Re: [ANN] Taoensso library updates / 2014 September

2014-09-07 Thread Peter Taoussanis
No problem. I just wanted to check that it was an intentional change, and not some unknown bug that had crept in. Sure, appreciate that. And one had (buggy CHANGELOG) - so good that you checked ;-) I just switched my app from Om/Sablono + Sente to Reagent + Sente and I'm currently

[ANN] Nginx-Clojure v0.2.5 released!

2014-09-07 Thread Yuexiang Zhang
0.2.5 (2014-09-07) 1. New Feature: Reference variables in jvm_options different jvm debug ports for jvm processes (issue #42) 2. New Feature: Server Sent Events(SSE) Long polling (issue #41, issue #36) 3. New Feature: Supports 64-bit JDK on 64-bit Windows (issue #40) 4.

Re: [ANN] Nginx-Clojure v0.2.5 released!

2014-09-07 Thread gvim
On 07/09/2014 13:45, Yuexiang Zhang wrote: 0.2.5 (2014-09-07) 1. New Feature: Reference variables in jvm_options different jvm debug ports for jvm processes (issue #42) 2. New Feature: Server Sent Events(SSE) Long polling (issue #41, issue #36) 3. New Feature: Supports 64-bit

Re: [ANN] Nginx-Clojure v0.2.5 released!

2014-09-07 Thread Yuexiang Zhang
Sorry I don't use Immutant + Wildfly and know little about it. The simple benchmarks including Immutant Nginx-Clojure can be found from HERE From Nginx-Clojure the most attractive things to us is : 1. Nginx's architecture is

Annex is a fact store

2014-09-07 Thread Henrik Eneroth
Conceptually, this looks vaguely similar to Datomic. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to

Re: [ANN] Nginx-Clojure v0.2.5 released!

2014-09-07 Thread gvim
On 07/09/2014 17:51, Yuexiang Zhang wrote: From Nginx-Clojure the most attractive things to us is : 1. Nginx's architecture is Master + Worker processes, Nginx-Clojure embed one JVM in per Worker process. So if any of worker process crashes, the other JVM instances can still work and

ANN: [com.stuartsierra/component 0.2.2]

2014-09-07 Thread Stuart Sierra
Component: managed lifecycle and dependency injection for stateful objects Release 0.2.2 contains the following minor enhancements: * System maps print as `#SystemMap` to avoid trying to print huge objects in the REPL. * Added error helpers

davstore: a buzzword-complete file storage; public demo of namespaced data.xml

2014-09-07 Thread Herwig Hochleitner
Hi Folks! Maybe you remember my 'recent' push for data.xml namespacing support. I've built out most of the stuff, that I had sketched in the design document, but before pushing for an actual release, I'd ask you to evaluate my approach towards namespaced xml. I published the project [1] that

Re: [ANN] Nginx-Clojure v0.2.5 released!

2014-09-07 Thread Yuexiang Zhang
Not only Wildfly but also most of mainstream pure java webservers use thread pool to handle http requests. Nginx-Clojure can also be configurated to use thread pool with one or many JVM instances. Advanced Java webservers use Java NIO (I/O multipexing) to do the first phrase (Http request

Interop nightmare

2014-09-07 Thread Sam Raker
I'm trying to use the Stanford Parser from Clojure, but I don't know hardly any Java, and this is my first time working with the interop stuff. All I want to do is play around with the class in the REPL. I added `[edu.stanford.nlp/stanford-parser 3.4.1]` to my Lein `project.clj`, and the

Re: Clojure statechart / hierarchical FSM implementation

2014-09-07 Thread Kevin Lynagh
I've been working on an implementation of Harel's statecharts based on his original paper ( and Horrocks' excellent Constructing the User Interface with Statecharts

can't connect with Datomic transactor

2014-09-07 Thread Wilker
Hi, I was using Datomic in memory for a few days, and now I tried to switch for a more persistent storage. First I tried just using the free, but I was getting this error: CompilerException java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: clojure.lang.SeqIterator.init(Lclojure/lang/ISeq;)V,

Re: Interop nightmare

2014-09-07 Thread Herwig Hochleitner
I'm not familiar with the stanford parser, or nlp, but the `no matching ctor error` is easily explained: According to the doc,

Re: Interop nightmare

2014-09-07 Thread Michael Klishin
On 8 September 2014 at 06:50:38, Sam Raker ( wrote: I can `(import edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.LexicalizedParser)`, but after that, it's just a nightmare of `no matching ctor`, `no matching field`, `NoSuchFieldException` and `expected static field` errors. I

Re: [ANN] Nginx-Clojure v0.2.5 released!

2014-09-07 Thread Xfeep
In addition one Java thread will tie up one native OS thread. A On Monday, September 8, 2014 10:50:13 AM UTC+8, Yuexiang Zhang wrote: Not only Wildfly but also most of mainstream pure java webservers use thread pool to handle http requests. Nginx-Clojure can also be configurated to use