Re: [political-research] America Seeks to Boost White Population

2007-10-17 Thread tigerbengalis
see the hard data. tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sean, you take Jewish messianic ethnic supremacism far more seriously and gravely than pretty much any Zionist does today or in the modern era. Day to day Isreali concerns are much more mundane and vulgar, just

Re: [political-research] Re: America Seeks to Boost White Population

2007-10-17 Thread tigerbengalis
faction during the Bush 43 years, with the support of powerful neocon media owners and controllers. Who precisely are you claiming is controlling Rupert Murdoch, Sheldon Adelson, Sumner Redstone or Mort Zuckerman? Do they have names? Let's see the hard data. tigerbengalis [EMAIL

Re: [political-research] America Seeks to Boost White Population

2007-10-16 Thread tigerbengalis
Who do you think the Zionists learned their ideology from?: Sean McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [Why Americanism and Zionism are radically different ideologies.] Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google

Re: [political-research] America Seeks to Boost White Population

2007-10-16 Thread tigerbengalis
of the Old Testament and modern Jewish ethnic nationalists like Moses Hess. See: !{book; Shlomo Avineri; 1985; Moses Hess: Prophet of Communism and Zionism; New York University Press}. tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Who do you think the Zionists learned their ideology

Re: [political-research] An Unanswered Question to Tigerbengalis

2007-10-01 Thread tigerbengalis
: An unanswered question to Tigerbengalis: Which major lobby in American politics, other than the Israel lobby (including neoconservative outfits like Freedom's Watch), has been aggressively agitating for an American war against Iran? So far you have not mentioned a single name

Re: [political-research] On the Death of the Democratic Party

2007-09-28 Thread tigerbengalis
Anyone who ever thought the Democratic Party was or could be a vehicle for an anti-war movement is either delusional or lacking in a basic understanding of recent or distant history. The DP has backed (and often directed) EVERY imperial adventure from the post-WWII period (which is the era of

Re: [political-research] Re: On Ethnic Nationalism and Genetic Science

2007-09-24 Thread tigerbengalis
In this instance I'll second Sean's comments below. BTW, are you referiing to Google's Larry Page? Sean McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am much more interested in talent and creativity than ethnic purity, and talent and creativity emerge among all ethnic

Re: [political-research] Re: On Ethnic Nationalism and Genetic Science

2007-09-24 Thread tigerbengalis
Tim, there are plenty of Americans who think that someone's Nazi sympathies, like Macdonald's, are the serious issue, not his lame and hateful ideas. You might want to take note that Nazism always was and remains an enemy of America (the real America, not Cheney's America, not Macdonald's dream

Re: [political-research] Re: Wikipedia on Jacob Schiff

2007-09-21 Thread tigerbengalis
Tim-- Glad you brought up the fine scholar Sutton. From his book on Wall Street and the Bolsheviks: However, none of the above statements can be supported with hard empirical evidence. The most significant information is contained in the paragraph to the effect that the British

Re: [political-research] Re: Wikipedia on Jacob Schiff

2007-09-21 Thread tigerbengalis
were essentially secular iterations of Jewish messianism? (This is NOT to argue that the Jews are responsible for Communism, which is indeed an antisemitic belief.) tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Tim-- Glad you brought up the fine scholar Sutton

Re: [political-research] Re: Wikipedia on Jacob Schiff

2007-09-21 Thread tigerbengalis
of both groups to the establishment of Communism as a major world movement? I would especially like to see the financial numbers presented in a simple list. tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Who cares what Wikipedia says? They're not an authority on anything

Re: [political-research] American Jewry: Interests and Intents (w/ Help from Ha'aretz)

2007-09-20 Thread tigerbengalis
I love the Captain's claim below: I am not anti-Semitic, but neither am I stupid. Too may one-liner responses possible to even no where to start. Captain May [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear Cascadian, There is no issue that has brought so much friction to the

Re: [political-research] American Jewry: Interests and Intents (w/ Help from Ha'aretz)

2007-09-20 Thread tigerbengalis
on ethnic outsiders. tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I love the Captain's claim below: I am not anti-Semitic, but neither am I stupid. Too may one-liner responses possible to even no where to start. Captain May [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

Re: [political-research] Re: Wikipedia on Jacob Schiff

2007-09-20 Thread tigerbengalis
Do you really equate one rich Jewish guy with he financiers of a radical political movement, and with responsibility for having murdered 100 million innocent civilians in the 20th century (a claim, by the way, bandied about by the neo-fascist right, which attributes all war deaths in the 20th

