Configurar Modem

1999-04-08 Thread Dragonbreath
Hola a todos.

Quisiera configurar mi modem, el problema es que no tengo idea de por
donde comenzar. He leido algunos HOWTOs pero no he conseguido una lista
de pasos a seguir. Podria alguien decirme que debo hacer, y como probar
que el modem esta funcionando correctamente luego de configurarlo?

Gracias a todos...

Adrian E. Moya
- Feliz de haber configurado el lilo correctamente :-)

P.D.: No tengo Xwindows instalado.

Re: Archivos Xenix

1999-04-08 Thread Julio Cesar Gazquez
Ignacio J. Alonso wrote:

 ¿Puedo leer archivos Xenix? ¿Que sistema de ficheros tendría que
 compilar en el nucleo?

Segun la pagina de man, hay soporte para sistemas de archivo sysv, xenix, 
coherent. Notese
que los ultimos tres son equivalentes y que xenix y coherent seran removidos en 
algun momento
futuro - use sysv en su lugar
Y por cierto, por si no tienes mucha idea al respecto, puede que no necesites 
recompilar el
nucleo para acceder a tus discos Xenix, fijate primero si ya tienes un modulo 
con el soporte
que necesitas (fijate en /lib/modules/2.x.x/fs, supongo que figuraria
como sysv.o)

Re: Configurar Modem

1999-04-08 Thread Felipe Sanchez

On 7 Apr 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quisiera configurar mi modem, el problema es que no tengo idea de por
 donde comenzar. He leido algunos HOWTOs pero no he conseguido una lista
 de pasos a seguir. Podria alguien decirme que debo hacer, y como probar
 que el modem esta funcionando correctamente luego de configurarlo?

Lo primero que yo hice fue instalar el minicom y llamar a mi isp... asi
matas dos pajaros de un tiro, ves si el modem funciona y te da una idea
del chatscript que te tienes que hacer para conectarte a internet.

Felipe Sanchez

Re: Directorio mqueue

1999-04-08 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Tue, Apr 06, 1999,
Vázquez, Gustavo...

 Tengo un  problemita. A veces (soslo  un par de veces  y con
 cierto usuario) sucede el siguiente error:

 sendmail[38608]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(user): The   chdir   system
 call   failed,  chdir(/var/spool/mqueue): The   file  access
 permissions do not allow the specified action.

 Obviamente el mail se pierde.

 Los permisos del directorio son drwxrwx---

drwx--  2 root   root 9216 abr  7 08:43 /var/spool/mqueue/

Es  raro, el  mio es  más restrictivo  y no  da problemas. Los
mails del directorio están así:

-rw---  1 root   pepe   64 abr  7 08:43 dfIAA02452
-rw---  1 root   pepe  598 abr  7 08:43 qfIAA02452

Pero si  solo te pasa  en ciertas ocasiones, es  lógico pensar
que no sea debido a  problemas con permisos en ese directorio.
¿ Tienes `mqueue' como `root.root' ?

Ya ves, palos de ciego, :-)


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-
 -=-=-  Computadora de 1992   -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario] Software Foundation  Documentación en Castellano

Configurar modem-conexion

1999-04-08 Thread Dragonbreath
*  pppconfig

Ya esto lo he hecho y se que esta bien configurado. De todos modos no he
iniciado una conexión (para ser sincero no se como). Pero corriendo
apt-get update por ejemplo, no se conecta (creo que el deberia iniciar
una conección, no??)

* minicom

Lo instale y lo corri. Dice initializating modem, pero no veo ninguna
respuesta. Luego dice CTRL-A Z para comandos, pero no reacciona.

Creo que el modem sencillamente no existe dentro de Linux. Desactive el
com 2 del Bios segun una recomendación de un HOWTO. Enseguida el modem
salto al com 2, pero linux solo reconoce un puerto UART, el com 1.

El modem es un 33.600 interno PNP. Y como digo, al parecer el sistema no
sabe que esta alli.

help! Se que alguna novatada debe ser...

Adrian E. Moya

Re: Configurar Modem

1999-04-08 Thread Ximo Nadal

Date forwarded: 7 Apr 1999 23:11:39 -
Date sent:  7 Apr 1999 19:07:00 EDT
Subject:Configurar Modem
Forwarded by:

 Quisiera configurar mi modem, el problema es que no tengo idea de por
 donde comenzar. He leido algunos HOWTOs pero no he conseguido una lista
 de pasos a seguir. Podria alguien decirme que debo hacer, y como probar
 que el modem esta funcionando correctamente luego de configurarlo?

Debes tener instalados los paquetes ppp y pppconfig, echale un 
vistazo a man pppconfig, y ejecutalo. Asegurate de que en 
/etc/resolv.conf tienes los DNS de tu ISP. Para conectar utiliza
pon nombreconexion. Puedes comprobar si estas conectado 
haciendo un ping por ejemplo. 
Espero que te sirva de algo, un saludo.

Funciona con Debian GNU/Linux.

Re: Configurar modem-conexion

1999-04-08 Thread Felipe Sanchez

On 8 Apr 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Creo que el modem sencillamente no existe dentro de Linux. Desactive el
 com 2 del Bios segun una recomendacisn de un HOWTO. Enseguida el modem
 salto al com 2, pero linux solo reconoce un puerto UART, el com 1.

hmmm... configuraste la puerta serial?... ahora no estoy con mi maquina y
no me acuerdo ni de como se hacia eso, lo hice una vez y nunca mas fallo
pero me parece que es lo primero que hay que hacer. Las puertas seriales
son las /dev/ttySX con X=1,2,3. 

Leete el serial.howto, yo me acuerdo que me ayudo, excepto que me parece
que trae mal los nombres de las puertas, al menos cuando yo lo lei a veces
se referia a algunos devices algo obsoletos.

Otra cosa.. no sera un winmodem?

Felipe Sanchez

buscador de paquetes de Debian

1999-04-08 Thread José Illescas Pérez

no quisiera ser pesado pero el buscador de paquetes de Debian sigue sin
funcionar. Es raro que tarden tanto en implementar el nuevo buscador. ¿Sabe
alguien algo, Enrique o Santiago?

|  _ \ ___ _ __  _   _ ___
| |_) / _ \ '_ \| | | / __|
|  __/  __/ |_) | |_| \__ \ AOL Screen.: yoburtu
|_|   \___| .__/ \__,_|___/ E-Mail.: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ejecucion en cliente NFS

1999-04-08 Thread Manuel Jerez Cßrdenes
Saludos a todos los usuarios de la lista, y gracias por la ayuda.

Mi problema es el siguiente:

al montar, a traves de NFS, en una maquina cliente un directorio del 
servidor NFS  no puedo ejecutar en el cliente los programas de ese 

He puesto en /etc/exports del servidor lo siguiente:
/directorio_a_exportar  maquina_cliente(rw,no_root_squash)

y en /etc/fstab de la maquina cliente:
servidor:/directorio_a_exportar /pto_de_montaje nfs user,noauto 
1   1

La secuencia de instrucciones en el cliente serian:

$ mount servidor:/directorio_a_exportar
$cd directorio_a_exportar
$ ./utilidad
bash(): Permission denied


Puede alguien decirme donde esta el problema. 


1999-04-08 Thread Oscar Castell Marcos


tengo un ordenador con el Linux instalado y estoy interesado en transformarlo
a Win98, ya que me han traido un ordenador nuevo mas potente con todo para
instalar, de manera que el viejo sea Win98 i el nuevo Linux.

El problema es que los CD's del nuevo equipo son licencias unicamente
para equipos nuevos y al intentar hacer la instalacion no me lo permite
hacer. Entre otras cosas no se como borrar el LILO del MBR y creo que es
eso lo que hace que el programa de instalacion se pare.

Alguien puede decirme que debo hacer para que el ordenador viejo pase
a ser un equipo nuevo sin datos
escritos y de esta forma engaar a los programas de instalacion
de Win98?

* *
* O. Castell Marcos *
* Departament de Quimica Fisica i Inorganica *
* Tel. +34-(977)-558181 *
* Pl Imperial Tarraco, n. 1 *
* Tarragona (Spain) *
* *


1999-04-08 Thread Fernando
Oscar Castell Marcos wrote:
 tengo un ordenador con el Linux instalado y estoy interesado en
 transformarlo a Win98, ya que me han traido un ordenador nuevo mas
 potente con todo para instalar, de manera que el viejo sea Win98 i el
 nuevo Linux.
 El problema es que los CD's del nuevo equipo son licencias unicamente
 para equipos nuevos y al intentar hacer la instalacion no me lo
 permite hacer. Entre otras cosas no se como borrar el LILO del MBR y
 creo que es eso lo que hace que el programa de instalacion se pare.
 Alguien puede decirme que debo hacer para que el ordenador viejo pase
 a ser un equipo nuevo sin datos
 escritos y de esta forma engañar a los programas de instalacion de


con el comando dd puedes machacar el comienzo del disco.
mira el man del fdisk (DOS 6.x WARNING)


   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

RE: Ejecucion en cliente NFS

1999-04-08 Thread José Illescas Pérez

yo lo tengo mas o menos igual y me va bien. Solo tengo cambiada la linea del
fstab por:

servidor://directorio   nfsrsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr

Prueba asi a ver que hace.
 _    __  __
| |/ ___/ ___|  \/  | José Illescas. [EMAIL PROTECTED] AOLScreen: yoburtu
 _  | | |  | |   | |\/| | TFNO: +34+25-266219 FAX: +34+25-266300
| |_| | |__| |___| |  | | El Webteam de
 \___/ \\|_|  |_| Junta de Castilla-La Mancha. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Mensaje original-
 De: Manuel Jerez Cßrdenes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: jueves, 08 de abril de 1999 13:27
 Asunto: Ejecucion en cliente NFS

 Saludos a todos los usuarios de la lista, y gracias por la ayuda.

 Mi problema es el siguiente:

 al montar, a traves de NFS, en una maquina cliente un directorio del
 servidor NFS  no puedo ejecutar en el cliente los programas de ese

 He puesto en /etc/exports del servidor lo siguiente:
   /directorio_a_exportar  maquina_cliente(rw,no_root_squash)

 y en /etc/fstab de la maquina cliente:
   servidor:/directorio_a_exportar /pto_de_montaje nfs
 user,noauto   1   1

 La secuencia de instrucciones en el cliente serian:

   $ mount servidor:/directorio_a_exportar
   $cd directorio_a_exportar
   $ ./utilidad
   bash(): Permission denied


 Puede alguien decirme donde esta el problema.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Problema al enviar post a las news

1999-04-08 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola a todos,

tengo inn+sucks y utilizo slrn para leer y postear. Recibir si recibo los
mensages pero a la hora de mandarlos se quedan en mi servidor local, lo se
pues los bajo también con Netscape para ir probando.

