[Computer-go] Recent paper on Learning Playouts in IEEE TCIAIG

2014-03-09 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Hi all, It has been a long time since my last post here! I have been away from computer go since about one year, but the publishing process is really slow. This paper describes research I was doing in 2012 and, since the reviewers were not quite convinced, I had to do more experiments in

[Computer-go] A Regression test set for exploring some limitations of current MCTS programs in Go

2012-05-16 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Hi Aja, The testing program codes different problems in the same sgf file like in: loadsgf sgf/seki/case1.sgf 4 14 genmove w #? [B2|J3] loadsgf sgf/seki/case1.sgf 6 16 genmove w #? [B2] If you ignore the move numbers, j3 is not even a legal move. Unfortunately, move

[Computer-go] useless ko threats

2012-03-07 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Rémi Coulom wrote: Accelerated UCT does this: https://www.conftool.net/acg13/index.php/Hashimoto-Accelerated_UCT_and_Its_A pplication_to_Two-Player_Games-111.pdf?page=downloadPaper https://www.conftool.net/acg13/index.php/Hashimoto-Accelerated_UCT_and_Its_

[Computer-go] fuego and fixed number of playouts

2012-01-05 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Hi, To set the number of playouts, you need: uct_param_player ignore_clock 1 uct_param_player max_games *number* for a typical testing environment, you probably also need: uct_param_player ponder 0 uct_param_player reuse_subtree 0 also uct_param_search max_nodes *number*

[Computer-go] CrazyStone in the 5-dan footsteps of Zen

2012-01-03 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Maybe a tournament is not the best way to see quality computer/human games. There are better ways to measure the computer/computer performance and the human/human performance is not interesting here. We could simply schedule computer/human games on KGS (e.g., 3 times a year, one in each time zone

[Computer-go] Thoughts about bugs and scalability

2011-06-24 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Darren Cook wrote: Hence the proposal to use alpha-beta as the top-level search, using MCTS with about 50K playouts at the nodes. This is not anyhow close to what I am researching so take my word on this as just a though. But alpha-beta is a method to find outliers. When a program is happy

[Computer-go] [Computer-go ] Congratulations to Zen!

2011-06-15 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Ingo Althöfer wrote: ... don't let that fool you, Zen with over a minute per move will be a hell of an opponent. From where do you have this knowledge? Or is it just your opinion? It is my opinion based on my own experience. I can't tell about Zen. But I know how hard it is to code a program

[Computer-go] [Computer-go ] Congratulations to Zen!

2011-06-03 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Nick, thanks again for organizing and the new table. A conclusion that can be draw from the table is that, except for the 2nd and 3rd place of Pachi and MF which was very disputed and anyone could have won, the different ranks give very consistent results. Almost all games against lower ranked

[Computer-go] Direct DX11 and graphics cards for cheaper simulation hardware?

2011-06-02 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Don Dailey wrote: I don't understand your concept of wrong direction.When you expand the tree for ANY move you get more information about how good or how bad that move is, so it's always helpful (on average) to have more time. I think Hideki's argument is about: more simulations won't

[Computer-go] Direct DX11 and graphics cards for cheaper simulation hardware?

2011-06-02 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Don Dailey wrote: Are you trying to say that heavy playouts are better? Who is going to argue with that?I agree completely. Are you trying to make the point that there are very simple to understand positions that computers cannot easily solve? I agree with that. Are you trying to say

[Computer-go] Best low-cost hardware for MCTS go

2011-05-21 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Hi. I know this subject comes to the list from time to time, but since hardware and prices change, it is interesting to read what people say. I purchased an i7 920 two years ago. I was very happy with its overclocked performance (with a Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD5 mobo) but it is starting to have

[Computer-go] Two papers

2011-05-11 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Rémi Coulom wrote: Also, I think we did not yet advertise that paper Lukasz wrote with me last year: http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~lew/files/Simulation-based%20Search%20of%20Combinatorial%20Games.pdf This one doesn't work for me. I get : Access forbidden! Error 403 Jacques.