Re: [political-research] Re: John Spritzler on the Jewish/Gentile problem

2007-09-18 Thread tigerbengalis
both for those [Jewish] communities and the host countries. Where is the data showing Jews supposed conflicting loyalties causing severe problems for host countries in history? Is Mein Kampf your source book? tim_howells_1000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: tigerbengalis

Re: [political-research] Blackwater = Mossad

2007-09-18 Thread tigerbengalis
What are Erik Prince's connections to the Mossad? Sean McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [Since Blackwater is a Christian Zionist op, the appellation Mossad is probably pretty close to the truth. Erik Prince is a Mossad tool, as are all Christian Zionists.]

Re: [political-research] Re: John Spritzler on the Jewish/Gentile problem

2007-09-17 Thread tigerbengalis
More Jew-baiting blather, tim. none of these examples indicate any pattern of loyalties to the global Jewish community conflict with loyalty to one's homeland. As to your incredible claim that Jewish participation in anti-tsarist efforts fueled anti-Semitism among Russian patriots, that would

Re: [political-research] Is Messianic Ethnic Nationalism Good for All Ethnic Groups?

2007-09-14 Thread tigerbengalis
been good for them -- it ruined their lives. tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sean, your disdain for Jews taints each successive post more and more. I don;t even think you realize it. It seems that it is you who is obsessed with ethnicities. Sean McBride [EMAIL

Re: [political-research] Re: John Spritzler on the Jewish/Gentile problem

2007-09-14 Thread tigerbengalis
through some set of Jew-demeaning blinders. I can't debate or argue much of anything with you if you persist in making such blatantly false readings based on your narrow preconceptions. tim_howells_1000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: TigerBengalis wrote: It's next

Re: [political-research] The Root Causes of Antisemitism

2007-09-14 Thread tigerbengalis
David Ben-Gurion, have been controlled by these myths and symbols. Some Jews are trapped in an infinite negative feedback loop. Many Jews are trying to escape the loop. tim_howells_1000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: TigerBengalis wrote: It's next to impossible to even

Re: [political-research] Is Messianic Ethnic Nationalism Good for All Ethnic Groups?

2007-09-14 Thread tigerbengalis
reading list on Jewish controversies? What books and authors have most influenced your thinking? tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sean I have said more than once on the list that I am a critic of Zionism. But that means nothing to you, since anyone who doesn't

Re: [political-research] Re: John Spritzler on the Jewish/Gentile problem

2007-09-13 Thread tigerbengalis
is this such an essential, almost sacred doctrine? Why for example can TigerBengalis never, never under any circumstance concede that antisemitism has ever in one single case been the result of resource competition? The answer is that if this were so, then the problem would be solvable - you just find some just

Re: [political-research] Re: John Spritzler on the Jewish/Gentile problem

2007-09-13 Thread tigerbengalis
don't know who he is, and haven't read his writings -- no opinion so far. tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Tim-- It's next to impossible to even respond to your narrow and silly stereotypes of Jews in general (when you favorably cite the silly passage Jews

Re: [political-research] Re: John Spritzler on the Jewish/Gentile problem

2007-09-13 Thread tigerbengalis
of human nature. Ethnic nationalists will always rub ethnic outsiders the wrong way. tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Not sure why you are asking me, if indeed you are--I don;t recall making the claim Jewish ethnic nationalism is good and European ethnic

Re: [political-research] Re: John Spritzler on the Jewish/Gentile problem

2007-09-13 Thread tigerbengalis
response was too brief to be accused of coherence or incoherence. I think we've encountered an interesting mental block here. tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Again can't respond--you're rambling reply has no logical coherency and structure, other than

Re: [political-research] On the Jewish/Gentile Problem ; Jewish Religious Supremacy?

2007-09-13 Thread tigerbengalis
an interesting mental block here. tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Again can't respond--you're rambling reply has no logical coherency and structure, other than the unifying thread of hostility towards Jews. Sean McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Let's try this again: On what

Re: [political-research] Re: John Spritzler on the Jewish/Gentile problem

2007-09-13 Thread tigerbengalis
trendlines. Either the Israel lobby is going to smarten up and back off, or we are going to be entering interesting times indeed. Have you been following the fates of the two high-level AIPAC officials who have been charged with spying for Israel? tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sean

Re: [political-research] John Spritzler on the Jewish/Gentile problem

2007-09-12 Thread tigerbengalis
Apologetics for anti-Semitism and Polish murderous pogroms by a homophobic blogger are big issues of interest on this news-group? tim_howells_1000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: John Spritzler is a very interesting blogger (found via xymphora) who is tackling the big