¿Alguien me puede ayudar?, gracias.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Cliente LPD

1999-04-08 Thread Ximo Nadal

Alguien sabe de un cliente LPD para Windows'9x que sea GNU o 

Aunque tengo instalado Samba y las impresoras me funcionan 
perfectamente con Debian, necesito un cliente LPD en algunas 
impresoras que quiero compartir con un SCO.

Ya he probado a importar las impresoras (que estan conectadas a W95) 
con Debian (tipo Samba) y exportarlas tipo Unix para que las vea el 
SCO, pero aunque a veces funciona se escogorcia sin motivo aparente.

Un saludo.

Funciona con Debian GNU/Linux.


1999-04-08 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

On Thu, Apr 08, 1999 at 12:11:03PM +0200, Oscar Castell Marcos wrote:
 eso lo que hace que el programa de instalacion se pare.
 Alguien puede decirme que debo hacer para que el ordenador viejo pase a
 ser un equipo nuevo sin datos
 escritos y de esta forma engañar a los programas de instalacion de
Si lo que quieres es borrar el MBR prueba
'fdisk C: /mbr', siendo C una partición de MSDOS que esté en el
mismo disco que el Linux. El fdisk es el de MSDOS.
Sino tienes ninguna borra las particiones de Linux, crea una de MSDOS y 
luego haz



1999-04-08 Thread ~ Miguel P.C. ~
At 12.11 8/4/99 +0200, you wrote:
 Hola,  tengo un ordenador con el Linux instalado y estoy interesado en
transformarlo a Win98, ya que me han traido un ordenador nuevo mas potente
con todo para instalar, de manera que el viejo sea Win98 i el nuevo Linux. 
El problema es que los CD's del nuevo equipo son licencias unicamente para
equipos nuevos y al intentar hacer la instalacion no me lo permite hacer.
Entre otras cosas no se como borrar el LILO del MBR y creo que es eso lo
que hace que el programa de instalacion se pare.  Alguien puede decirme que
debo hacer para que el ordenador viejo pase a ser un equipo nuevo sin datos 
escritos y de esta forma engantilde;ar a los programas de instalacion de
Win98?  gracias

con el disquette de arranque de windows 98 (si no lo tienes te puedes hacer
uno), ejecuta el siguiente comando:

fdisk /mbr

y te creará un mbr nuevecito y al estilo dce windows98.

Por cierto ¿Seguro que quieres quitar linux de uno de ellos? ¿no te sería
mejor dejarlo en los dos? ¿poner win98 wn un ordenador viejo? seguro que se


 / /  _ La oportunidad de
 ---/ /  (_)__  __   __   dominar tu ordenador 
 --/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
 -//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\ Linux User #98249
|  |
|  Miguel Pérez Colino |
|  |


1999-04-08 Thread jose . ballesteros

Jose Ballesteros
08/04/99 16.38

To:   Oscar Castell Marcos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Re: LILO y MBR  (Document link not converted)


 Hay varias posibilidades:

  1) Hay una copia del MBR original en el directorio /boot, se deberia
hacer lo siguiente:

  dd if=/boot/boot.0300 of=/dev/hda bs=446 count=1**para disco IDE
  dd if=/boot/boot.0800 of=/dev/sda bs=446 count=1 *Para disco

 Esta solucion salio publicada en LINUX JOURNAL

 2)La ya apuntada de fdisk ( de MSDOS) y usando la opcion /MBR, tambien
publicada en LINUX JOURNAL


 image moved   Oscar Castell Marcos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 to file:  08/04/99 12.11 

cc:(bcc: Jose Ballesteros/EAD/ES/Unisys)
Subject:  LILO y MBR


tengo un ordenador con el Linux instalado y estoy interesado en
transformarlo a Win98, ya que me han traido un ordenador nuevo mas
potente con todo para instalar, de manera que el viejo sea Win98 i el
nuevo Linux.

El problema es que los CD's del nuevo equipo son licencias unicamente
para equipos nuevos y al intentar hacer la instalacion no me lo permite
hacer. Entre otras cosas no se como borrar el LILO del MBR y creo que es
eso lo que hace que el programa de instalacion se pare.

Alguien puede decirme que debo hacer para que el ordenador viejo pase a
ser un equipo nuevo sin datos
escritos y de esta forma engañar a los programas de instalacion de




* *

*   O. Castell Marcos *

*   Departament de Quimica Fisica i Inorganica*


*   Tel. +34-(977)-558181 *

*   Pl Imperial Tarraco, n. 1 *

*   Tarragona (Spain) *

* *



tengo un ordenador con el Linux instalado y estoy interesado en transformarlo
a Win98, ya que me han traido un ordenador nuevo mas potente con todo para
instalar, de manera que el viejo sea Win98 i el nuevo Linux.

El problema es que los CD's del nuevo equipo son licencias unicamente
para equipos nuevos y al intentar hacer la instalacion no me lo permite
hacer. Entre otras cosas no se como borrar el LILO del MBR y creo que es
eso lo que hace que el programa de instalacion se pare.

Alguien puede decirme que debo hacer para que el ordenador viejo pase
a ser un equipo nuevo sin datos
escritos y de esta forma engaar a los programas de instalacion
de Win98?

* *
* O. Castell Marcos *
* Departament de Quimica Fisica i Inorganica *
* Tel. +34-(977)-558181 *
* Pl Imperial Tarraco, n. 1 *
* Tarragona (Spain) *
* *



1999-04-08 Thread Mario Camou

Si tienes por ahi floppies con DOS o una version vieja de Winbugs, puedes
bootear con ellos y usar el comando:


Esto reescribe el MBR y deja el MBR original de DOS.

La otra, claro, es bootear con un rescue floppy y darle:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda

Con eso te va a poner ceros en todo tu primer disco IDE, incluyendo el MBR.

Espero que esto te sea util,

Oscar Castell Marcos wrote:
 tengo un ordenador con el Linux instalado y estoy interesado en transformarlo
 a Win98, ya que me han traido un ordenador nuevo mas potente con todo para
 instalar, de manera que el viejo sea Win98 i el nuevo Linux.
 El problema es que los CD's del nuevo equipo son licencias unicamente para
 equipos nuevos y al intentar hacer la instalacion no me lo permite hacer.
 Entre otras cosas no se como borrar el LILO del MBR y creo que es eso lo que
 hace que el programa de instalacion se pare.
 Alguien puede decirme que debo hacer para que el ordenador viejo pase a ser
 un equipo nuevo sin datos
 escritos y de esta forma engañar a los programas de instalacion de Win98?
 * *
 *   O. Castell Marcos *
 *   Departament de Quimica Fisica i Inorganica*
 *   Tel. +34-(977)-558181 *
 *   Pl Imperial Tarraco, n. 1 *
 *   Tarragona (Spain) *
 * *

 __| Mario Camou
 __--  --___   | Chief Technology Officer
  _-|  - _  --_| Umbral Global, SA de CV
 -  |   |  O | -___   ___  |
|   |   |__^-' |   | |\ /| |   | |   |   /\   || mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -_ |   |  ^ | |   | | | | |--  |---   /--\  || phone:+52(5)251-1928
   -|  _| | || \___/ |   | |___| |  \  /\ |___ | fax:+52(5)245-1804
|_--___ ___--  |
   -   |

Re: Configurar modem-conexion

1999-04-08 Thread luis

 Creo que el modem sencillamente no existe dentro de Linux. Desactive el
 com 2 del Bios segun una recomendación de un HOWTO. Enseguida el modem
 salto al com 2, pero linux solo reconoce un puerto UART, el com 1.

 El modem es un 33.600 interno PNP. Y como digo, al parecer el sistema no
 sabe que esta alli.

Mi modem tb es interno y tuve problemas para que lo reconociera el Linux

Edita /etc/rc.boot/0serial
descomenta la linea${SETSERIAL} 
${AUTO_IRQ} autoconfigu.

inicia la conexión con pon
mira lo que ocurre con:tail -f /var/log/ppp.log

Un saludo

Mas sobre el error de ldd

1999-04-08 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

He hecho la siguiente prueba:
- He copiado una de las librerias que producen el error en otro sitio.
- Le he cambiado los permisos de ejecucion para que sea ejecutable.
- Le he vuelto a pasar el ldd, con resultado positivos y correctos.

¿Quiere decir esto que las librerias deben tener permiso de ejecucion?

Tengo un monton que no los tiene.

De momento, y mientras averiguo algo mas, voy a dejar de recompilar cosas.


Mensaje de error de ldd

1999-04-08 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

He observado, que cuando hago ldd sobre una libreria, y esta no es un link a
otro fichero, me da el siguiente mensaje de error :

ldd: warning: you do not have execution permission for libreria
/usr/bin/ldd: libreria

Tengo instalada la glibc2.1

¿Que puede ser esto?

Re: rc.d

1999-04-08 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 07 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 12:57:49 +0200, Javier Viñuales 
Gutiérrez contaba:

 Alguien sabe ande lo tendría que poner?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ls -l /etc/init.d/dhid 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root   61 feb 17 00:48 /etc/init.d/dhid
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /etc/init.d/dhid 
echo Ejecutando /etc/dhis/dhid...

 Tío, ¿te lo pasé yo o  algo así? Porque es clavado!. Aunque sin
 esto, no se ejecuta al arrancar.

$ ls /etc/rc2.d/S95dhid -l
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   14 dic 13 08:59 /etc/rc2.d/S95dhid - 

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.5
PGP Public key at


1999-04-08 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 07 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 11:23:30 +0100, Jose Marin contaba:

  No mandes HTML a la lista, please, que queda feo.

 El mutt  soporta MIME y al  ver el attachment me  llamó al lynx
 automáticamente. Aunque no deja de ser una pesadez.

Podrias explicar un poco mejor lo que dices aqui? Si leo bien, el
bootloader del LILO lo pones en /dev/hda2. Por lo cual, al arrancar, el
bootloader que se cargaria es el que sigue estando en el MBR, el de WinNT
(suponiendo que NT fue instalado antes que Linux). O donde me equivoco...? 

