can't understand your double negative, sorry.

  -- Sandro

Jeremy J Carroll
Principal Architect
Syapse, Inc.

On Jul 26, 2013, at 9:37 AM, Jeremy J Carroll j...@syapse.com 
mailto:j...@syapse.com wrote:

I slept on Eric's question for several days ….

I ended up realizing that another aspect of the current drafts that I 
feel should change a bit is:


When a graph name is used inside RDF triples in a dataset it may or 
may not refer to the graph it names. The semantics does not require, 
nor should RDF engines presume, without some external reason to do 
so, that graph names used in RDF triples refer to the graph they name.

I would like some mechanism which indicates clearly that in my case 
it MAY refer to the graph it names, and I am proposing that

uuu rdf:type rdfs:Graph

be such a mechanism, and this be understood with intensional 
semantics like rdfs:Class rather than with extensional semantics like 

i.e. if in any graph in a dataset, there is such a triple, and we 
have an interpretation of that graph, and that the dataset does 
include a graph named uuu then it is pretty clear that the intent 
is that I am talking about the graph, and I would like the 
recommendations to say that in such interpretation it is this graph 
that we are talking about.

Jeremy J Carroll
Principal Architect
Syapse, Inc.

On Jul 19, 2013, at 9:06 PM, Eric Prud'hommeaux e...@w3.org 
mailto:e...@w3.org wrote:

On Jul 19, 2013 2:10 PM, Jeremy J Carroll j...@syapse.com 
mailto:j...@syapse.com wrote:

 Sorry, I am failing to be brief ...

 On Jul 19, 2013, at 9:35 AM, Jeremy J Carroll j...@syapse.com 
mailto:j...@syapse.com wrote:



 rdfs:Graph is the class of graphs. All instances 
of rdfs:Graph correspond to the RDF model of a graph described in 
the RDF Concepts specification [RDF-CONCEPTS].
 An instance of  rdfs:Graph MAY also be described in an RDF 
dataset, in which case the triples in the graph SHOULD/MUST be the 
triples as specified in the dataset.


 (I would be happy with either SHOULD or MUST)

 looking again, MUST is too strong - since this would allow anyone 
to modify anyone's else's intent. We need to qualify which RDF 
datasets and reduce the MUST down to SHOULD.
 e.g. MAY also be described in a related RDF dataset, ….. SHOULD 
…. with the complete modified suggested text as



 rdfs:Graph is the class of graphs. All instances 
of rdfs:Graph correspond to the RDF model of a graph described in 
the RDF Concepts specification [RDF-CONCEPTS].
 An instance of  rdfs:Graph MAY also be described in a related RDF 
dataset, in which case the triples in the graph SHOULD be the 
triples as specified in the dataset.


Sorry to be dim here, but does the triples as specified in the 
dataset indicate a truth predicate of some sort (in which case I 
would have expected indicated instead of specified). Or maybe 
I'm misinterpreting a signal that another graph (probably the 
default graph) includes all of the triples in the identified graph.

Re: rdfs:Graph ? comment on http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-dataset and issue 35

2013-09-16 Thread Sandro Hawke

[moved to www-archive and cc Pat for now]

On 09/16/2013 08:19 PM, Jeremy J Carroll wrote:

On Sep 11, 2013, at 8:14 PM, Sandro Hawke san...@w3.org 
mailto:san...@w3.org wrote:

On 09/11/2013 06:21 PM, Jeremy J Carroll wrote:

This section defines a vocabulary item rdf:Graph in addition to 
those in [RDF-SCHEMA].
This is the class of resources that are RDF graphs. If a resource in 
this class is identified by an IRI, and that IRI is used to name a 
graph in a dataset, then within that dataset the resource SHOULD 
correspond to the named graph.

Does it not follow from this definition that:

PREFIX :http://example.org/#
PREFIX rdf:http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#
   :g1 :p 1.
   :g1 a rdf:Graph.
   :g2 a rdf:Graph.
GRAPH :g1 { :a :b :c }
GRAPH :g2 { :a :b :c }
   :g2 :p 1.

(assuming the SHOULD is taken as something we can count on) ?

Hi Sandro

this is an excellent question, and one that I takes motivates your 
discussion of box-model on the WG mailing list.

I am not very comfortable with a YES, but, given the text I suggested 
a YES it would be.

In essence I think I want an intensional semantics rather than an 
extensional semantics, suggested text below; I start with 
philosophical discussion.

In maths, we typically refer to Sets with intensional semantics, in 
RDF we refer to classes with extensional semantics.

So if I have a class

jjc:Friends rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
  rdfs:comment Jeremy's friends .

and also a class

jjc:SandrosFriends rdfs:type rdfs:Class ;
  rdfs:comment Sandro's friends .

in the unlikely event that we have exactly the same friends, RDF 
semantics does not confuse the intent.

I'm with you so far, sort of.

A view would be that RDF Semantics achieves this by moving the 
semantic intent more to the property rdf:type …

Really?  I haven't thought about this in a long time, but I think I 
axiomatized it easily enough for my rdfs reasoner back in 2003.

So, we could scrub the idea of having a class, and instead define a 

An alternative proposed modification, which clarifies my desired NO to 
your entailment

This is a magic property, right?   It's not a normal property in the RDF 
semantics, something in the domain of IEXT, because if it were it would 
have extensional semantics

3.7 The rdf:namesGraph property

This section defines a vocabulary item rdf:namesGraph in addition to 
those in [RDF-SCHEMA].

rdf:namesGraph is an instance of rdf:Property that is used to state 
that a resource is a name for a graph.

A triple of the form:

R rdf:namesGraph G

states that G is an RDF graph and R is a name for the graph G.

In normal RDF semantics, the property has no access to the term R, just 
to I(R).The truth of triple is unchanged if you replace the subject 
with a different subject denoting the some thing.The truth of :a :b 
:c is the same as the truth of :a2 :b :c if I(:a) = I(:a2).

But rdf:namesGraph is special -- it somehow reaches around I and IEXT to 
get directly at the subject term itself?

If R is an IRI, and that IRI is used to name a graph in a dataset, 
then within that dataset the resource G SHOULD correspond to the named 

I don't understand why you keep using SHOULD.I don't see semantics 
as the kind of place for SHOULDs.

The rdfs:domain of rdf:namesGraph is rdfs:Resource. No rdfs:range is 



With this my particular use case to add metadata about the graph as an 
intensional as opposed to an extensional object would be addressed as 

 PREFIX : http://example.org/#
 PREFIX rdf: http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#
 GRAPH :g1 { :g1 rdf:namesGraph _:g ; rdfs:comment An example graph }

At first I thought you meant:

   GRAPH :g1 { :g1 rdf:namesGraph _:g. _:g rdfs:comment An example
   graph }

But now I see you don't actually want the comment on the graph, you want 
it on the graph name or something, so that it's not shared with other 
graphs that happen to be identical.

That is:

   :g1 :p 1.
   :gn1 :p 1.
   GRAPH :gn1 { :a :b :c }
   GRAPH :gn2 { :a :b :c }
   :gn1 rdf:namesGraph :g1
   :gn2 rdf:namesGraph :g2
  :g2 :p 1# since :g1 and :g2 both denote the same RDF Graph
but does NOT entail
  :gn2 :p 1
so you're okay with your metadata.

But, but ... in that case you don't need rdf:namesGraph at all. Since 
you're not actually using _:g, just put your properties on :gn1 and 
you're fine.

Does that not do what you want?   (True there's no semantic connection 
to the triples, but why do you need one?   Since you're not using _:g, I 
claim that means you don't need the rdf:namesGraph triple at all.)

-- Sandro

Jeremy J Carroll
Principal Architect
Syapse, Inc.

Re: rdfs:Graph ? comment on http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-dataset and issue 35

2013-09-17 Thread Sandro Hawke
, as a child, had 
RAM from 0x to 0x9FFF and then ROM from 0xA000 to 0x, as I 
recall), but I'll admit that's not the mainstream notion of a box.

So, I'll stop here and wait for feedback that we're on the same page 
about this, before thinking about what to do about it.