[Computer-go] cgos down?

2011-05-06 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Don Dailey wrote: Sometimes nobody is using it, and if there is only 1 player it cannot play games of course. You can test that by putting up a second client to see what happens. I'll check it out. At the moment it is not working. When I test, I run a 19x19 test pack downloaded from:

[Computer-go] cgos down?

2011-05-06 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Don Dailey wrote: Ok, I gave it a kick start. Should be coming up shortly. Its working fine now. Thanks. Jacques. ___ Computer-go mailing list Computer-go@dvandva.org http://dvandva.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/computer-go

[Computer-go] reconnecting

2011-04-21 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
David Doshay wrote: I can invoke cgosview-darwin from the command line in a terminal window only if I do not include the: -server cgos.boardspace.net -port 6819 Hi, This happens in all OSs, not just Mac-OS. The correct syntax is: cgosview cgos.boardspace.net 6819 _Without_ -server or

[Computer-go] Pachi Mailing List

2011-04-17 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Pachi won a 7h game against Zhou Junxun 9p, who is an active 9p player and has won at least one world title. I would say this put Pachi at top amature or beginning pro level. Simplifying: All pros are 9d. The handicap system is not fine grained enough to measure differences at pro level. Any

[Computer-go] Congratulations to Zen!

2011-03-08 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Hiroshi Yamashita wrote: wow! cross-table is great! Thanks. I agree. Another advantage of that table is that it gives insight on how well the pairing algorithm is doing. The ideal table should have empty spaces in the northeast and southwest corners with the games along the main diagonal. Of

[Computer-go] Computing CFG distance in practice

2011-02-03 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Hi, I have compiled different collections from over 100K sgf files filtering all repeated, short handicapped, wrong size, wrong player level, blitz time settings, etc. The last one I did which is use in many of my learned patterns and in my paper: http://www.dybot.com/papers/meval.htm Has

[Computer-go] semeai example of winning rate

2011-01-18 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Ingo Althöfer wrote: How difficult would it be to design a program that generates such bot-difficult semeais (or at least building blocks for such) automatically? Computer generated problems are not new. Thomas Wolf, the author of Go Tools generated a set of tsumego problems automatically

[Computer-go] Semeais

2011-01-15 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
There was another nice example in the last Tournament. http://files.gokgs.com/games/2011/1/9/PueGo-pachi2.sgf Fuego was leading easily (70% according to its own WR) until move 189. Imo, move 190 White .. T7 is a big mistake allowing B to play 191 Black M13. After this move the semeai is

[Computer-go] Orego 7.08 released : Power of Forgetting paper

2011-01-11 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
The discussion changed the subject to joseki, but the paper is not about joseki at all. (There is a poster about joseki in the same website.) The Power of Forgetting is an improvement to the previous Last-Good Reply idea. The results are spectacular and implementation is super-simple. Looks

[Computer-go] Special Offer: Towards perfect play of Scrabble

2011-01-06 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
I typed: Towards perfect play of Scrabble Sheppard (with quotes as above) in Google scholar Followed the links from the first URL until http://arno.unimaas.nl/show.cgi?did=10724 then file 2, which is: http://arno.unimaas.nl/show.cgi?fid=7134 and was able to download a .pdf To my surprise

[Computer-go] Oakfoam and ELO Features

2010-12-31 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Hi Francois, You mean all the 3x3 patterns? I'm only using 3x3 patterns that occur a number of times in my training collection. If 3x3 is the only pattern size you use, that probably does not apply. But if your pattern system supports other sizes then you must have implemented some kind of

[Computer-go] Oakfoam and ELO Features

2010-12-30 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Hi Francois, Welcome For reference I need about 100k playouts with RAVE to get 50% winrate against GnuGo 3.8 L10. Yes that's more or less expected. At least before the big improvements (yet to come ;-) In my case I do a lot of testing at 4x1 because the games are around 15 seconds long

[Computer-go] News on Tromp-Cook ?