 Con fdisk, se  activa la partición de Linux y  así al arrancar,
 se va  directamente a Lilo,  desde que el  que llamamos a  eneté si
 hace falta.

Dept of Maths   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.5
PGP Public key at

Re: Tarjeta de Red DEC 21140

1999-04-08 Thread Hue-Bond
El martes 06 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 15:28:27 +0200, José Enrique Álvarez 
Martín contaba:

No consigo cargar la tarjeta de red, tengu una tarjeta de red basada en un
chip DEC 21140, en ventanucos 98 la cosa funciona, intento utilizar el
controlador tulip, creo que es el adecuado, y le doy como parametros I/O =
6100H y irq = 11.

 Prueba con io=0x6100 irq=11

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.5
PGP Public key at

Re: Configurar modem-conexion

1999-04-08 Thread Han Solo
On Thu, Apr 08, 1999 at 12:42:04AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 *  pppconfig
 Ya esto lo he hecho y se que esta bien configurado. De todos modos no he
 iniciado una conexión (para ser sincero no se como). Pero corriendo
 apt-get update por ejemplo, no se conecta (creo que el deberia iniciar
 una conección, no??)

Pues no lo se. Pero para hacer una conexión via ppp se ejecuta pon. Mira la 
página man, yo lo hago ejecutando directamente /usr/sbin/pppd (manias de 

 * minicom
 Lo instale y lo corri. Dice initializating modem, pero no veo ninguna
 respuesta. Luego dice CTRL-A Z para comandos, pero no reacciona.


 Creo que el modem sencillamente no existe dentro de Linux. Desactive el
 com 2 del Bios segun una recomendación de un HOWTO. Enseguida el modem
 salto al com 2, pero linux solo reconoce un puerto UART, el com 1.

No lo desactives, no es necesario y además te quedas sin un puerto serie.

 El modem es un 33.600 interno PNP. Y como digo, al parecer el sistema no
 sabe que esta alli.

Acabáramos Los modems PnP se configuran de otra manera

Te mando un mesaje que escribí hace tiempo sobre el tema en es.comp.os.linux. 
Si tienes algún problema, mándamen un mail.


From - Wed May 27 01:41:43 1998
Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 01:41:43 +
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To: Antonio Casanova [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: A punto de tirar la toalla.
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Antonio Casanova wrote:
 Mas informacion sobre mi problema: No estoy (todavia) intentando
 conectarme a un ISP, si no que intento conectarme con un servidor UNIX
 remoto, en modo emulacion de terminal (de ahi el usar el minicom). Por
 lo tanto no es cuestion de infovia ni de opciones del chat ni del pppd.
 De momento, mis problemas son un poco mas simples que todo eso. Creo que
 la pelicula va mas bien con el modem, que es PnP (Pulg and Play? Plug
 and Pay? o Plug and Pray?) Deberia seguir usando isapnp o deberia
 intentarlo con setserial directamente? Hay alguien por ahi con un
 modem como el mio (Supraexpress 336i) en el /dev/cua2 (COM3) y que lo
 haya configurado bien?
 Respecto a lo que dices de saturacion del servidor, no creo que sea 
 el problema, porque a continuacion de fallar en Linux, lo intento con
 Bugs95 y va bien.
 Anyway, muchas gracias por el interes.
  Antonio Casanova Accame


Hola Antonio.

No te desesperes; el supra 336i (modem c*do donde los haya) funciona
bajo linux perfecamente, solo hay que saber configurarlo. Te mando lo
pasos necesrios para configurarlo. Yo lo tengo con una RedHat 5.0, pero
para Slackware será muy parecido. Toma nota. Lo que viene a continuación
es un 'remake' de un mensaje que que mandé al grupo sobre el mismo tema.

Nada, nada, no van por ahi los tiros. El problema es que no tienes
configurados los dispositivos PnP. Lo primero que necesitas es que el
linux te los reconozca. Para ello necesitas las pnptools. No te puedo
decir de donde bajarlas exactamente, ya que yo uso RedHat y vienen con
la distribuci´on, pero en cualquier buscador salen a la primera (busca
primero en rediris, que seguro que las tienen9

Luego ejecutas pnpdump /etc/isapnp.conf Con esto creas un fichero que
contiene todos los par´ametros posibles de los dispositivos pnp que
encuentre. Lo editas, y descomentas las l´ineas necesarias, es decir,
las que hacen referencia a la IRQ 5 y a la direcci´on 0x03e8, y la
l´inea ACT Y, que est´a al final del fichero. [muy importante]

Lo siguiente es ejecutar isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf, para que lea los
valores del fichero con las modificaciones hechas.

Lo ´ultimo es cambiar la IRQ del puerto. Yo lo hago con la orden
setserial /dev/cua2 irq 5 autoconfig Lo del autoconfig es importante,
que no se te olvide.

En RedHat, al istalar las pnptools deja configurado el sistema para que
todo esto se haga al inicializarse el sistema. No se como te lo dejar´a
en Slakwarwe, pero te puedes hacer un script que se cargue al arrancar,
mas o menos as´i:

/sbin/isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf
setserial /dev/cua2 irq 5 autoconfig

En RedHat puedes hacerlo añadiendo la linea (en Slackware será parecido,
pero en otro fichero de configuración, supongo)

setserial /dev/cua2 irq 5 autoconfig

en el fichero /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit, justo despues de la que inicializa
los dispositivos PnP

Yo tambi´en tengo un modem supra interno, en cua2, irq5 y me funciona

De todas maneras, en vez de cua2 utiliza mejor ttyS2, que para el caso
es lo mismo, y da menos problemas con procesos que necesitan acceder al

Re: Linux crashes on fiest boot

1999-04-08 Thread Jeff Katcher

Wolfgang Ginolas wrote:
 i have installed linux on a 386 over NFS. After writing a bootsector on
 disk, and makeing a boot-Floppy debian boots the new system. Everything
 looks fine until he sais:
 Configuring serial ports...Serial driver version 4.13 with no serial
 options enaled
 tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16450
 tty01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16450
 After this my computer does nothing anymore even after pressing keys like
 Shift+PageUp, Ctrl+Alt+Del or any other.
 If have run micro linux and mulinux successfully on this machine.
 What can i do? Are there any Serial options to set?

Have you tried to use the resc1440-safe.bin disk images?  I had good
luck with them on a 486 that i was building.

Good Luck
Jeff Katcher

Re: Lynx, Telnet won't resolve host

1999-04-08 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Lynx, Telnet won't resolve host
Date: Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 05:42:01PM +

In reply to:Jim

 I am able to get Lynx and Telnet to connect to an (non local) IP address
 such as,
 but when I enter in a URL such as I get the error
 can't resolve host.
 I read the pppHOWTO (but I'm not sure if a; I understand it all, and b;
 if it even applies since wvdial did all the work)

Look at the ppp-Howto again (section 6.5).  Search for a reference to 
and then put yout ISP's nameservers into /etc/resolv.conf.  Section 10
not only test you where is is located but the syntax on how to
construce it.

 I looked for resolv.conf and don't seem to have one,  let alone know
 where it should reside,
 and read the docs that come with Lynx to no avail.
 Any assistance in this perplexing situation would be greatly appreciated
 by this a comer to the world of Debian/Linux.

Whats a comer?:-)

 Thanks in advance,
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Real programmers don't comment their code.  It was hard to write, it
should be hard to understand.

Q: User access to hardware peripherals - preferred method?

1999-04-08 Thread Michael Stutz
What is the One True Debian way to allow users access to special devices such as
floppies, CD-ROM drives and modems (ie., ppp, efax and minicom)?

The Debian FAQ has this to say on the subject:

12.2 How can I provide access to hardware peripherals, without
compromising security?

Many device files in the /dev directory belong to some predefined
groups. For example, /dev/fd0 belongs to the floppy gruop, and
/dev/dsp belongs to the audio group.

If you want a certain user to have access to one of these devices,
just add the user to the group the device belongs to. This way you
have not to chmod the device file.

But simply doing the following for user foo does not work (at least on my
2.1 system): 

# addgroup foo floppy
# addgroup foo audio
# addgroup foo dip

Is there something else to it? Or a better method? There's several Optional
packages for managing permissions (sudo, super, suidmanager) and a number of
other, unlegant ways to do this involving /etc/fstab edits and chmoding
device files; I was hoping to avoid this.

Re: XWindows and Debian

1999-04-08 Thread Oleg Krivosheev
   Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 00:57:14 -0500
   From: Jayson Baird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Resent-sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
   Precedence: list
   X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/42285
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
   Content-Length: 527

   Anyone ever had trouble with a Riva128 card running the SVGA Xserver? I try
   to start the server using startx and it seems to start and then it unloads
   say it's waiting for  server to shut down. I'm using enlightenment as a
   window manager. and have xdm installed..any ideas?


find below XF86Config which works for me



# File generated by xf86config.

# Copyright (c) 1995 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software),
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project shall
# not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
# dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the
# XFree86 Project.

# **
# Refer to the XF86Config(4/5) man page for details about the format of 
# this file.
# **

# **
# Files section.  This allows default font and rgb paths to be set
# **

Section Files

# The location of the RGB database.  Note, this is the name of the
# file minus the extension (like .txt or .db).  There is normally
# no need to change the default.

RgbPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (which are concatenated together),
# as well as specifying multiple comma-separated entries in one FontPath
# command (or a combination of both methods)
# If you don't have a floating point coprocessor and emacs, Mosaic or other
# programs take long to start up, try moving the Type1 and Speedo directory
# to the end of this list (or comment them out).

FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/
FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled
FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/
FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/
FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/cyr/

# For OSs that support Dynamically loaded modules, ModulePath can be
# used to set a search path for the modules.  This is currently supported
# for Linux ELF, FreeBSD 2.x and NetBSD 1.x.  The default path is shown
# here.

#ModulePath /usr/X11R6/lib/modules


# **
# Module section -- this is an optional section which is used to specify
# which dynamically loadable modules to load.  Dynamically loadable
# modules are currently supported only for Linux ELF, FreeBSD 2.x
# and NetBSD 1.x.  Currently, dynamically loadable modules are used
# only for some extended input (XInput) device drivers.
# **
# Section Module
# This loads the module for the Joystick driver
# Load
# EndSection

# **
# Server flags section.
# **

Section ServerFlags

# Uncomment this to cause a core dump at the spot where a signal is 
# received.  This may leave the console in an unusable state, but may
# provide a better stack trace in the core dump to aid in debugging


# Uncomment this to disable the CrtlAltBS server abort sequence
# This allows clients to receive this key event.


# Uncomment this to disable the 

Re: Q: User access to hardware peripherals - preferred method?