  -- Sandro

There are (speaking intuitively) RDF graphs all over the internet, represented using RDF 
surface syntaxes. RDF/XML documents, Trig documents, quad stores, etc. etc.. But these 
things are not, strictly speaking, graphs, even if we ignore the fact that they can be 
modified. Lets assume that they are all cast in stone, so they are not g-boxes. Still, 
they aren't graphs, because two of them can be different and yet describe the very same 
graph. So what are they, exactly? They are things that bear the same relation to graphs 
that a token of the letter A bears to the first letter of the English 
alphabet. Or, they are things that bear the same relation to graphs that actual physical 
copies of Moby Dick bear to the novel written by Melville. Or, they are things that bear 
the same relation to graphs that RDF classes bear to the sets that are their extensions. 
To all intents and purposes, they are just like the the more abstract things, but there 
can be many of them corresponding to each one of those. They are exemplars, tokens, 
concretions, intensions, representations, ... choose your favorite analogy... of graphs.

When we wote the named graph paper, we wanted the names to name these things rather than 
abstract graphs, because these are the things that one can store, transmit, 
copy and generally do processing on. These are the actual RDF data, and the RDF graphs 
are a kind of abstraction of them, something like the parse tree of a sentence as opposed 
to a copy of the sentence in an actual document. So we needed a way to define these 
things, but it wasnt easy to do that in a philosophically elegant way. So we used the 
quick and slightly dirty construction of pairing the graph with its name to represent the 
particular thing that the name names. This way, one can have two or more named graphs 
which are distinct, each has its own name distinct from the other names, but they are all 
copies of (tokens of, intensions of) the same actual graph. And this simple trick avoids 
the consequence that we wanted to avoid, and which your example illustrates, which is 
that if we really were naming the graphs, then my name for my graph would also become a 
name for your graph if you happened to have a copy of my graph. Which does not sit well 
with the idea of having deferencable names like URLs.

So, to emphasize, this is not going all the way to g-boxes. The idea was not to 
give a name to a box which just kind of happens to have a graph in it, or 
something with a state which can be changed with time. It was to give a name to 
the actual graph-like things, but with the understanding that we are talking 
about something more like actual datastructures, or actual documents, than 
mathematical abstractions. Things that can be put on websites, stored in a file 
at at an address, given copy protections and pointed at using IRIs. Those are 
the graph-things that the names of named graphs were supposed to be naming.

Given the g-box discussion, we could identify these things with 'fixed' g-boxes whose state is not allowed to 
change, but I am less happy with this convention, as the g-box idea introduces the whole business of 
temporality, state change and so on, which is a huge can of worms that really is not relevant to the 
intensional notion that Jeremy is talking about here. So to introduce all this, then to 
immediately cancel it by saying the box if 'fixed', is confusing, and conceptual overkill. Personally, I like 
the letter-A analogy, and would be very happy to have the notion of a token of a graph, being any 
datastructure or document which encodes or parses to the graph. But not something with a state, not labile or 
dynamic, just as fixed and eternal as any other RDF notion. And if we do this, then we have a three-way 
relationship between a name, the graph token it names, and the graph exemplified by the graph token, and we 
can run your account of datasets without mentioning boxes or implying anything about change and time. Just 
replace g-box with graph token (or whatever we decide to call it. It is, of course, a 
named graph using the conventions from the original paper.) And then your g1/g2 example entailment does not 
hold, as I think it should not.


On Sep 16, 2013, at 5:19 PM, Jeremy J Carroll wrote:

On Sep 11, 2013, at 8:14 PM, Sandro Hawke san...@w3.org wrote:

On 09/11/2013 06:21 PM, Jeremy J Carroll wrote:

This section defines a vocabulary item rdf:Graph in addition to those in 
This is the class of resources that are RDF graphs. If a resource in this class 
is identified by an IRI, and that IRI is used to name a graph in a dataset, 
then within that dataset the resource

Re: rdfs:Graph ? comment on http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-dataset and issue 35

2013-09-17 Thread Sandro Hawke

On 09/17/2013 12:35 PM, Jeremy J Carroll wrote:

Some in line responses ...

On Sep 16, 2013, at 6:37 PM, Sandro Hawke san...@w3.org 
mailto:san...@w3.org wrote:

[moved to www-archive and cc Pat for now]

So, we could scrub the idea of having a class, and instead define a 

An alternative proposed modification, which clarifies my desired NO 
to your entailment

This is a magic property, right?   It's not a normal property in the 
RDF semantics, something in the domain of IEXT, because if it were it 
would have extensional semantics….

No - the property does have extensional semantics, and so the 
relationship between the name and the graph becomes intensional 
related by the names graph property.

3.7 The rdf:namesGraph property

This section defines a vocabulary item rdf:namesGraph in addition to 
those in [RDF-SCHEMA].

rdf:namesGraph is an instance of rdf:Property that is used to state 
that a resource is a name for a graph.

A triple of the form:

R rdf:namesGraph G

states that G is an RDF graph and R is a name for the graph G.

In normal RDF semantics, the property has no access to the term R, 
just to I(R).The truth of triple is unchanged if you replace the 
subject with a different subject denoting the some thing.The 
truth of :a :b :c is the same as the truth of :a2 :b :c if I(:a) = 

But rdf:namesGraph is special -- it somehow reaches around I and IEXT 
to get directly at the subject term itself….?

No - this is just a perfectly normal property we are actually talking 
about ( I( R ) , I(G) ) in IEXT(I(rdf:namesGraph)). The form of the 
text is copied exactly form RDF Vocabulary: there have not been 
comments on that document suggesting that the form contradicts the 
semantics document, so I felt it safe and consistent to stick with 
that form.

Oh, okay.  So, test case:

  :gn1 rdf:namesGraph :g1;
  owl:sameAs :gn2.
  GRAPH :gn1 { :a :b :c }.
  :gn2 rdf:namesGraph :g1;


Are there any cardinality constraints?I think you're saying it's a 
functional property, so

 :gn1 rdf:namesGraph :g1a, :g1b.
 :g1a :p :o.
 :g1b :p :o.

If R is an IRI, and that IRI is used to name a graph in a dataset, 
then within that dataset the resource G SHOULD correspond to the 
named graph.

I don't understand why you keep using SHOULD.I don't see 
semantics as the kind of place for SHOULDs.

I am not suggesting any change to the semantics document.
I would be quite happy with a MUST, but a SHOULD is fine if other 
people wish to do things different, or are already doing things different.

I think a MUST is definitely arguable - if you use an IRI twice in the 
same document (or dataset) then it seems to me to be Web 101 that you 
are talking about the same thing in the two places.
However in the formal semantics unless we are wanting to define 
genuinely magic properties about the math to do with graphs, then we 
do not need a MUST. (e.g. rdf:isIsomorphicTo, e;g; rdf:tripleCount) 
are properties that we could choose to define, but it does not really 
seem to be using RDF for its core mission of describing resources.

The rdfs:domain of rdf:namesGraph is rdfs:Resource. No rdfs:range is 



With this my particular use case to add metadata about the graph as 
an intensional as opposed to an extensional object would be 
addressed as follows.

 PREFIX : http://example.org/#
 PREFIX rdf: http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#
 GRAPH :g1 { :g1 rdf:namesGraph _:g ; rdfs:comment An example graph }

But, but ... in that case you don't need rdf:namesGraph at all.   
Since you're not actually using _:g, just put your properties on :gn1 
and you're fine.

I am only using rdf:namesGraph to convey the semantic intent that the 
subject really is a graph name, since the working group resists making 
that a general rule

It resists making it a general rule, because there's no consensus, when 
you get into the details, what it means.   Everyone is fine with the 
general idea, sure, of course, that's the graph name and that's the 
graph, and (waving hands) in some sense that graph name is naming that 
graph.   But when you try to figure out details like entailments, 
disagreement start to arise that would break interoperability.We 
don't want to hand out directions to where the party is unless we can 
actually write directions that will get everyone to the same spot.So 
far, no one's been able to write directions that get even the folks in 
the WG to the same spot.