2010-12-29 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
I don't agree the first two games were that easy. In the second game the bot was ahead most of the game and failed in life and death in the top right corner. It needed more CPU power probably. It is a pity that you couldn't rent a better computer. The amazon cloud was 26 ECU (1 ECU = 1 core

[Computer-go] visualize patterns

2010-12-12 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Olivier Teytaud wrote: whereas I am looking for (2) input = a database D output = frequently matched patterns This is what I do: I have thousands of separate SGF files and a program to merge them all in a single binary file. This program filters: handicap games, insufficient rank in

[Computer-go] Who knows about the 2011 Olympiad?

2010-12-01 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
In recent years at this time of the year it was known where and when the Olympiad and the ACG congress will be. The call for papers usually end at the end of Feb or beginning of March. Does anyone (Rémi? Hideki?) know where it will be and when? Jacques.

[Computer-go] MCTS vs Minimax

2010-10-31 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Petr Baudis wrote: I don't quite understand. I think most programs do not disallow eye-filling in the tree stage, only in the MC simulation stage. So your simulations will get misevaluated, but given enough time to reach final position, tree will always consider evaluating the eye-filling

[Computer-go] MCTS vs Minimax

2010-10-31 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Hideki Kato wrote: | . . . . . . . | . # # . # . . | . O # . # . . | O O O . # # . | # # O O O # . | . # # . . . . --- Here, the problem is filling own eye at 1-1 for B, right? Yes, that is the figure I meant, but it is not related with nakade, only with filling your own

[Computer-go] new predictions?

2010-10-31 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Don Dailey wrote: To the best I can estimate it is something like 300 ELO now which means in a short match there is almost no chance for the human. It is more than that, around 500. Only a match with a handheld device could be seen as similar strength: Top humans are near 2800

[Computer-go] MCTS vs Minimax

2010-10-30 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
About the convergence proof to go: As far as I can understand Álvaro's proof sounds correct, but that possibly applies to most games, but not go as humans play it. Because what we play is MCTS go an almost identical game where filling your own eyes is not allowed. All MCTS programs finish their

[Computer-go] ManyFaces learning

2010-10-14 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Intriguing! Do you think it actually improves its strength, or is that just an experiment? How does it know where the losing variation starts? Is it updating some pattern weights, or updating some persistent game tree? I guess it is just an opening book that keeps win/loss info. When a

[Computer-go] ManyFaces learning

2010-10-14 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
If you censor at the root, you only have 361 losses that you can endure before you are out of ideas. I guess you implicitly meant censoring at move 3 or something. Of course not. You start with a standard book. I my case, learned from 50K games with about 25K nodes. You are just adding

[Computer-go] ManyFaces learning

2010-10-14 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
You said: When a branch has losses and 0 wins, you just censor that move. Apparently you meant leaf and not branch. Well I did not precise how you grow the tree. Obviously, the initial offline learned tree has all nodes with more than one visit as the number of visits is the criterion to build

[Computer-go] Series Champion of the KGS bot tournaments

2010-09-29 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Thank you Nick! I like the idea very much and look forward to participate in 2011. My suggestions are: 1. Use separate board sizes and also combined. So you could award three different winners: a. 19x19, b. smaller boards and c. combined. Combined would be the sum of all points awarded on all

[Computer-go] anti-pondering

2010-09-16 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
On anti-MCTS bot strategy: I don’t know of a strategy, but there sure are principles. I can state one as a proverb: We you clarify, you are helping the bot. E.g., If a connection works but is not obvious, if a semeai can be won but is not obvious, etc. the bot has to discover it for each

[Computer-go] anti-pondering

2010-09-16 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
Oops. Should be: When you clarify, .. Jacques. ___ Computer-go mailing list Computer-go@dvandva.org http://dvandva.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/computer-go

[Computer-go] time settings

2010-07-22 Thread Jacques Basaldúa
About the previous question, in which phase should more time be given: Don Dailey wrote: In 9x9 go the first few moves are extremely critical and if you start badly you cannot recover. Petr Baudis wrote: This depends a lot, e.g. on 9x9 it is probably worth spending a lot of time in the