1999-04-08 Thread shaleh
 What is the One True Debian way to allow users access to special devices such 
 floppies, CD-ROM drives and modems (ie., ppp, efax and minicom)?
 But simply doing the following for user foo does not work (at least on my
 2.1 system): 
   # addgroup foo floppy
   # addgroup foo audio
   # addgroup foo dip
 Is there something else to it? Or a better method? There's several Optional
 packages for managing permissions (sudo, super, suidmanager) and a number of
 other, unlegant ways to do this involving /etc/fstab edits and chmoding
 device files; I was hoping to avoid this.

That SHOULD work.  The user must logout and back in.  do a 'groups' as the
user to make sure they are in the group.

Then check the /dev entries and make sure that they are owned by group the
user is a member of.

The group acdess depends on the group owning the device.

Re: Q: User access to hardware peripherals - preferred method?

1999-04-08 Thread Michael Stutz
On Wed, 7 Apr 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What is the One True Debian way to allow users access to special devices 
  such as
  floppies, CD-ROM drives and modems (ie., ppp, efax and minicom)?
  But simply doing the following for user foo does not work (at least on my
  2.1 system): 
  # addgroup foo floppy
  # addgroup foo audio
  # addgroup foo dip
 That SHOULD work.  The user must logout and back in.  do a 'groups' as the
 user to make sure they are in the group.

This works for the CD-ROM drive after doing chgroup audio /dev/cdrom;
chgroup audio /dev/hdc as root (should I have done that?) but doing mount
/dev/fd0 /floppy as a user still gets mount: only root can do that:

$ mount /dev/fd0 /floppy/
mount: only root can do that
$ ls -l /dev/fd0
brw-rw   1 root floppy 2,   0 May 27  1997 /dev/fd0
$ groups
m dialout floppy audio dip

Re: enlightenment locks system

1999-04-08 Thread Julio Cesar Gazquez
Rob Mahurin wrote:
 I had my system choke and die a couple of times for no good reason
 last week (after 51 days of uptime!).  The first time was a blown
 fuse.  The second, I had both WP and staroffice open (dumb) trying to
 read an excel spreadsheet some cretin sent me.  Started hearing a lot
 of disk activity, suddenly the entire system was frozen.  No mouse
 action, couldn't toggle the NumLock, nothing.  Hard reset, no harm
 done, was fine for a day.  I figured I just ran out of memory since I
 had Netscape running in the background also and resolved to pay more
 attention to such things in the future.

When I was just get my X running at early 1997 with 8 megs, I sometimes
suffer similar symptoms. In fact, the program I was using keep running,
but I was unable to do anything else, so I supposed that the windows
was swapped out entirely. Then, no it don't process further messages
X server. Sad stuff.

Re: Q: User access to hardware peripherals - preferred method?

1999-04-08 Thread James Mastros
On Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 08:19:47PM -0400, Michael Stutz wrote:
 This works for the CD-ROM drive after doing chgroup audio /dev/cdrom;
 chgroup audio /dev/hdc as root (should I have done that?) but doing mount
 /dev/fd0 /floppy as a user still gets mount: only root can do that:
 $ mount /dev/fd0 /floppy/
 mount: only root can do that
 $ ls -l /dev/fd0
 brw-rw   1 root floppy 2,   0 May 27  1997 /dev/fd0
 $ groups
 m dialout floppy audio dip
Is /floppy listed in /etc/fstab with the user flag (IE /dev/fd0 /3.5 auto
defaults,noauto,user 0 0)?  That's probably it; if it were a permissions
problem, you'd get somthing along the lines of mount: access denied.  (I'm
not certian: I always run as root.  Avoids permission problems.)

-=- James Mastros
My friend Data: You see the world with the wonder of a child, and that
makes you more human then any of us.
-=- Lt. Tasha Yar, upon the occasion of her death.

TrueType Font Previewer for Linux

1999-04-08 Thread Mark Wagnon

I ran across a cdrom with a bunch of TT fonts on it, and I thought that
I'd expand my choices under Linux with them. However, there are 1,000 of

Is there some type of previewer I can use to screen which fonts I like?


 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

question regarding hardware conflict and linux

1999-04-08 Thread Ferathonur Luthienell

After recently downloading Linux from the Debian website and 
installing it on my machine, I had trouble connecting to my ISP 
through Linux.  After a little reading I realized my UsRobotics 
Winmodem is not compatible with it.  Can you suggest and inexpensive 
modem that is compatible with both MsDos/windows and Linux? I'd 
appreciate any advice you could share.

Thank you
an avid computer science major

Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit

Courtney in stable (slink)?!

1999-04-08 Thread Brock Rozen

I'd like to know why was courtney removed from slink? I do see it in
unstable though


Director of Technical Services  (410)358-9800
Project Genesis 

re: APC BACK-UPS 600

1999-04-08 Thread debian
Anyone had problems setting up a BACK-UPS 600 on Debian? I just got a UPS
unit and I will be attempting to follow the UPS-HOWTO and making a cable as
stated in the howto for my particular model. Anything I should read or


Re: question regarding hardware conflict and linux

1999-04-08 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer
On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, Ferathonur Luthienell wrote:

 After recently downloading Linux from the Debian website and 
 installing it on my machine, I had trouble connecting to my ISP 
 through Linux.  After a little reading I realized my UsRobotics 
 Winmodem is not compatible with it.  Can you suggest and inexpensive 
 modem that is compatible with both MsDos/windows and Linux? I'd 
 appreciate any advice you could share.

Basically any external modem satisfies these requirements.  Make sure you
have 16550 UARTs on your serial ports, though, if you get an external
modem.  Chances are, with any newer computer, you will, but to be safe,
the DOS utility MSD.EXE which comes with MSDOS 6.22 and(I think) Windows95
will tell you, just boot into DOS to use it.

Other than that, stay away from internal modems that say Winmodem or
HSP as these are software modems that will only work with windows.

The above is the purely technical info, below are my personal opinions.

I have had extremely bad luck with USR modems.
I have had nothing but excellent luck with Zoom modems.

Zoom are also very cheap modems, so you might want to look into that.

Good luck, hope this helps.


Re: question regarding hardware conflict and linux

1999-04-08 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  7 Apr, Ferathonur Luthienell wrote about question regarding hardware 
conflict and linux
 After recently downloading Linux from the Debian website and 
 installing it on my machine, I had trouble connecting to my ISP 
 through Linux.  After a little reading I realized my UsRobotics 
 Winmodem is not compatible with it.  Can you suggest and inexpensive 
 modem that is compatible with both MsDos/windows and Linux? I'd 
 appreciate any advice you could share.

Basically most isa based modems and all external modems are a safe bet.
There are only a few pci based modems that work under linux. Just make
sure it does not 'require' Win95.  Also most Winmodems will not work
under WinNT so if the thing says that is works under WinNT you have a
good chance of it working under linux.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: newbie linker error - RESOLVED

1999-04-08 Thread matt
On Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 05:01:53PM -0500, Stephen Pitts wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 06, 1999 at 11:41:30PM -0500, Matt Miller wrote:
 1. You don't need to compile the object files and then link them in two 
 seperate steps.

This fixed it for me.  I changed my Makefile to have only a single line:


This caused make to generate the following command line:

g++   -o t

Apparently libstdc++ was then found without any more help from me.


Matt Miller

'Small is beautiful.'
- Mark Gancarz, 'The Unix Philosophy'

Doh! Hosed my printer config

1999-04-08 Thread Chris Mayes
Well, since apt-get has been very zealous with its interdependency
upgrades, I seem to have hosed my printer configuration somewhere along
the way.  See, when I try to print a page using Netscape, it dumps
postscript at my printer.  Nasty!  I don't think the problem is in my
printcap, unless the ljet4m module assumes that the printer understands
PostScript...  I am using an HP LaserJet 1100, BTW.  So, what other
configurations/programs/etc should I check for problems?  To be honest, I
am not sure that I tested printing from netscape before the upgrades (the
install's less than a week old).  Suggestions would be much obliged :-)


Re: TrueType Font Previewer for Linux

1999-04-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
George Bonser wrote:
 Will tkfont work?

Thanks for the prog. It works nice, but I think that it requires the
fonts be the font path to view them. I just rebooted to windows and
checked them out. I then realized why they were lost to begin with ;)
 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: X busted after 2.0 - 2.1 upgrade

1999-04-08 Thread Branden Robinson
On Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 12:14:33PM -0400,  Raymond A. Ingles wrote:
 On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, Richard Harran wrote:
  I'm not sure about this, but perhaps you should remove, rather than
  purge, the xbase package.  This is what I did, and I did not get this
  problem.  The difference between purging and removing is that removing
  leaves configuration files alone, so perhaps purging xbase removes
  config files necessary to run startx??
  This appears to be the case. I saved my old XF86Config, reran XF86Setup,
 and then replaced the auto-generated XF86Config with my old one. Now
 startx works just fine.

GACK!  I hadn't run across this problem in the versions of XFree86 that
were released in the course of stabilizing it after the Great X

Yes, this is a serious problem.  I am not sure what I can do to fix it; my
pre- and post- removal scripts in the current xbase package don't delete
those conffiles, dpkg does.  It's not easy to change dpkg's mind about such

I have checked, and the slink xbase package:

  1) does not have a prerm script
  2) does not have a postrm script
  3) does not have a conffiles list

In English, this means that when you remove or purge xbase, what SHOULD
happen is simply that all the files and directories listed by the dpkg -L
xbase command are removed.

Is it the case that somehow the old /var/lib/dpkg/info/xbase.conffiles file
is being left around?  On my system, I even still have xbase installed and
it is not there.  Is there perhaps some scenario in which the old conffiles
file is not removed?  If so, this is probably a bug in dpkg, and not in X.

In the meantime, I will update the appropriate README files with a dire
warning to not purge xbase, but to simply remove it instead.

All of xbase's conffiles have migrated to other packages; an enumeration is
in the existing xbase/README.Debian.

  I guess I'll take a very close look at the docs and see if this needs to
 be reported as a bug.

I need to examine more closely how I can preserve those conffiles, even in
the face of a purge of xbase, which is not an unreasonable thing to do
except for this very bad behavior.