(which I see as broken: if you use the same IRI twice in the same 
document then it seems to me to be Web 101 that you are talking about 
the same thing in the two places) but still

That's settled by the RDF 1.1 specs.RDF terms used as graph names 
denote exactly the same as they do as RDF terms anywhere else.

What's not clear is the relationship between the thing the graph name 
denotes and the associated graph

defn of Named Graph

2013-09-17 Thread Sandro Hawke
Following that epiphany I had at the end of my last email, here's what 
I'd love to see everyone agree on, more or less:

== Named Graphs

An RDF Named Graph is similar to an RDF Graph, but different in one 
important way.Because RDF Graphs are defined as being mathematical 
sets of RDF Triples, any two RDF Graphs which happen to contain the same 
RDF Triples are, by definition, the same thing. This means that 
statements made about any RDF Graph, such as metadata about provenance 
and licenses, necessarily apply wherever the same set of RDF Triples 
occurs.   This is not always the desired intent, and Named Graphs 
provide an alternative.

Like an RDF Graph, an RDF Named Graph contains zero or more RDF 
Triples.  Unlike an RDF Graph, an RDF Named Graph has an identity 
distinct from those triples.  That is, two Named Graphs remain distinct 
and distinguishable entities even if they happen to contain exactly the 
same RDF Triples.

The term Named Graph has historically caused some confusion, as some 
people have read the phrase to mean an RDF Graph which happens to have 
a name.   This reading is not correct, since RDF Named Graphs are not 
RDF Graphs at all.   They might reasonably have been called 
Identifiable Graphs, which contrasts them to RDF Graphs in the same 
way that a counterfeit dollar bill is not technically a dollar bill.   
As in the dollar bill analogy, RDF Named Graphs and RDF Graphs have a 
lot in common, but in some circumstances it is critical to distinguish 
between them.Other names that have been suggested for Named Graphs 
include surfaces and g-boxes, but named graph has been cemented by 
its use in the SPARQL syntax.

Names Graphs also provide a useful semantics for RDF Datasets.  Some RDF 
Datasets, hereafter NG Datasets, have this intended meaning: each 
(_name_, _graph_) pair is a statement that _name_ is a Named Graph which 
contains exactly the triples in _graph_.The class rdf:NGDataset is 
defined for signalling these are the intended Dataset semantics.

The class rdf:NamedGraph is defined for use in declaring the domain and 
range of predicates which relate Named Graphs.   For example:

   a rdf:NGDataset
  GRAPH :g1 { :MtEverest :heightFeet 29002 }
  GRAPH :g2 { :MtEverest :heightFeet 29029 }
  :g1 :claimedBy :BritishIndiaSurveyOffice.
  :g2 :claimedBy :IndiaSurveyOffice.

Here, the domain of :claimedBy is rdf:NamedGraph, and it might be 
defined in English as x :claimedBy y means that all the triples in the 
Named Graph x are claimed to be true by the social entity y.

The greatest differences between RDF Graphs and RDF Named Graphs appear 
when one considers the possibility of them changing over time.It is 
nonsensical to consider an RDF Graph changing over time, just like it 
makes no sense to talk about the value of some integer, say seven, 
changing over time.   In contrast, it makes perfect sense to consider 
Named Graphs changing: at one point in time the identifiable thing that 
is a certain Named Graph contains some triples and at another point in 
time it might contain different triples.  As of RDF 1.1, however, the 
formal specifications for RDF do not provide any specific support for 
handling changing data.


That's simple and clear enough, isn't it? ( ... he says, clinging to 
perhaps his last shred of hope. )

   -- Sandro

Re: defn of Named Graph

2013-09-18 Thread Sandro Hawke

On 09/18/2013 04:29 AM, Gregg Reynolds wrote:

On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 4:51 PM, Sandro Hawke san...@w3.org 
mailto:san...@w3.org wrote:

Following that epiphany I had at the end of my last email, here's
what I'd love to see everyone agree on, more or less:

== Named Graphs

An RDF Named Graph is similar to an RDF Graph, but different
in one important way.

This just does not work.  What you're effectively trying to do is 
redefine the English language.

There are lots of words and phrases in English that mean something 
different from what the words, taken literal and individually, should mean.

They suck, but they exist, and this would be adding one more. Pat tried 
to call it a Surface.  I tried to call it a Layer or a G-Box.   But the 
world calls it a Named Graph.

We all know what a named X is - it's an X that happens to bear a name. 

 A named function is similar to a function, but different in one 
important way.

Nobody would agree to this.

1. λx.x+1
2.   f(x) = x+1

Without question, f names the same graph named by the lambda 
expression in 1.

   1.  {1,2,3}
   2.  S = {1,2,3}

Again, S names the same set named by the extension expression in 1.   
The point, which is easy to overlook, is that RDF graph expressions - 
the stuff we write down - are just like lambda expressions or set 
extension expressions.  They are names.  Coining additional names 
(synonyms) via equations does not change the thing named.


Like an RDF Graph, an RDF Named Graph contains zero or more RDF
Triples.  Unlike an RDF Graph, an RDF Named Graph has an identity
distinct from those triples.  That is, two Named Graphs remain
distinct and distinguishable entities even if they happen to
contain exactly the same RDF Triples.

The suggestion that a pair of mathematical entities with exactly the 
same extension are not equal doesn't help - it reads like an attempt 
to redefine mathematics.

I think I see what you're trying to accomplish, but in my opinion this 
is not a good way to do it.  There is no need to invent a new blob of 
metaphysics called an RDF Named Graph in order to accomodate the way 
named graphs are handled in the wild.  You just need clear language - 
see below.

The term Named Graph has historically caused some confusion, as
some people have read the phrase to mean an RDF Graph which
happens to have a name.   This reading is not correct, since RDF
Named Graphs are not RDF Graphs at all.

At this point you have completely lost this reader, and I suspect 
virtually every other reader who is not intimately involved in the 
discussions of the very, very small group of technical experts trying 
to figure out what Named Graphs are.


Names Graphs also provide a useful semantics for RDF Datasets.
 Some RDF Datasets, hereafter NG Datasets, have this intended
meaning: each (_name_, _graph_) pair is a statement that _name_ is
a Named Graph which contains exactly the triples in _graph_. 

Since _name_ is an IRI, this would mean that a Named Graph is (I think 
you mean denotes?) an IRI value (in IR), unless you're abandoning 
RDF Semantics.

Right, a Named Graph is in IR. We need some term for the class of 
things (in IR) which are denoted by the IRIs used as graph names in 
dataset.  What would you propose to call that class of things?

Above you said that an RDF Named Graph contains zero or more RDF 
Triples.  But the values in IR are logical individuals with no 
substantive properties.  In particular, they are not RDF Triples.  So 
at this point we do not know what RDF Named Graph is supposed to mean.


The greatest differences between RDF Graphs and RDF Named Graphs
appear when one considers the possibility of them changing over
time.It is nonsensical to consider an RDF Graph changing over
time, just like it makes no sense to talk about the value of some
integer, say seven, changing over time.   In contrast, it makes
perfect sense to consider Named Graphs changing: at one point in
time the identifiable thing that is a certain Named Graph contains
some triples and at another point in time it might contain
different triples.

To me, at least, it makes no sense to consider RDF Named Graphs as 
any more mutable thatn RDF Graphs. They're either mathematical 
objects or not; if they are - and they must be - they are immutable.

To me the problem with Named Graphs is primarily a matter of getting 
clear on terminology.  I suppose we're stuck with Named Graph, but 
there is no requirement that name be construed as a synonym for 
denote.  There are lots of ways of referring to things that can 
loosely be considered as kinds of naming; we can think of these in 
terms of modes of referring or the like.