G. Branden Robinson  |
Debian GNU/Linux |   Mob rule isn't any prettier just because
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   you call your mob a government. |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Lynx, Telnet won't resolve host

1999-04-08 Thread John Galt

Enable the defaultroute in wvdial--that'll solve your DNS probs.

On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, Jim wrote:

 I am able to get Lynx and Telnet to connect to an (non local) IP address
 such as,
 but when I enter in a URL such as I get the error
 can't resolve host.
 I read the pppHOWTO (but I'm not sure if a; I understand it all, and b;
 if it even applies since wvdial did all the work)
 I looked for resolv.conf and don't seem to have one,  let alone know
 where it should reside,
 and read the docs that come with Lynx to no avail.
 Any assistance in this perplexing situation would be greatly appreciated
 by this a comer to the world of Debian/Linux.
 Thanks in advance,
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Customer:  I'm running Windows '98  Tech: Yes.  Customer:
   My computer isn't working now. Tech: Yes, you said that.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

Re: X busted after 2.0 - 2.1 upgrade

1999-04-08 Thread Brian May
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
  I'm not sure about this, but perhaps you should remove, rather than
  purge, the xbase package.  This is what I did, and I did not get this
  problem.  The difference between purging and removing is that removing
  leaves configuration files alone, so perhaps purging xbase removes
  config files necessary to run startx??
  This appears to be the case. I saved my old XF86Config, reran XF86Setup,
 and then replaced the auto-generated XF86Config with my old one. Now
 startx works just fine.

GACK!  I hadn't run across this problem in the versions of XFree86 that
were released in the course of stabilizing it after the Great X

Yes, this is a serious problem.  I am not sure what I can do to fix it; my
pre- and post- removal scripts in the current xbase package don't delete
those conffiles, dpkg does.  It's not easy to change dpkg's mind about such

This sound like the exact same problem (at least it sounds the
same) I had when I upgraded from dhcpd to dhcpd-beta. dhcpd wasn't
purged, so I purged it, and it broke dhcpd-beta because purging dhcpd
deleted /var/dhcpd and /var/dhcpd.leases which are used by both
packages. AFAIK, the bug report is still open.

dhcpd is a slightly different situation though - I think the postrm
script deletes it.

However, it is possible that the solution may be similar for both cases,
hence my reason for mentioning it here.

Is it the case that somehow the old /var/lib/dpkg/info/xbase.conffiles file
is being left around?  On my system, I even still have xbase installed and
it is not there.  Is there perhaps some scenario in which the old conffiles
file is not removed?  If so, this is probably a bug in dpkg, and not in X.

With my very limited knowledge of dpkg. Suggestions:

- what package owned the config file in question? On my slink system
  /etc/X11/XF86Config isn't owned by any package. That might be

- I assume that XF86Config once was be owned by xbase??

- In this case, it might be worth installing an older version of
  XF86Config, and then reinstalling the new version, checking that
  everything looks Ok at every step. I don't know if this is possible
  on slink.

- If the above step is not possible, it should be possible to create
  a dummy package that contains a config file, install it, and then
  install a newer version that doesn't contain the config file, and
  see what happens. I think this should reproduce the same situation
  as with xbase.

[off-topic] How to auto-run xlock?

1999-04-08 Thread Rick Macdonald

I have a program that I want to run only while my PC is unattended. I
don't need the screen locked necessarily.

xlock does this for me:

xlock +nolock -startCmd startsetiathome -mode blank

but I have to run it manually. When I log back in, it does kill the
running command (startsetiathome) just like I want.

I'd like this exact behaviour but somehow I need xlock to always be
running, waiting to jump in after the idle period.

Any ideas? Do any of the screen savers in gnome/enlightenment/etc have
such features?

If anyone is interested, the program that I'm running is the SETI at Home
client. SETI is The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

Linux platforms currently dominate the user community, but the Mac and
Windows clients aren't released yet.

Check it out:

Here's a screenshot of a little GUI monitor that I wrote for it:


Re: Q: User access to hardware peripherals - preferred method?

1999-04-08 Thread XRDLAB

IIRC, to add an user to a group, the syntax is 

  adduser username groupname

I have done that to add users to floppy, audio, etc. 

From the man page of adduser

  Add an existing user to an existing group
   If called with two non-option arguments, adduser will  add
   an existing user to an existing group.

As mentioned before, for the new permissions to work, logout and



Sridhar M. A.
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Tel: +91-821-516133
Fax: +91-821-516133


Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-08 Thread John Galt

from sunsite's rfc-index

196   Watson, R.  Mail Box Protocol (Not online)  1971 July 20; 4 p.
  (Obsoleted by RFC 221)

On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 On Wed, 7 Apr 1999 03:36:40 -0600 (MDT), John Galt wrote:
 But the emailing standard predates both FTP and HTTP, thus the situation
 existed once.
 Excuse me?  Which emailing standard?  AFAICT by the RFCs email emerged
 as its own protocol around the 700s.  Meanwhile FTP was being discussed back
 in the 400s more than 7 years previous to 780, Mail Transfer Protocol and
 8 years before Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.  To me, FTP predates
 SMTP/POP/IMAP by quite a bit, esp. when most of the eariler mail documents
 refer to moving mail via FTP.
 and the situation also existed once wherein joe wasn't an option, thus vi
 was required learning.  
 Once, but not *now*.
 The DoS attack is going to exist no matter what is done to stop it.  It is
 an artifact of TCP/IP networking: the only thing that can truly not be
 denied is what isn't there.  Shutting down a part of an existing protocol
 because of it is ludicrous at best.  The professionals that keep the
 internet running, for the most part, know this, thus the minor fact that
 large attachments to email exist to this date.
 Much to the begrudgement of every postmaster I've ever spoken to.
 - -- 
  Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
  ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
 Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Customer:  I'm running Windows '98  Tech: Yes.  Customer:
   My computer isn't working now. Tech: Yes, you said that.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

System Security and Program for editing sysv runlevels

1999-04-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
I just got a cable modem and I'm loving it, but I am concerned about
security. I was instructed to comment out many lines in my
/etc/inetd.conf file, especially the ones that I didn't know how to
configure or what they were. In addition, I was told to turn off any
services that I didn't want to make available to the internet including:
nfs, nfsfs, portmap, routed, rusersd, rwho, sendmail, smb, snmpd, and

The only one of these that is running at the moment is portmap, but I'm
not sure how to stop it from running.

I was given a few programs (none of which I can find) from a list that
is predominantly populated by Redhat users. Some of their suggestions
were tksysv, ntsysv, and chkconfig, but I haven't found any of these. I
stumbled across a gRunlevels program which is a gtk-based sysv runlevel
editor. However, after compiling/installing the libs it required, then
installing it (it came as a binary only, and I found no other link to
its source) it crapped out on me because it looked for init.d to be

Can anyone point me to a program that can hadle this on a Debian system,
or to some documentation that will let me do it by hand?

 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: xdm won't start X

1999-04-08 Thread Paul Harris
On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, Craig Hancock wrote:
 Look at your .xsession-errors or /var//log/xdm.log to see what is says for 
 errors and
 get back to me
 Paul Harris wrote:
  when I try to login through xdm, it disappears, I expect my X
  (windowmaker) to start up, but xdm comes back! as if nothing happened.

thanx everyone, I found the problem: my WindowMaker was pointing to
/etc/alternatives/WindowMaker which was pointing to a non-existing
'WindowMaker-newstyle', not 'WindowMaker-debian'. Once corrected it works

last question: does anyone know of any good xdm-theme pages?


Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-08 Thread Steve Beitzel
Hey All,  
Err...I don't mean to nag or anything, but hasn't this thread
gotten a little out of hand?  I mean, it's like ten days running now, it
no longer bears any semblence to the subject, and there has been flaming
and sarcasm left and right.  It doesn't do the debian user community any
good to have many of its good people wrapped up in a pointless thread.
Just my $0.02. 


On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, John Galt wrote:

 from sunsite's rfc-index
 196   Watson, R.  Mail Box Protocol (Not online)  1971 July 20; 4 p.
   (Obsoleted by RFC 221)
 On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  On Wed, 7 Apr 1999 03:36:40 -0600 (MDT), John Galt wrote:
  But the emailing standard predates both FTP and HTTP, thus the situation
  existed once.
  Excuse me?  Which emailing standard?  AFAICT by the RFCs email emerged
  as its own protocol around the 700s.  Meanwhile FTP was being discussed back
  in the 400s more than 7 years previous to 780, Mail Transfer Protocol and
  8 years before Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.  To me, FTP predates
  SMTP/POP/IMAP by quite a bit, esp. when most of the eariler mail documents
  refer to moving mail via FTP.
  and the situation also existed once wherein joe wasn't an option, thus vi
  was required learning.  
  Once, but not *now*.
  The DoS attack is going to exist no matter what is done to stop it.  It is
  an artifact of TCP/IP networking: the only thing that can truly not be
  denied is what isn't there.  Shutting down a part of an existing protocol
  because of it is ludicrous at best.  The professionals that keep the
  internet running, for the most part, know this, thus the minor fact that
  large attachments to email exist to this date.
  Much to the begrudgement of every postmaster I've ever spoken to.
  - -- 
   Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
   ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of 
  Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  Customer:  I'm running Windows '98  Tech: Yes.  Customer:
My computer isn't working now. Tech: Yes, you said that.
 Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: What do I do with tarballs?

1999-04-08 Thread Matt Garman
 On Mon, 5 Apr 1999, Stefan Langerman wrote:
  Subject: What do I do with tarballs?
  dselect is great, but what do I do when there is no deb package for the
  soft I want? I know of course how to install somethng from a tarball, my
  question is just: where do I do it? Where do I put the package etc. and
  make sure I am not messing up dpkg? Are there any conventions for that?
  Is there any doc that explains that?

For software that isn't Debianized...  I use epkg:

It is very similar to GNU's stow, but in my opinion, better.

Basically, stuff you do for your whole system that is not done by dpkg
(i.e. installing new software) should go in the /usr/local/
hierarchy.  When you compile software from source and want to install
it in /usr/local, you can put the made files in their appropriate
directories relative to /usr/local, e.g., executables go in bin/ and
man pages in man/, etc...  Once the files are set up appropriately,
you can use epkg to create symlinks in the actual /usr/local
hierarchy, for easy installing and uninstalling.  I believe there is a
distribution or two that actually uses this method for package

email me if you want more info,

They're always havin' a good time down on the bayou,
 Lord, them delta women think the world of me.
-- Dickey Betts, Ramblin' Man

Re: Lynx, Telnet won't resolve host

1999-04-08 Thread scratch
On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, Jim wrote:

 I am able to get Lynx and Telnet to connect to an (non local) IP address
 such as,
 but when I enter in a URL such as I get the error
 can't resolve host.