In particular, there is one mode of referring that seems to capture 
more or less perfectly what is wanted with Named Graphs: metonymy.  It 

Re: defn of Named Graph

2013-09-19 Thread Sandro Hawke

On 09/19/2013 04:01 AM, Dan Brickley wrote:

On 18 September 2013 19:33, Jeremy J Carroll j...@syapse.com 
mailto:j...@syapse.com wrote:

Something of an aside …

On Sep 18, 2013, at 1:29 AM, Gregg Reynolds d...@mobileink.com
mailto:d...@mobileink.com wrote:

The suggestion that a pair of mathematical entities with exactly
the same extension are not equal doesn't help - it reads like an
attempt to redefine mathematics. 


I think you misunderstand mathematics ...

I attach two pictures.

The first is my copy, of Jones' copy of a diagram in a book in the
vatican library which is a tenth century, maybe fifth generation,
copy of a diagram drawn by Pappus of Alexandria in the 4th
century, which may in turn have been a (n-th generational) copy of
a diagram drawn by Euclid a few hundred years earlier.
The copy in the vatican library, has, according to Jones, got a
mistake in it: which he corrected, assuming it to be a copyist's
error and not an error of Pappus or Euclid.

All these copies will have minor variations .. such as angles and
distances and sizes being slightly different [...]

Thanks - you confirm a hunch I had earlier in this thread. I started a 
mail but couldn't find a way to make it clear: these distinctions 
we're drawing around graphs echo very similar concerns people have for 
bibliographic modeling of intellectual works, their literary 
expressions, manifestations and tangible representation as items - to 
use the FRBR terminology. This is not to suggest for a moment that 
FRBR is the best conceptualization of graph change, state, and 
versioning; only that perhaps it might help to see this as not a 
distinctively RDF-oriented problem.


Yeah, I think that observations was probably made before about g-snaps, 
g-boxes, and g-texts, but it was forgotten.

It's nice to hear, in a way, because it excused our difficulty in 
solving this problem.We might say that httpRange-14 and dataset 
semantics are FRBR-complete or FRBR-hard problems --- that is, if you 
could solve this, you could make a decent FRBR solution and/or if there 
were a decent FRBR solution, you could solve this.

My hope is that we could solve this more easily than FRBR, since we have 
running code.

But it's not clear the running code matters very much, alas, for these 
use cases.

In my proposal starting this thread, I handwaved over why you might ever 
want to have metadata about some collection of triples which is 
independent of the the triples in it.   For instance, in my head, I have 
no idea whether dc:creator, cc:license, dc:date, etc, make more sense 
applied to the g-box or the g-snap.   (I hope you'll tolerate my using 
those place-holder terms for clarity.)  Until people need to change 
the triples, though, I can't really tell.

I mean, if I copyright a certain 5000 character string, and you 
independently copyright the same 5000 character string, how does the law 
deal with that?  I guess it doesn't care that in a sense they are 
different strings -- the law probably treats them as the same, and the 
chonologically-second one is infringing.So for copyright law, 
cc:license and dc:creator and dc:date are properties of a g-text.   That 
might extend to the g-snap that is essentially the parse-tree of that 
g-text.   It doesn't matter which g-boxes might be involved.

I tried to skirt that using the idea of coincidentally having the same 
triples, but that's maybe too theoretical and unlikely to be helpful.

So, I hereby propose we give up on all this until after we solve the 
change-over-time problem for RDF.I'm happy for us to talk that out 
amongst ourselves, or to do it in a community group, or...  I dunno.  
But obviously it's not an RDF WG thing.

As a first draft, I might state that problem as:

   Sometimes people write context-sensitive RDF like { :Alice :age 10
   }, instead of decontextualized RDF like { :Alice :born 1852 }.  It
   would be helpful to have a standard way to indicate and reason about
   the intended context of context-sensitive graphs.   (In this case,
   the context of the first graph would have to be 1862 for both graphs
   to be true, give or take time-of-year factors.)

   Meanwhile, even RDF which is not inherently context-sensitive (like
   the above graph using the :age predicate), often turns out to be
   context-sensitive because it conveys something about the state of
   the world, and the state of the world sometimes changes. For
   instance, a foaf:name triple might turn out to be true for only
   certain years, if the subject changes their name.   And a foaf:mbox
   triple is true only when the subject has the given email address.

   Finally, even when an RDF graph contains information that in theory
   never changes, like birth dates or molecular weights of chemicals,

Re: defn of Named Graph

2013-09-24 Thread Sandro Hawke

On 09/20/2013 04:44 AM, Pat Hayes wrote:

On Sep 19, 2013, at 9:52 AM, Sandro Hawke wrote:

So, I hereby propose we give up on all this until after we solve the 
change-over-time problem for RDF.

Well, I do have other things to do in my life

Sorry Hopefully you at least find this satisfying, enjoyable, or 
entertaining from time to time.

, but I think this is a very bad stance to take. The change-over-time-problem is not ever 
going to be solved. it is not a problem with a solution. If it were, there 
would be one accepted tense logic and one accepted semantic theory for programming 

To me, it would be solved if there was a way to handle 
change-over-time that worked for my applications and that you didn't 
think was broken wrt RDF Semantics.Hopefully other members of the 
community would like it, too. I don't think we need the perfect 
solution, or even consensus at this point.   Just something that some of 
us can use in our software with some reasonable hope it'll function as 
expected, and not violate the specs in any problematic way.

  But this type/token business does not require us to solve it. It is a much 
simpler, more basic kind of clarification that does not depend in ANY WAY on 
the change-over-time issue. With the greatest respect, Sandro, your obsession 
with time and change has, I believe, hindered progress here. You keep going 
back to that issue, even when we have finally managed to agree (at least I 
thought we had) that the surface/token/named-graph vs. abstract graph 
distinction did not depend upon time or change, or even involve it.

I come back to it obsessively because there is such a dirth of other use 
cases.  (Perhaps I have a bias of wanting to solved for other uses 
cases; I'm trying hard to keep that in check.)  In recent weeks, I 
tried to keep this discussion to being just about identity without 
touching on change-over-time, but frankly I don't find the use cases 

I'm now confident that you and I (and Jeremy) agree the problem we're 
trying to solve in this thread is this: people seem to want to have 
different properties on one graph than on another, even when the 
graphs happen to have the same triples.

But why do they want this?   As I poke at that problem, either it turns 
out this functionality doesn't actually matter to them, or they need it 
because they are actually dealing with graphs which could at least 
potentially change over time.

Do you have a use case (involving RDF on computers) for having different 
properties on different graphs (which happen to have the same 
triples), and which does not involve graphs changing over time?

(the rest of this email is beside the point, just some inline responses 
to your comments.)

  I'm happy for us to talk that out amongst ourselves, or to do it in a 
community group, or...  I dunno.  But obviously it's not an RDF WG thing.

As a first draft, I might state that problem as:

Sometimes people write context-sensitive RDF like { :Alice :age 10 }, instead 
of decontextualized RDF like { :Alice :born 1852 }.  It would be helpful to 
have a standard way to indicate and reason about the intended context of 
context-sensitive graphs.   (In this case, the context of the first graph would 
have to be 1862 for both graphs to be true, give or take time-of-year factors.)

Meanwhile, even RDF which is not inherently context-sensitive (like the above 
graph using the :age predicate), often turns out to be context-sensitive 
because it conveys something about the state of the world, and the state of the 
world sometimes changes.

No. That the world changes state is true. That this implies, or requires, that 
RDF must be contextual, is false. Thinking that the first entails the second, 
is one of the most stubborn mistakes that people make when thinking about this 

I'd like to understand this, but let's wait on that until you actually 
want to talk about the change-over-time problem.

  For instance, a foaf:name triple might turn out to be true for only certain 
years, if the subject changes their name.   And a foaf:mbox triple is true only 
when the subject has the given email address.

Finally, even when an RDF graph contains information that in theory never 
changes, like birth dates or molecular weights of chemicals, in practice it 
might change because of errors being corrected or the truth becoming known with 
more precision. For example, with a little historical research we might 
learn that the girl who inspired Alice in Wonderland was 10 in 1862, and put 
that in an RDF Graph.   With more research, we might discover her actually 
birthdate was 4 May 1852, and update our RDF database accordingly.

True, but irrelevant. Updating errors can happen with any data; it does not 
make the data itself contextual. That is not information changing with time 
because it does not imply that the information is about the 'present'.

It's data changing

Re: defn of Named Graph

2013-09-24 Thread Sandro Hawke

On 09/24/2013 09:38 AM, Dan Brickley wrote:

Do you have a use case (involving RDF on computers) for having different
properties on different graphs (which happen to have the same triples),
and which does not involve graphs changing over time?

(jumping in here...)

Related to change over time, but not quite the same: description of
Actions that may never happen, e.g. possible events (alongwith URLs +
info etc. that could be used to make them happen).


Can you give me a little more detail there?

Maybe we're doing meeting scheduling, and the meeting might be at 9am in 
the Star room or might be at 10am in the Patel room, like this:

GRAPH :g1 { :staffMtg83 :start 2013-09-24T09ET; :location :Star }
GRAPH :g2 { :staffMtg83 :start 2013-09-24T10ET; :location :Patel }
:staffMtg83 :option :g1, :g2.

Something like that?

I agree that's a very interesting use case for datasets.

I don't think it's one that motivates having different properties on the 
same group of triples.  At least not as far as I can see.

  -- Sandro

tentative actions, endorsement

2013-09-24 Thread Sandro Hawke

On 09/24/2013 09:53 AM, Dan Brickley wrote:

On 24 September 2013 14:51, Sandro Hawke san...@w3.org wrote:

On 09/24/2013 09:38 AM, Dan Brickley wrote:

Do you have a use case (involving RDF on computers) for having different
properties on different graphs (which happen to have the same
and which does not involve graphs changing over time?

(jumping in here...)

Related to change over time, but not quite the same: description of
Actions that may never happen, e.g. possible events (alongwith URLs +
info etc. that could be used to make them happen).


Can you give me a little more detail there?

Maybe we're doing meeting scheduling, and the meeting might be at 9am in the
Star room or might be at 10am in the Patel room, like this:

GRAPH :g1 { :staffMtg83 :start 2013-09-24T09ET; :location :Star }
GRAPH :g2 { :staffMtg83 :start 2013-09-24T10ET; :location :Patel }
:staffMtg83 :option :g1, :g2.

Something like that?

I agree that's a very interesting use case for datasets.

I don't think it's one that motivates having different properties on the
same group of triples.  At least not as far as I can see.

It's for schema.org; we defined http://schema.org/Action recently,
including a variety of sub-types. These work as-is in triples for
actions that have happened.

We have discussed using actionStatus=tentative properties of an
Action, but that is non-ideal since that triple could always drop off,
leaving the impression the action wasn't tentative (esp. if date is in
the past, which ties back to the date issue of course).

Right, it's a common problem with RDF on the Web.   You want to attach 
some important metadata to some of the triples, like I'm just kidding, 
or tentative, was true for the 1988-1989 school year.

You could put that data inside the graph (sometimes), inside another 
graph, or make it part of the arc linking to that data source. And you 
might set the data aside by putting it in a different web page from 
some more main page, or by putting it inside a named graph inside a 
Web page, instead of directly in a Web page.

I'm sure what users want is to just put it inside the graph.They 
want to say:

 a :Tentative thing


dc:temporal :schoolYear1988-1989

But that goes against the RDF Semantics and the common practice of 
querying a graph.   As you say, that triple might be dropped.

So, I think the safest way to do it is make it part of the arc leading 
to the graph.if :t1 is the graph with the tentative knowledge (a 
named graph, a web page URL, whatever), it's only reachable from 
endorsed content via a link like { :t1 a :TentativeSource }.

This requires some notion of endorsed content.Clearly Google has a 
fuzzy notion of this, and for this system to work, it kind of has to be 
smart about this.  The presence of the url :t1 in endorsed content does 
not mean that the graph :t1 is endorsed.

But maybe this is pushing water uphill.   Maybe we need a way to say { 
 a :TentativeSource. }.  Somehow we handle this in human systems all 
the time.   I think the human process is something like: assume a 
document is true and about the current context until/unless something 
raises doubt about that, then try to figure out if it's untrue or true 
of a different context.Maybe we can formalize that process -- you 
find some RDF in the wild, so you tentatively assume it's true in the 
universal context, then do some reasoning, looking for signs it might 
not really be.   If it's not, then you try to figure out what its real 
status is.  dc:temporal is pretty clear about this. If this is too 
hard, then perhaps you shouldn't be looking for RDF in the wild.  :-)

-- Sandro

Re: The Movie of the Book: Re: defn of Named Graph

2013-09-24 Thread Sandro Hawke

On 09/24/2013 01:07 PM, Jeremy J Carroll wrote:

On Sep 24, 2013, at 6:31 AM, Sandro Hawke san...@w3.org 
mailto:san...@w3.org wrote:

I'm now confident that you and I (and Jeremy) agree the problem we're 
trying to solve in this thread is this: people seem to want to have 
different properties on one graph than on another, even when the 
graphs happen to have the same triples.

I am sorry, I actually don't agree.

The phrase '''even when the graphs happen to have the same 
triples.''' indicates that any actual example is likely to be 
contrived and artificial.
The point about these contrived and artificial examples is that they 
demonstrate that my use cases for graph naming (i.e. the use cases 
that matter to me) tend to be about referring to the graph as a 
representation of a resource, where there is one step of remove.

To totally abuse RDF we might agree a new mechanism for publishing novels.
A novel might be published as a single triple RDF graph with a blank 
subject, predicate being rdf:value and the object being the text of 
the novel.

The participants of this thread might each independently come up with 
the following earth-shattering great novel

[ rdf:value
Once upon a time, there was a consortium, which agreed on a 
semantics for graph naming. And they all lived happily ever after. The 


And once the movie of the book  grosses many millions, we all end up 
in court, arguing over who wrote the novel - contradicting the 
penultimate sentence.

Sandro produces his dataset with

eg:Sandro dc:creator Sandro Hawke.

eg:Sandro [ rdf:value
Once upon a time, there was a consortium, which agreed on a 
semantics for graph naming. And they all lived happily ever after. The 


I produce mine with

eg:Jeremy dc:creator Jeremy Carroll.

eg:Jeremy [ rdf:value
Once upon a time, there was a consortium, which agreed on a 
semantics for graph naming. And they all lived happily ever after. The 


etc., so that the court is presented with a merge of datasets:

eg:Jeremy dc:creator Jeremy Carroll.
eg:Sandro dc:creator Sandro Hawke.
eg:Dan dc:creator Dan Brickley.
eg:Pat dc:creator Pat Hayes.
eg:Gregg dc:creator Gregg Reynolds.

eg:Jeremy [ rdf:value
Once upon a time, there was a consortium, which agreed on a 
semantics for graph naming. And they all lived happily ever after. The 


eg:Sandro [ rdf:value
Once upon a time, there was a consortium, which agreed on a 
semantics for graph naming. And they all lived happily ever after. The 


eg:Pat [ rdf:value
Once upon a time, there was a consortium, which agreed on a 
semantics for graph naming. And they all lived happily ever after. The 


eg:Gregg [ rdf:value
Once upon a time, there was a consortium, which agreed on a 
semantics for graph naming. And they all lived happily ever after. The 


eg:Dan [ rdf:value
Once upon a time, there was a consortium, which agreed on a 
semantics for graph naming. And they all lived happily ever after. The 


I really don't think there is any contradiction here, even if 
dc:creator is a functional property.
The court would have to fall back onto precedence, and I would produce 
this e-mail from www-archive and win the case!


My point with this example is that the identity condition that Sandro 
is asking for is contrived;

I'm confused, since the point I was trying to make is that the identity 
conditions are contrived (ie lack real use cases) unless we bring in 

but my use case is of a publishing system where the data being 
published is in the form of an RDF graph, and there is metadata is 
data about that graph - but not really stuff about the graph itself 
but more about the pair - the naming of the graph.

So let's go back to that.Give me an example that shows three things: 
the triples happen to be the same, the metadata must remain distinct, 
and there is no change over time.As I think about it now, I'm 
beginning to think it's impossible.