If you don't have a file called /etc/resolv.conf, you need to create one.
Here's what a typical one looks like:


The first line is there to tell the resolver which is your domain, so that
you can use short names. 

The second line gives the first nameserver, the local host. You need to
have a nameserver running for that.

The last two lines give nameservers out on the net. You should contact
your ISP to find out these.

Anyway, check out man resolv.conf.

-- nico

--:: Nico Galoppo ::--
--:: scratch at ::-
  ::   ::
--:: Linux - Free power for the masses ::: 

How to determine actual modem speed

1999-04-08 Thread Ookhoi

Is there a way to measure the actual speed at which a modem is
connected? As modems negotiate the speed al the time, the CONNECT string
at the start of the connection is not up to date some time later.

Thanx in advance!

Groetjes, Ookhoi

Re: vi in Debian (slink)

1999-04-08 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Tue, Apr 06, 1999 at 06:27:41PM -0600, John Galt wrote:
 Try the HP-UX porting page--they have quite a few GNU-style progs ported
 to HP-UX: I remember getting the pages when I searched for tcsh.  HTH

I do remember visiting such a site a few months back (when I first
started working on HP-UX). However, most of the tools seemed to be quite old.

Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD. 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-08 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Tue, Apr 06, 1999 at 05:28:08PM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
 Internet Protocols:
 FTP: Name says it all.
 HTTP: Not as nice as FTP, but it still is worlds better than email.
 Intranet Protocols:
 SMB: Microsoft to the rescue
 FTP: Still works
 HTTP: Hey, still works.
 NFS: Works wonders, esp. for shared projects.
 If none of those are available.  TOUGH SHIT, MAIL IT.

Which of these protocols supports attaching files to email messages?

Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD. 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: pppd success! Now, on to more configuration questions!

1999-04-08 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 CM == Chris Mayes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

CM I (probably) upgraded my packages, I was getting errors amounting to SMTP
CM listener does not like ID [EMAIL PROTECTED] or some such, at which point
CM it kicks out.  Now, I get this error:

You have to have local_domains=localhost in the exim conffile. If
there is already some domainname there, just append localhost,
seperated with a colon (like

CM Next question: can I change what xterms report for their
CM terminals?

Check /usr/doc/xterm/README.Debian


Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-08 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Tue, Apr 06, 1999 at 09:06:09PM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
 Well, one guy came up with a great situation.  What if... What if I
 were on a machine that had no compiler, had no net access, no floppy drive,
 had no other editors or things which could be used *as* editors (sed  ed
 come to mind) but did have vi.  How would I then edit files?  I declared the
 machine unusable as it was obviously so archaic and/or esoteric that it is
 beyond and reasonable need of mine and I would promptly turn it off and find
 a real machine.

It must be nice to live in a world where you can just walk away if your
favourite tools aren't available. Unfortunately, most of us don't.

 What if...  What if both FTP and HTTP are unavailable.  In such a
 situation, you've got problems more than email because if those two *basic*
 and *standard* protocols aren't available then your network is, in a word,

Not at all. You've heard of UUCP, I assume?

 then welcome.  That is why I am so vehemently opposed to anyone using email
 for large attachments.  That is why I say that as the size of the attachment

The commercial world is a far more practical place. You can't take a stand
on large email attachments for philosophical reasons.

Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD. 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Mars_nwe as deb

1999-04-08 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 09:47:56AM +0100, Joop Stakenborg wrote:
 On Wed, 07 Apr 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  where can I find mars_nwe in deb package ?
 It is in project/experimental.

Please read the documentation before using it!

Hamish (mars_nwe maintainer)
Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD. 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: mars packagae

1999-04-08 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 09:33:53AM -0500, Craig Hancock wrote:
 what is this mars package I keep seeing

If you mean mars_nwe, the netware server, it's in the project/experimental
directory on all good debian mirrors.

Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD. 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: vi in Debian (slink)

1999-04-08 Thread John Galt

You may be right, tcsh ain't exactly freshmeat's newest.  But then again,
neither is vim.  It certainly can't hurt trying.

On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

 On Tue, Apr 06, 1999 at 06:27:41PM -0600, John Galt wrote:
  Try the HP-UX porting page--they have quite a few GNU-style progs ported
  to HP-UX: I remember getting the pages when I searched for tcsh.  HTH
 I do remember visiting such a site a few months back (when I first
 started working on HP-UX). However, most of the tools seemed to be quite old.
 Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD. 
 CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I can be immature if I want to, because I'm mature enough to make my own 

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re: Linux crashes on fiest boot

1999-04-08 Thread Wolfgang Ginolas
 i have installed linux on a 386 over NFS. After writing a bootsector on
 disk, and makeing a boot-Floppy debian boots the new system. Everything
 looks fine until he sais:

 Configuring serial ports...Serial driver version 4.13 with no serial
 options enaled
 tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16450
 tty01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16450

 After this my computer does nothing anymore even after pressing keys 
 Shift+PageUp, Ctrl+Alt+Del or any other.

 If have run micro linux and mulinux successfully on this machine.
 What can i do? Are there any Serial options to set?


It is most likely something after the configuration of the serial port
that is crashing things.

hmmm but what comes after the configuration of the serial port?


Re: KDE/Qt Status in Debian dists

1999-04-08 Thread Mike Carter
Date sent:  Wed, 07 Apr 1999 05:11:27 -0400
To: Terry Hancock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Copies to:
Subject:Re: KDE/Qt Status in Debian dists

 Just bypass the whole package manager, download the source, compile and
 install. This way when you decide to upgrade you won't have to worry about
 qt-kde getting broken unless some of their support libraries change.  And
 even if that does happen, it would just mean that you would need to
 recompile  install.
 Terry Hancock wrote:
  I've installed the Hamm (=2.0) distribution of Debian Linux from CD,
  and I intended from the start to install KDE as quickly as I could, but
  Debian has since gone to Slink (=2.1).
  On the Hamm CDs, the Qt library required by KDE is not included for
  licensing reasons. However, the Troll Tech website claims the newer
  versions of Qt are free software, apparently resolving previous
  licensing conflicts. (?)
  The Qt library debian package _is_ on the FTP site, but unfortunately,
  when I try to update the package from there using dselect, I get a
  cascade of dependencies -- basically dselect wants to upgrade my whole
  system to the Slink distribution.  This would be okay, except for the
  I'd prefer to get the Slink CDs, but will the Qt library be on them?
  I have little time to work with this computer, and I fear that if I get
  Slink, Potato will be out before I get the Qt package, and I'll be
  back where I started. :)
  Also, can you get dselect to _downgrade_ your packages?  I've now got
  some kind of mixture of Hamm and Slink packages on this system, and I'm
  not sure how stable that is.  I wish dselect gave you a little more
  control, but I haven't quite figured out how to do everything with dpkg.
  Would appreciate any help at all, thanks!
  Terry Hancock

Hi team,
I downloaded the slink debs from
I downloaded qt1g 1.42 debs from unstable. I don't recall other 
dependencies, the rest of the dependencies I think were in the kde 
debs.  So if you load in correct order kde will be up and running in no 
time.  A whole lot less than getting gnome running.  Only one set of 
dependencies external to kde  My system is hamm.


1999-04-08 Thread Kateøina

our company is interested in the Linux market. We have started with marketing 
our CAD system worldwide recently and are loking for a Linux OS distributor 
partner. We would like to make a personal contact with your company 
representative during the Linux EXPO exhibition in Paris in June 1999.

Katerina Reichlova

Sales Manager


Re: line printer problems / DEC Alpha

1999-04-08 Thread Paul Slootman
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
Does the Debian distribution for the DEC Alpha have problems with certain
motherboards or other hardware?  I am planning to get an alpha system, and
I would like to install Debian.

The best thing to do is to ask on debian-alpha (I've cc'ed that and
put that as the reply-to). That's where the knowledgeable people
(AFAI alpha is concerned :-)  hang out.

I have noticed occasionally some remarks that Linuc has some problems with
lp0.  It seems that I am victimized by them (when I installed my system I
did change the line printer device from lp1 as suggested by the device
configuration to lp0.  Now the spooler accepts print jobs, but they never
get printed (I use Berkeley lpr, have run it successfully in previous
lives, and installed and configured printing on several other systems
without problems).  I was trying to reconfigure printing with lp1, but no
luck.  Does anybody have a suggestion?


Hartmann Schaffer

PS.  Please cc any replies

Paul Slootman
home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | debian: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

Re: [off-topic] How to auto-run xlock?

1999-04-08 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 I have a program that I want to run only while my PC is unattended. I
 don't need the screen locked necessarily.
 xlock does this for me:
 xlock +nolock -startCmd startsetiathome -mode blank
 but I have to run it manually. When I log back in, it does kill the
 running command (startsetiathome) just like I want.
 I'd like this exact behaviour but somehow I need xlock to always be
 running, waiting to jump in after the idle period.

I thought about this problem before, and now realised you can check
keyboard and mouse activity looking at /proc/interrupts.  You could then
start a script like this in your .xsession file (adapt the variables at
the start to your needs):


#! /bin/sh

# these are the interrupts of your keyboard and mouse,
# check out your /proc/interrupts:

# this is the interval in seconds between checks of /proc/interrupts

# if more than MAXINTERVALS * SLEEPTIME seconds pass without activity,
# the xlock program will run

# command line options for xlock
XLOCKFLAGS=-nolock -mode bat

checkactive () {
  while true; do
for x in $INTERRUPTS; do
  TOTALS=$TOTALS `grep \$x: /proc/interrupts | \
   sed -e 's/^.*: *\([0-9]*\).*/\1/'`
if [ $TOTALS = $OLDTOTALS ]; then
  if [ $INTERVALS -ge $MAXINTERVALS ]; then

while true; do

Note I have only just barely tested this.

 If anyone is interested, the program that I'm running is the SETI at Home
 client. SETI is The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

Great, sent my regards to the aliens once you find them :)


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

Re: Doh! Hosed my printer config

1999-04-08 Thread Richard Harran
Firstly, do you know what netscape uses to print.  Eg, when I press
print in NS, the dialogue box says:
   Print Command: lpr

Also, what are you using to filter?  I use magicfilter, 'cos it does
everything for you.  If you use this, make sure you have run
and this sets up a good working printcap file.