  -- Sandro


Re: The Movie of the Book: Re: defn of Named Graph

2013-09-24 Thread Sandro Hawke

On 09/24/2013 05:32 PM, Dan Brickley wrote:

On 24 September 2013 19:15, Sandro Hawke san...@w3.org wrote:

So let's go back to that.Give me an example that shows three things: the
triples happen to be the same, the metadata must remain distinct, and there
is no change over time.As I think about it now, I'm beginning to think
it's impossible.

How about any difference of opinion on factual matters, e.g. birther
conspiracy theorists might believe: obama placeOfBirth kenya. Others
might not and each could cite URLs in support of their viewpoint?

I don't see how this would meet my criteria and motivate distinct 
graphs without involving change-over-time.

I'd address the use case like this:

 GRAPH :g1 { :Obama :placeOfBirth :Kenya }
 GRAPH :g2 { :Obama :placeOfBirth :Hawaii }
 :Trump :believes :g1.
 :Biden :believes :g2.

and I guess we can meet my first criterion by adding

 GRAPH :g3 { :Obama :placeOfBirth :Hawaii }
 :Romney :believes :g2.

So we have three graphs, two with the same triples.  (Criterion 1 
met.)  We have no change over time (alas! :-).(Criterion 3 met.)

But are there any properties you could sensibly put on :g2 that wouldn't 
also apply to :g3?   I can't think of any.

   -- Sandro


Re: defn of Named Graph

2013-09-27 Thread Sandro Hawke

Pat Hayes pha...@ihmc.us wrote:

On Sep 24, 2013, at 8:31 AM, Sandro Hawke wrote:

 On 09/20/2013 04:44 AM, Pat Hayes wrote:
 On Sep 19, 2013, at 9:52 AM, Sandro Hawke wrote:
 So, I hereby propose we give up on all this until after we solve
the change-over-time problem for RDF.
 Well, I do have other things to do in my life
 Sorry Hopefully you at least find this satisfying, enjoyable,
or entertaining from time to time.
 , but I think this is a very bad stance to take. The
change-over-time-problem is not ever going to be solved. it is not a
problem with a solution. If it were, there would be one accepted tense
logic and one accepted semantic theory for programming languages.
 To me, it would be solved if there was a way to handle
change-over-time that worked for my applications and that you didn't
think was broken wrt RDF Semantics.Hopefully other members of the
community would like it, too. I don't think we need the perfect
solution, or even consensus at this point.   Just something that some
of us can use in our software with some reasonable hope it'll function
as expected, and not violate the specs in any problematic way.
  But this type/token business does not require us to solve it. It is
a much simpler, more basic kind of clarification that does not depend
in ANY WAY on the change-over-time issue. With the greatest respect,
Sandro, your obsession with time and change has, I believe, hindered
progress here. You keep going back to that issue, even when we have
finally managed to agree (at least I thought we had) that the
surface/token/named-graph vs. abstract graph distinction did not depend
upon time or change, or even involve it.
 I come back to it obsessively because there is such a dirth of other
use cases.  (Perhaps I have a bias of wanting to solved for other uses
cases; I'm trying hard to keep that in check.)  In recent weeks, I
tried to keep this discussion to being just about identity without
touching on change-over-time, but frankly I don't find the use cases
 I'm now confident that you and I (and Jeremy) agree the problem we're
trying to solve in this thread is this: people seem to want to have
different properties on one graph than on another, even when the
graphs happen to have the same triples.
 But why do they want this?   As I poke at that problem, either it
turns out this functionality doesn't actually matter to them, or they
need it because they are actually dealing with graphs which could at
least potentially change over time.
 Do you have a use case (involving RDF on computers) for having
different properties on different graphs (which happen to have the
same triples), and which does not involve graphs changing over time?

Sure, the use case that was the primary motivation for the original
named-graph proposal, which was publishing RDF with a 'warrant' of
authenticity, in the form of a robust digital signature, and allowing
one of these to mention another using an IRI link. All this secure
fixing of provenance and authentication is meaningless if the final
contents can be changed at will; and yet it is also meaningless if
understood as applying to an abstract set. 

I believe that use case can also be addressed by I(n)=g.There is no 
metadata about one of these graphs that doesn't transfer to all other ones 
with the same triples, so they can just be ordinary RDF Graphs.

 - Sandro


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Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Re: defn of Named Graph

2013-09-27 Thread Sandro Hawke

Jeremy J Carroll j...@syapse.com wrote:
I feel that Sandro's text has asked the WG for too much and is
motivated by the insoluble use case of dealing with time.

A shorter proposal, motivated by other intensional use cases, such as
Pat's signing, but any involving stating some intent about a graph,
rather than some mathematical property of th graph.

Here is a very short use case:

I wish to publish a dataset involving three graphs - one create by
Adam, the second created by Bettie and the third created by Charles.
I wish to use dc:creator to convey this.

Note that the three graphs will generally be different, but could be
the same.

This use case can be addressed by I(n)=g. If some of the graph contents 
turn out to be the same, that's fine.   If Adam and Bettie created the same RDF 
triples, then it's fine to say they created exactly the same thing.   That is, 
there is one thing and they both created it.(I put l created in quotes 
because in a sense all RDF graphs already exist.   But in the same sense all 
character strings already exist, so I'm not exactly creating this message.)

 - Sandro

And the a short proposed text is to suggest using interpretations where

I(uuu) =  uuu, ggg 

where uuu names ggg in a dataset

How to say that with buy-in is the question - it has the 'right'
semantic consequences

It could be with MUST force, SHOULD force or MAY force.


Only saying something  in Concepts leaves a mess in the Semantics
section that deals with named graphs; so the smallest possible edit is
to change that section in semantics only

Jeremy J Carroll
Principal Architect
Syapse, Inc.

On Sep 27, 2013, at 11:46 AM, Pat Hayes pha...@ihmc.us wrote:

 On Sep 24, 2013, at 8:31 AM, Sandro Hawke wrote:
 On 09/20/2013 04:44 AM, Pat Hayes wrote:
 On Sep 19, 2013, at 9:52 AM, Sandro Hawke wrote:
 So, I hereby propose we give up on all this until after we solve
the change-over-time problem for RDF.
 Well, I do have other things to do in my life
 Sorry Hopefully you at least find this satisfying,
enjoyable, or entertaining from time to time.
 , but I think this is a very bad stance to take. The
change-over-time-problem is not ever going to be solved. it is not a
problem with a solution. If it were, there would be one accepted tense
logic and one accepted semantic theory for programming languages.
 To me, it would be solved if there was a way to handle
change-over-time that worked for my applications and that you didn't
think was broken wrt RDF Semantics.Hopefully other members of the
community would like it, too. I don't think we need the perfect
solution, or even consensus at this point.   Just something that some
of us can use in our software with some reasonable hope it'll function
as expected, and not violate the specs in any problematic way.
 But this type/token business does not require us to solve it. It is
a much simpler, more basic kind of clarification that does not depend
in ANY WAY on the change-over-time issue. With the greatest respect,
Sandro, your obsession with time and change has, I believe, hindered
progress here. You keep going back to that issue, even when we have
finally managed to agree (at least I thought we had) that the
surface/token/named-graph vs. abstract graph distinction did not depend
upon time or change, or even involve it.
 I come back to it obsessively because there is such a dirth of other
use cases.  (Perhaps I have a bias of wanting to solved for other uses
cases; I'm trying hard to keep that in check.)  In recent weeks, I
tried to keep this discussion to being just about identity without
touching on change-over-time, but frankly I don't find the use cases
 I'm now confident that you and I (and Jeremy) agree the problem
we're trying to solve in this thread is this: people seem to want to
have different properties on one graph than on another, even when the
graphs happen to have the same triples.
 But why do they want this?   As I poke at that problem, either it
turns out this functionality doesn't actually matter to them, or they
need it because they are actually dealing with graphs which could at
least potentially change over time.
 Do you have a use case (involving RDF on computers) for having
different properties on different graphs (which happen to have the
same triples), and which does not involve graphs changing over time?
 Sure, the use case that was the primary motivation for the original
named-graph proposal, which was publishing RDF with a 'warrant' of
authenticity, in the form of a robust digital signature, and allowing
one of these to mention another using an IRI link. All this secure
fixing of provenance and authentication is meaningless if the final
contents can be changed at will; and yet it is also meaningless if
understood as applying to an abstract set. 

Re: defn of Named Graph

2013-09-27 Thread Sandro Hawke

Jeremy J Carroll j...@syapse.com wrote:

I also wish to use dcterms:issued

Adam and Bettie issued the graph for different purposes on different
dates, and the issued property is really about the named graph and not
about the graph per se.

Okay, so it's enough to use creator and date. Adam created it on Jan 1, 
Bettie created it on Jan 2.   So the it has to be two different things.Or 
creator and comment, if we want to avoid time entirely.

I see one could model that in RDF such that one would want different identity 
for the same triples.But that's not a very compelling case for me, because 
it strikes me as bad modeling.What was issued was perhaps a proclamation, 
and the content of that proclamation was this RDF Graph... Same issue with 
if they both issued/created the same string on different days.

Still, yes, it is a use case, thanks.

   - Sandro

Jeremy J Carroll
Principal Architect
Syapse, Inc.

On Sep 27, 2013, at 2:34 PM, Sandro Hawke san...@w3.org wrote:

 Jeremy J Carroll j...@syapse.com wrote:
 I feel that Sandro's text has asked the WG for too much and is
 motivated by the insoluble use case of dealing with time.
 A shorter proposal, motivated by other intensional use cases, such
 Pat's signing, but any involving stating some intent about a graph,
 rather than some mathematical property of th graph.
 Here is a very short use case:
 I wish to publish a dataset involving three graphs - one create by
 Adam, the second created by Bettie and the third created by Charles.
 I wish to use dc:creator to convey this.
 Note that the three graphs will generally be different, but could be
 the same.
 This use case can be addressed by I(n)=g. If some of the graph
contents turn out to be the same, that's fine.   If Adam and Bettie
created the same RDF triples, then it's fine to say they created
exactly the same thing.   That is, there is one thing and they both
created it.(I put l created in quotes because in a sense all
RDF graphs already exist.   But in the same sense all character strings
already exist, so I'm not exactly creating this message.)
 - Sandro
 And the a short proposed text is to suggest using interpretations
 I(uuu) =  uuu, ggg 
 where uuu names ggg in a dataset
 How to say that with buy-in is the question - it has the 'right'
 semantic consequences
 It could be with MUST force, SHOULD force or MAY force.
 Only saying something  in Concepts leaves a mess in the Semantics
 section that deals with named graphs; so the smallest possible edit
 to change that section in semantics only
 Jeremy J Carroll
 Principal Architect
 Syapse, Inc.
 On Sep 27, 2013, at 11:46 AM, Pat Hayes pha...@ihmc.us wrote:
 On Sep 24, 2013, at 8:31 AM, Sandro Hawke wrote:
 On 09/20/2013 04:44 AM, Pat Hayes wrote:
 On Sep 19, 2013, at 9:52 AM, Sandro Hawke wrote:
 So, I hereby propose we give up on all this until after we solve
 the change-over-time problem for RDF.
 Well, I do have other things to do in my life
 Sorry Hopefully you at least find this satisfying,
 enjoyable, or entertaining from time to time.
 , but I think this is a very bad stance to take. The
 change-over-time-problem is not ever going to be solved. it is not
 problem with a solution. If it were, there would be one accepted
 logic and one accepted semantic theory for programming languages.
 To me, it would be solved if there was a way to handle
 change-over-time that worked for my applications and that you didn't
 think was broken wrt RDF Semantics.Hopefully other members of
 community would like it, too. I don't think we need the perfect
 solution, or even consensus at this point.   Just something that
 of us can use in our software with some reasonable hope it'll
 as expected, and not violate the specs in any problematic way.
 But this type/token business does not require us to solve it. It
 a much simpler, more basic kind of clarification that does not
 in ANY WAY on the change-over-time issue. With the greatest respect,
 Sandro, your obsession with time and change has, I believe, hindered
 progress here. You keep going back to that issue, even when we have
 finally managed to agree (at least I thought we had) that the
 surface/token/named-graph vs. abstract graph distinction did not
 upon time or change, or even involve it.
 I come back to it obsessively because there is such a dirth of
 use cases.  (Perhaps I have a bias of wanting to solved for other
 cases; I'm trying hard to keep that in check.)  In recent weeks,
 tried to keep this discussion to being just about identity without
 touching on change-over-time, but frankly I don't find the use cases
 I'm now confident that you and I (and Jeremy) agree the problem
 we're trying to solve in this thread is this: people seem to want to
 have different properties

rdf comments

2013-10-01 Thread Sandro Hawke

As Guus mentioned, we're out of time.

At this point I'm really liking Pat's plan [1] to leverage the term RDF 
Source [2] to address the kinds of use cases we've been talking about, 
and write a WG Note to explain how to do it and define a class of 
Datasets (or Dataset Sources?) that are snapshots of sources.

Given the discussions we've had, is there an alternative design that you 
think is significantly better, that you'd like the WG to consider as an 
alternative path forward at tomorrow's meeting?

  -- Sandro

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Sep/0148
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#change-over-time

Re: rdf comments

2013-10-01 Thread Sandro Hawke

On 10/01/2013 02:16 PM, Jeremy J Carroll wrote:

I think my view is that the smallest amount of normative change to the text 
that actually addresses my comment would be:

1: change in semantics concerning having interpretations that conform with the 
named graph mapping of a dataset
2: change in semantics giving MAY or SHOULD or MUST force to 1
3: small consequential changes to concepts

I will suggest text later today

Thanks.   Personally, I strongly suggest you avoid use of the term 
named graph in the text, given apparent disagreement about what it means.

-- Sandro

Jeremy J Carroll
Principal Architect
Syapse, Inc.

On Oct 1, 2013, at 10:25 AM, Sandro Hawke san...@w3.org wrote:

As Guus mentioned, we're out of time.

At this point I'm really liking Pat's plan [1] to leverage the term RDF 
Source [2] to address the kinds of use cases we've been talking about, and write a 
WG Note to explain how to do it and define a class of Datasets (or Dataset Sources?) that 
are snapshots of sources.

Given the discussions we've had, is there an alternative design that you think 
is significantly better, that you'd like the WG to consider as an alternative 
path forward at tomorrow's meeting?

  -- Sandro

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Sep/0148
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#change-over-time

Re: rdfs:Graph ? comment on http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-dataset and issue 35

2013-10-02 Thread Sandro Hawke

David Booth da...@dbooth.org wrote:
Pat or Sandro,

Regarding this discussion:
On 09/12/2013 12:33 AM, David Booth wrote:
 [Let's move this discussion to www-archive@w3.org please, as it isn't
 relevant to Jeremy's comment.  All follow-ups there please.]

 On 09/11/2013 10:32 PM, Pat Hayes wrote:
[ . . . ]
 But each IRI denotes one thing, in all
 possible interpretations.

 No, in *each* possible interpretation, not in *all* possible
 interpretations.  I.e.,

For any interpretation I and URIs U1 and U2,
(U1=U2) = (I(U1) = I(U1))


For any interpretations II and I2, and URIs U1 and U2,
(U1=U2) = (I1(U1) = I2(U2))

 I.e., the uniqueness does not hold *across* interpretations.  It only
 holds within *each* interpretation individually.

 (The current RDF 1.1 semantics socument
 makes thie very explicit, by the way.)

 Yes, I noticed that, and the current wording is *incorrect*.  It
 to be fixed, as it wrongly implies that RDF may only be viewed from
 perspective of a single RDF interpretation, and that is simply

In looking for the offending statement in the current RDF Semantics 
draft I am not currently able to find it.  So I'm wondering if the
was changed since I noticed the problem.

How can I view previous versions of the editor's drafts?

Editor's drafts are all in mercurial.   Browse from dvcs.w3.org, but it's not 
easy.   Maybe you just want to like at the tr versions.