If you are not using magicfilter, you need
in /etc/printcap under your lp printer def'n, and something along the
lines of
   /usr/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -sDEVICE=laserjet -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=- -
in your_filter_file.

I think that it is normal for NS to dump ps output at your printer
program, and for that to use gs to drive your printer.  I would
recommend using magicfilter to do the filtering.


Chris Mayes wrote:
 Well, since apt-get has been very zealous with its interdependency
 upgrades, I seem to have hosed my printer configuration somewhere along
 the way.  See, when I try to print a page using Netscape, it dumps
 postscript at my printer.  Nasty!  I don't think the problem is in my
 printcap, unless the ljet4m module assumes that the printer understands
 PostScript...  I am using an HP LaserJet 1100, BTW.  So, what other
 configurations/programs/etc should I check for problems?  To be honest, I
 am not sure that I tested printing from netscape before the upgrades (the
 install's less than a week old).  Suggestions would be much obliged :-)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: Video Card Recommendation

1999-04-08 Thread Paul Sargent
Hi Nick,

I'd recommend a Permedia 2 based card, and not just because I work for

*   They are dirt cheap these days. 8MB card for around $80 (I would
have thought. I'm in the UK)
*   XFree86 now has a nice fast and stable X-server for them, although
not included in slink as you need There are test debs at though.
*   Its the chip thats being used by lots of developers as a test bed to
bring 3D onto Linux. e.g. the SuSE guys @
*   Kernel support is underway and in 2.2.x so you can run it as a
framebuffer device.
*   I personally use them in several machines now and have very few


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 1999 2:33 AM
 Subject:  Video Card Recommendation
 I've been asked at work to recommend a good PCI / AGP video card for a new
 linux machine they are going to set up. What seems to be working good for
 you guys. (Something less than a $120)
 -Nick M.

RE: Video Card Recommendation

1999-04-08 Thread Javier Perez Mayos

Hi all.
I bought recently a STB Velocity, which uses the Riva TNT chip, and it
works fine with the last Xfree86 version (
I think is a good chip and it's very standard. It's supported under the
SVGA server in the last version.

I hope this will help you.

On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, Paul Sargent wrote:

 Hi Nick,
 I'd recommend a Permedia 2 based card, and not just because I work for
 * They are dirt cheap these days. 8MB card for around $80 (I would
 have thought. I'm in the UK)
 * XFree86 now has a nice fast and stable X-server for them, although
 not included in slink as you need There are test debs at though.
 * Its the chip thats being used by lots of developers as a test bed to
 bring 3D onto Linux. e.g. the SuSE guys @
 * Kernel support is underway and in 2.2.x so you can run it as a
 framebuffer device.
 * I personally use them in several machines now and have very few
  -Original Message-
  From:   Marouf [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent:   Tuesday, April 06, 1999 2:33 AM
  Subject:Video Card Recommendation
  I've been asked at work to recommend a good PCI / AGP video card for a new
  linux machine they are going to set up. What seems to be working good for
  you guys. (Something less than a $120)
  -Nick M.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Javier Perez Mayos
Dpt. Formacio

Re: Lynx, Telnet won't resolve host

1999-04-08 Thread Javier Perez Mayos
Hi Jim,
the problem is easy: your machine don't know where to ask in order to
solve the addresses.
You have to create a file in /etc called resolv.conf, and put in the DNS
Servers you want to use. This is an example file:


I have 6 DNS, but maybe is a security paranoia :)

I hope this will help you.

On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, Jim wrote:

 I am able to get Lynx and Telnet to connect to an (non local) IP address
 such as,
 but when I enter in a URL such as I get the error
 can't resolve host.
 I read the pppHOWTO (but I'm not sure if a; I understand it all, and b;
 if it even applies since wvdial did all the work)
 I looked for resolv.conf and don't seem to have one,  let alone know
 where it should reside,
 and read the docs that come with Lynx to no avail.
 Any assistance in this perplexing situation would be greatly appreciated
 by this a comer to the world of Debian/Linux.
 Thanks in advance,
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Javier Perez Mayos
Dpt. Formacio

deskporte 28.8

1999-04-08 Thread Ladislav Sretter
hello, today i've got one old deskporte modem and it seems is not
i tried to connect it to my portable to check initialization strings and
enable autoanswer, but the modem does not answer to my at commands.
i tried to connect other modem ( zyxel) and it works without problems.

how it sounds to u? do i have to use different data cable?

thanks for advice


Re: Problem: NFSROOT with netboot and 2.2.x

1999-04-08 Thread Michael Maechtel
 On Fri (2. April 1999) at 09:59:50 (+1000), Brian May wrote: 
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
 whenever i try to boot a 2.2.x kernel with netboot
 everything goes all-right until it starts to mount nfs. 
 2.2.1 and 2.2.3 both work OK for me
OK the epic driver (SMC9432BTX ethernet card) caused the problems. 
I found on

the solution! Works great now. 


Re: Doh! Hosed my printer config

1999-04-08 Thread Chris Mayes
On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, Andreas Persenius wrote:

 Actually, the ljet4m-filter _does_ assume that your printer handles
 Postscript. Use the ljet4-filter instead to get 600 DPI and Postscript
Aha!  Yeah, that certainly fixes things.  If only I knew my LaserJet
models better ;-)  Thanks for the help!


help : java, kde don't run

1999-04-08 Thread Khalid EZZARAOUI

I make a mistake when I downloaded some potato packages.

Now I can't use java to run an applic, and kde make some mistake(don't
load kedit).

I believe someone speak about that, and says to downgrade some old lib.

I have : potato+kernel2.2.1

an other question :
what is the egcs compilator ?
What have I to download to compile my kernel, and work with gtk ?


Re: [off-topic] How to auto-run xlock?

1999-04-08 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:

  I'd like this exact behaviour but somehow I need xlock to always be
  running, waiting to jump in after the idle period.
 I thought about this problem before, and now realised you can check
 keyboard and mouse activity looking at /proc/interrupts.  You could then
 start a script like this in your .xsession file (adapt the variables at
 the start to your needs):

This is great! Thanks! I don't even need xlock now. I'll just start/stop
the SETI program directly.

Now, does anybody know if there is an equivalent to the /proc files on
other UNIXs, particularly Solaris, to detect mouse and keyboard activity?


Re: X busted after 2.0 - 2.1 upgrade

1999-04-08 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, Brian May wrote:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
   This appears to be the case. I saved my old XF86Config, reran XF86Setup,
  and then replaced the auto-generated XF86Config with my old one. Now
  startx works just fine.
 Yes, this is a serious problem.  I am not sure what I can do to fix it; my
 pre- and post- removal scripts in the current xbase package don't delete
 those conffiles, dpkg does.  It's not easy to change dpkg's mind about such
 - what package owned the config file in question? On my slink system
   /etc/X11/XF86Config isn't owned by any package. That might be

 I should clarify - my old XF86Config file was still there in /etc/X11/.
It wasn't deleted when I purged xbase. But even so, startx failed.

 I knew that XF86Setup would overwrite XF86Config, so I saved a copy. I
don't know what *other* file XF86Setup created/restored/modified, but it
wasn't XF86Config.


 Ray Ingles   (248) 377-7735  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If all the muscles in your body pulled in the same direction, you
 could lift over twenty tons. But you'd walk funny. - L. M. Boyd

Re: help : java, kde don't run

1999-04-08 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Thu, Apr 08, 1999 at 15:47:39 +0200, Khalid EZZARAOUI wrote:
 what is the egcs compilator ?

See It's basically gcc, the next generation.

 What have I to download to compile my kernel

Select kernel-package, make and bin86 in dselect, fetch a kernel
source tar.{gz,bz2} and read the documentation of kernel-package.

PATRIOTISM  A great British writer once said that if he had to choose 
between betraying his country and betraying a friend he hoped he would
have the decency to betray his country.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: X busted after 2.0 - 2.1 upgrade

1999-04-08 Thread Bob Hilliard
Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In the meantime, I will update the appropriate README files with a dire
 warning to not purge xbase, but to simply remove it instead.

 When I updated a hamm partition to slink (using apt-get
dist-upgrade) the upgrade was easy and painless.  I purged xbase (and
a lot of other x stuff I don't use).  My  XF86Config was not disturbed
by the installation or purging.  I doubt if you need that dire

 BTW, I had tended to side (silently) with Santiago during your
warm discussions about how to treat the Great X Reorganization.
However, my experience in upgrading vindicated your position.  Of
course, I had read the Upgrade-notes. :-)

 PS: After reading Brian Mays' message commenting on this, I
checked the ownership of XF86Config on my system.  dpks -S reports
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config is owned by xserver-common in slink and
xbase in /hamm.  In both cases it is a symlink to /etc/X11/XF86Config.
dpkg -S doesn't find /etc/X11/XF86Config.

  |_)  _  |_   Robert D. Hilliard[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |_) (_) |_)  Palm City, FL  USAPGP Key ID: A8E40EB9

Re: [off-topic] How to auto-run xlock?

1999-04-08 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Thu, Apr 08, 1999 at 08:06:51AM -0600, Rick Macdonald wrote:
 This is great! Thanks! I don't even need xlock now. I'll just start/stop
 the SETI program directly.
 Now, does anybody know if there is an equivalent to the /proc files on
 other UNIXs, particularly Solaris, to detect mouse and keyboard activity?

Shouldn't nicing it to the lowest level mean it only runs in idle time
anyway? Or does it display things when running?

Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD. 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Step-by-step upgrade

1999-04-08 Thread Christian Dysthe

sometimes I find I need to install packages from unstable. Last time was when
I needed X11amp on my system. This meant I had to upgrade GTK also. Does
upgrades like this compromise my system, and will upgraded later using dselect
be aware of the fragment of upgrade that have been performed?

Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Date: 08-Apr-99
Time: 09:52:57
This message was sent by XFmail
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

switching virtual consoles...

1999-04-08 Thread Alan Su
Hi everyone-

we have a box that doesn't run X.  i'd like to configure it to switch
to a specific virtual console after some amount of idle time on the
other virtual consoles.  is there a solution out there?  thanks.


Re: [off-topic] How to auto-run xlock?

1999-04-08 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Fri, 9 Apr 1999, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 08, 1999 at 08:06:51AM -0600, Rick Macdonald wrote:
  This is great! Thanks! I don't even need xlock now. I'll just start/stop
  the SETI program directly.
  Now, does anybody know if there is an equivalent to the /proc files on
  other UNIXs, particularly Solaris, to detect mouse and keyboard activity?
 Shouldn't nicing it to the lowest level mean it only runs in idle time
 anyway? Or does it display things when running?

I need to try various nice values and pay more attention, but I could
feel it's presence when it's running at nice=1. It's all numerical
computation and soaks up lots of CPU. Memory isn't a problem for me (I
have 256MB). It doesn't display anthing, just a stream of progress prints
to stdout that you can /dev/null.


Re: [off-topic] How to auto-run xlock?

1999-04-08 Thread Michael Stenner
On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, Rick Macdonald wrote:

On Fri, 9 Apr 1999, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 Shouldn't nicing it to the lowest level mean it only runs in idle time
 anyway? Or does it display things when running?

I need to try various nice values and pay more attention, but I could
feel it's presence when it's running at nice=1. It's all numerical

nice=19 is the LOWEST priority, nice=-20 is the HIGHEST.  Negative
numbers are only available to root.  So, when you moved it from 0 to 1,
you didn't really do all that much.  Try sending it all the way to 19.


computation and soaks up lots of CPU. Memory isn't a problem for me (I
have 256MB). It doesn't display anthing, just a stream of progress prints
to stdout that you can /dev/null.

  Michael Stenner   Office Phone: 919-660-2513
  Duke University, Dept. of Physics   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Box 90305, Durham N.C. 27708-0305

Mouse Problems and xdm

1999-04-08 Thread Dinesh Nadarajah

I have a couple of problems and I would like to get an opinion from those who 
might have an insite into these issues.

I recently installed Debian 2.1 on my system. I have had Debian 2.0 previously 
and wsa very happy with it  but i decided to do a fresh install. The 
installation went well (better than 2.0) but I ran into a problem that I am not 
familiar with - my mouse. I have a Microsoft mouse that plugs into my PS2 port 
(the one that has a S-Video jack). When I ran xf86config, I selected the 
/dev/psaux as my mouse interface device and I know that this worked because I 
can see the mouse when I am in the text mode console (I can see the mouse as a 
block in text mode and it works well). Now when I start mt X server, I have no 
control of my mouse - I can see it but it is very sensitive that I cannot move 
it around the normal way. It always gets stuck at the upper right hand corner 
and I have to move the pointer with my keyboard keys. Has anyone experienced 
any such thing? (I have a Matrox Millenium II AGP video card - not that it 
should matter).

My second questions (a simple one I presume) is concerning xdm. How do I turn 
it on and off?

Regards and thanks in advance.


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Re: [off-topic] How to auto-run xlock?

1999-04-08 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, Michael Stenner wrote:

 I need to try various nice values and pay more attention, but I could
 feel it's presence when it's running at nice=1. It's all numerical
 nice=19 is the LOWEST priority, nice=-20 is the HIGHEST.  Negative
 numbers are only available to root.  So, when you moved it from 0 to 1,
 you didn't really do all that much.  Try sending it all the way to 19.

The default is 1. I did set it to 19 for awhile, but not long enough to
decide if I could live with it that way for 2 years. Once the novelty
wears off, I figure running it only when I'm away from the PC will be
plenty good enough.

The program checkpoints state, so you can kill and restart it at will
without loosing anything. Of course, you could just stop/cont it as well.

The [EMAIL PROTECTED] sever is down right now so I can't do any more tests at 


Re: Symbolic links behaviour

1999-04-08 Thread Ruben Leote Mendes
Hello Adam,

On Tue, Apr 06, 1999 at 01:09:57PM -0700, Adam Klein wrote:

 Why don't you just mount the parition under /usr/local?

The main reason is because I want to put several directories in the
same partition.  I create several directories in the partition and
then make symbolic links there. For instance /home and /usr/local will
be on the same partition.

It seems that I will have to go through all the symbolic links and
make them absolute. I must figure out some script to do this. :)

Ruben Leote Mendes - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Netscape strange errors

1999-04-08 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
I dont have motifnls installed.
I dont know what to do now!!
Thank you,  Paulo Henrique
Quoting Adam Di Carlo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Paulo == Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 PauloI send a message a couple of days before about Netscape
 Paulo problems and there was no answer. :( I will try again. :) I
 Paulo need to fix this problem!!!  The problem is:
 PauloHi all, I installed Debian Linux 2.1 in a Sparc 4 and
 Paulo installed netscape too. My problem is with Netscape. When I run
 Paulo Netscape there is no problem. When a friend of mine, runs it
 Paulo the following error occurs:
 Paulo $ /usr/X11R6/bin/netscape no recognized font charsets!
 PauloWhat is wrong?  Have a nice day, Paulo Henrique
 Do you have the motifnls package installed?
 You may need to set your XNLSPATH environment variable to
 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/nls in order for some Motif applications to work.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Help! ddd says: gdb: cannot open master pty

1999-04-08 Thread Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella


I'm trying to run ddd on a Debian box, and I get the following message
if I'm not root:

bash-2.01$ ddd
gdb: cannot open master pty: No such file or directory
gdb: communication setup failed

ddd starts, but the gdb prompt never appears. If I'm root, things work
just fine. If I start gdb alone (even as non root), things work also.

The ddd I use is ddd-smotif, and the box is mostly hamm, but as I had
this problem, I thought on updating those packages (ddd and gdb) to
slink, but that did not help.

Any clue?


Luiz Otavio L. ZorzellaComputer Engineer

Re: Netscape strange errors

1999-04-08 Thread Adam Di Carlo

 Quoting Adam Di Carlo
  Do you have the motifnls package installed?
 You may need to set your XNLSPATH environment variable to
 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/nls in order for some Motif applications to

 Paulo == Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Paulo  Oh.  I dont have motifnls installed.  I dont know what to do
Paulo now!!

Try installing the motifnls package.

If it's still a problem, try setting the XNLSPATH as indicated above.



Base Installation problems.

1999-04-08 Thread Assad Khan

Hello. I just got Debian 2.1 with the official 
cds. In the installation when it asks for the path to base2_1.tgz, even though 
it is there, it says there is a file error and it cant extract 
/instmnt/debian/dists/slink/main/disks-i386/2.1.8-1999-02-22/base2_1.tgz. I 
don't know how to fix it, or whats wrong.

-Assad Khan


PPP-pam - problem

1999-04-08 Thread Christian Dysthe

I can not seem to get PPP-pam to install right. Do I need it? I have tried to
remove it also, but dependency problems prevents me since general PPP seems to
be dependant on it.

Help would be greatly appreciated.


P.S PPP works fine (running slink)

Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Date: 08-Apr-99
Time: 11:34:58
This message was sent by XFmail
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Logo Contest

1999-04-08 Thread ProZak

You chaps still running the logo contest? (I see the logo hasn't changed,
but is borked. Big surprise. :)

Justin Burns
Level Seven Networking

Re: timezones FAQ

1999-04-08 Thread Kevin Dalley
Wayne Topa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I 'had' the same problem.  The only clue I had was to read the manpage
 for tzconfig.  It led me to look at /etc/timezone which contained
 'EDT'.  It also led me to see what /etc/localtime was pointing to, wonder
 of wonders, /usr/share/zoneinfo/EDT.  As /usr/share/zoneinfo also
 contains a 'EST5EDT', I simply changed the link (/etc/localtime) from 
 /usr/share/zoneinfo/EDT to /usr/share/zoneinfo/EDT5EST and changed
 /etc/timeone to EDT5EST, and it fixed the time.

Running tzconfig without reading the man page works fine for me.  In
the past month I have switched time zone quite a few times, which
included moving into daylight savings time in two of those time
zones.  While I read the tzconfig manual, it wasn't necessary.


1999-04-08 Thread Andi Monari
hi an alle,

ich habe mir netscape runtergeladen und installiert. es lauft debian 2.0 hamm.
wenn ich es aber zu starten versuche mit:

bekomme ich folgende fehlermeldung:
/opt/netscape/netscape: can't load library

muss ich eine library dafür installieren?

danke und grüße andi m.

Get free e-mail and a permanent address at

Re: System Security and Program for editing sysv runlevels

1999-04-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
This is to keep this thread active, and to pose another question:

I downloaded a program called gRunlevels, but it looked for my rcN.d and
init.d stuff in /etc/rc.d.

I created a /etc/rc.d directory and symlinked the above files to it. Now
gRunlevels works and all my services are displayed.

Is this okay? I am not going to mess something up here am I?

BTW, can someone tell me how to find out what runlevel Debian ends up at
normally, and should I only remove services at that runlevel?

 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: PPP-pam - problem

1999-04-08 Thread John Hasler
Christian Dysthe writes:
 I can not seem to get PPP-pam to install right. Do I need it?


 I have tried to remove it also, but dependency problems prevents me since
 general PPP seems to be dependant on it.

I show ppp as suggesting ppp-pam.  What is the error message?
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: netscape

1999-04-08 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Thu, Apr 08, 1999 at 19:05:47 +0200, Andi Monari wrote:
 bekomme ich folgende fehlermeldung:
 /opt/netscape/netscape: can't load library

That's what you get for not using the installer package for netscape. The
installer packages take care of this kind of dependency.

 muss ich eine library daf?r installieren?

Yes. The X libraries (xlib6g). (Quite likely, you have downloaded a libc5
netscape binary, in which case you need to install the libc5 X libraries
(xlib6 in oldlibs))

PATRIOTISM  A great British writer once said that if he had to choose 
between betraying his country and betraying a friend he hoped he would
have the decency to betray his country.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

kmem_free error/warning..

1999-04-08 Thread Chris Brown
Hi, a question to those more knowledgable than I;

Under periods of heavy disk access my Debian slink system w/ 2.2.3 
kernel and raid-1 on two 13gig IDE's occasionally spits out a console 

kmem_free: Either bad obj addr or double free (objp=c266fe00, 

The machine continues to run fine, is this serious? how do I track 
down the problem?



 Join;  See;,,

fdformat missing

1999-04-08 Thread Pollywog
I am missing fdformat.  Which package contains it?



[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Re: fdformat missing

1999-04-08 Thread Oleg Krivosheev

   I am missing fdformat.  Which package contains it?

superformat in fdutils, i believe



   [PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]


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