- Sandro


Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Re: RDF Semantics - Intuitive summary needs to be scoped to interpretations (ISSUE-149)

2013-10-10 Thread Sandro Hawke

Pat Hayes pha...@ihmc.us wrote:
Hi David

This is NOT an official WG response, but only an informal note to
explain some of the background thinking and discussions behind some of
the decisions we took. Please don't copy this to the public comments
list. I added Sandro to the CC list as he seems interested in this

The 2004 semantics document tried to do (at least) two things at once.
It is a formal, normative description of the semantics, but it also
tried to be a tutorial in various places, including in the section
you refer to and the extended glossary. This introductory material has
gotten some good reviews (thanks) but also has gotten some criticism,
especially with regard to its appropriateness for inclusion in a
normative standard document. And for sure, it made the document a lot
longer than it would have been without it, and the sheer length of the
RDF specs has come in for a lot of criticism. And for some readers, it
is an irritating distraction. 

Early in this WG, after some extended discussions, we decided that the
public interest would be better served by separating the
explanatory/tutorial/introductory material from the formal technical
normative material, and moving the former to a different document, a
kind of introduction/tutorial/primer document that is yet to be
written, and thereby making the normative technical document shorter
and crisper. This sacrifices readability for precision and exactness,
but there was a consensus in the WG that at this time in the evolution
of RDF, precision and exactness (and comparative brevity) were more
important than introductory exposition, in the actual normative
specification.  This is why the material that you now miss, is missing.
(You may also notice that the RDF1.1 Concepts document is also much
shorter and brisker than the 2004 version, for the same reasons.) As I
say, the plan was (and still is) to move this all to a 'primer'
document rather than abandon it entirely, but this is why its not in
the actual semantics document. 

The short intuitive summary section on which you commented earlier
represented an editorial lapse on my part when drafting the new
document, where my old teaching instincts overwhelmed my responsibility
as WG editor. Your comment made me realize the error of my ways. 



   - Sandro

On Oct 9, 2013, at 10:16 PM, David Booth wrote:

 Hi Pat (and others),
 I would not raise an objection to deleting the Intuitive Summary, but
I think there would be a loss to the public in deleting it.  I also
really liked the explanation of interpretations that you included in
the 2004 version, and miss it in the current draft.  It really gave
very good insight into the concept.  So personally, I think a better
solution would be to add back your explanation of interpretations and
tweak the Intuitive Summary section as needed.
 You mentioned this concern:
 An RDF graph is true under a given interpretation exactly when:
   1. the IRIs and literals in subject or object position in the
   graph all refer to things,
 But suppose that they refer to things that are not in the universe of
the given interpretation, then this is false.
 But AFAICT that is impossible, because refer is defined in sec. 4
to be relative to an interpretation:

In the above sentence, I was using the word refer in its normal
English usage, informally. But in any case, the point still stands:
they might be referring to things in the universe of a different

 The words denotes and refers to are used interchangeably as synonyms
for the relationship between an IRI or literal and what it refers to
 **in a given interpretation** . . . .
 (my emphasis).   And the wording that I suggested makes clear what
interpretation is intended

I don't accept that it does make this clear. 

 , so the IRIs and literals *cannot* refer to things outside of that
interpretation's universe.
 Also, I don't know what you mean when you wrote:
 No doubt David would respond, but readers should be *obliged* to
think about interpretations, and then my reply would be, OK, but if so
then this section is inappropriate in the first place, so let us delete
this section.
 Why would that section be inappropriate if readers are obliged to
think about interpretations?  It seems to me to give a fairly concise
summary of the formal approach taken.
 Finally, at the risk of restating the potentially obvious, I do not
see how anyone could possibly understand the formal semantics without
understanding the idea of interpretations, since they are so central to
the semantics.

The notions of reference (what a name refers to, or denotes) and truth
are pre-theoretic. They are part of our ordinary understanding of the
world. Interpretations simply formalize (if one can call such a simple
construct a 'formalization) this intuition so that one can do some
mathematics with it. The idea 

Re: rdfs:Graph ? comment on http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-dataset and issue 35 (ISSUE-142)

2013-10-14 Thread Sandro Hawke

Jeremy J Carroll j...@syapse.com wrote:

Hi Peter

thank you and the WG for the time spent considering my issue.

I am sorry that you have failed to reach a satisfactory response, and
understand the difficulties involved.

My current intent is to raise a formal objection for consideration by
the director during the transition review.

I will be clear in that objection that I do not agree with Sandro


that I am in a Solomon and the Baby situation, and that I do not
believe it is best that the specification dies; however, I do believe
that asking the director to consider whether asking the WG to actually
resolve this issue is appropriate.

What other option do you see?  The charter expires in about 10 weeks now.   If 
we're not at PR then, I think the spec dies   

 - Sandro

I will be drafting the objection in the next 2 weeks: if the WG would
like me to accelerate that process please let me know.

Jeremy J Carroll
Principal Architect
Syapse, Inc.

On Oct 11, 2013, at 1:03 PM, Peter F. Patel-Schneider
pfpschnei...@gmail.com wrote:

 Dear Jeremy:
 This is a second official response to your message about rdfs:Graph
 RDF datasets,

 which is being tracked as ISSUE-142.
 The first official response from the working group was

 which stated that the working group was unable to agree on any
 for RDF datasets that goes beyond the very minimal proposal in its
 documents.   You responded, in

 that you were not satisfied with this situation.
 The working group again discussed RDF datasets and was again unable
to come
 up with any viable solution.  The only resolution that was acceptable
was a
 negative one - the RDF working group will leave further semantics of
 datasets and named graphs to some future working group.  Hopefully at
 time there will be one or more communities of practice using aspects
of RDF
 datasets and named graphs that can be used as the starting point for
 portions of a W3C recommendation.
 The working group realizes that the current situation is not totally
 satisfactory to you, but the working group has expended a lot of
effort on
 this topic already and has been unsuccessful.  There are no
 possibilities of a breakthrough here and thus the working group will
 concentrating its efforts in other areas so as to finish the work it
 to do.
 Please indicate whether you wish to pursue this issue further, or
 leaving the situation unchanged in this area is acceptable to you.
 you for your concerns on this topic.
 Yours sincerely,
 Peter F. Patel-Schneider
 for the RDF Working Group
 On 07/11/2013 12:06 PM, Jeremy J Carroll wrote:
 This is a formal comment on
http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-dataset, and it appears a
comment on
 and quite possibly on the RDF Semantics ….
 It seems to be a suggestion to reopen issue 35
 which points to
 hence I am CC-ing dawg.
 The last part of this message discusses problems in using service
description to meet my use case: to me, this is not a comment on DAWG's
work, but a comment that RDF Core cannot use DAWG's work of more
limited scope to duck the issue.
 Summary: I would like to use rdf to describe graphs in a dataset,
e.g. to say who the author was.
 as a simple example
 my:graph {
my:graph dc:creator Jeremy J. Carroll .
 I cannot see how to do this with the current drafts, editors drafts,
 A possible approach would be to reopen issue 35  and have a class
rdfs:Graph, s.t. for a URI used as the name of a graph in a dataset
the triple
URI rdf:type rdfs:Graph
 More weakly, I would be satisfied with such a concept being added to
the RDF vocabulary, without the implication above holding, but a
suggested usage pattern.
 Also, I basically finished this message before finding issue 35 and
it's superficially reasonable resolution that sd:Graph may meet my
needs. This suggests that some documentation link from either RDF
Concepts or RDF Schema or RDF Semantics to SPARQL Service Description
would be helpful ….
 However, the Service Description doc
 ducks on the issue of whether the name denotes the graph, and so
does not give me a clear place to put such metadata.
 I think if the RDF WG tried writing such documentation, they would
discover that the resolution of issue 35 would unravel - the trick is
to allow such unravelling without having too much of the named graphs
work unravel.
 Here is my actual use 

(please ignore)

2016-06-22 Thread Sandro Hawke

(just testing something about the mailing list archives)