Re: [political-research] The Israel Lobby: Some Key Components (Update)

2007-09-11 Thread tigerbengalis
campaign against Iran. (And to repeat once again -- the great majority of Jews are as unhappy with this administration as I am. The Israel lobby most assuredly does not = the Jews.) tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You're absolutely right--that dinky

Re: [political-research] New Israel Lobby book by Mearsheimer and Walt reviewed by NY Times

2007-09-07 Thread tigerbengalis
From the blog of Michael A. Hoffman II, Nazi scum. Sean McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: New Israel Lobby book by Mearsheimer and Walt reviewed by NY Times via On the Contrary by Michael A. Hoffman II

Re: [political-research] Dick Eastman Apologizes for His Antisemitism

2007-08-28 Thread tigerbengalis
He's still an asshat, no doubt still an anti-Semitic moron, and probably has a closet full of porn. Sean McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: My comment: Dick Eastman deserves some credit for acknowledging and apologizing for the antisemitism which disfigures quite a

Re: [political-research] The NYT's New Pro-War Propaganda

2007-07-30 Thread tigerbengalis
Sean McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [The New York Times is an Israeli/neocon op, trying to pass itself off as a liberal institution -- the algorithm couldn't be more simple.] Elsewhere, Sean McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In fact, I never assert as fact that which isn't backed up by

Re: [political-research] The NYT's New Pro-War Propaganda

2007-07-30 Thread tigerbengalis
, and ruined their credibility on the rocks of the biggest foreign policy disaster in American history, the Internet would have taken them down anyway. No loss here whatever; all gain. New York Times hirelings are not competitive in the free marketplace of ideas. tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

Re: [political-research] Re: Is Kevin MacDonald a Scholar (by Frank Salter)

2007-07-16 Thread tigerbengalis
competed against one another for territory, resources, wealth and power? Isn't this the main theme in human history? And would it come at all as a surprise that this behavior is driven by genetic factors? tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: tim_howells_1000

Re: [political-research] Re: Is Kevin MacDonald a Scholar (by Frank Salter)

2007-07-12 Thread tigerbengalis
whole exchange with tigerbengalis. Only Sean's comment on tigerbengalis led me back to take a closer look, since it made me wonder. But basically. Collectivism vs individualism: Even as an outsider I can easily see that it is much easier to survive in some cases with-a-little-help-from-your

Re: [political-research] Re: Is Kevin MacDonald a Scholar (by Frank Salter)

2007-07-12 Thread tigerbengalis, tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: LeaNder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: There were attempts along these lines: e.g. the Spanish Marrano. The problem is, after the conversion there was still suspicion and partly it was justified, some Jews simply disappeared behind

Re: [political-research] Understanding Antisemitism (A Brief Bibliography)

2007-07-12 Thread tigerbengalis
. Not very impressive. Sean McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Can we see your complete list? What books have you read on my brief bibliography? Have you read Ginsberg? tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I would add to the top

Re: [political-research] Understanding Antisemitism (A Brief Bibliography)

2007-07-12 Thread tigerbengalis
Finkelstein's work is consistently solid, particular the one on your list, which I highly recommend. Sean McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Can we see your complete list? What books have you read on my brief bibliography? Have you read Ginsberg? tigerbengalis

Re: [political-research] Understanding Antisemitism (A Brief Bibliography)

2007-07-12 Thread tigerbengalis
? That case could be made, easily. And what has been the result? And your full bibliography? tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ginsberg makes the oh-so-shocking discovery that Jews over the ages have often sought to ingratiate themselves with ruling elites

Re: [political-research] Behavioral Genetics (Searching for Genes that Explain Our Personalities)

2007-07-10 Thread tigerbengalis
getting started and which, in combination with artificial intelligence, has unlimited possibilities for speeding up the evolutionary curve and generating entirely new life forms. tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Actually its kinda been dead in the water once

Re: [political-research] Re: The Root Cause of Anti-Semitism

2007-07-10 Thread tigerbengalis
and traditional liberals. Ethnic nationalists tend to be on the same page only with themselves; ethnic nationalism is intrinsically divisive and self-ghettoizing. tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Most Jews havent a clue who Avigdor Lieberman, Douglas Feith

Re: [political-research] Washington Times

2007-07-10 Thread tigerbengalis
Sean McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: White ethnic nationalists like Kevin MacDonald, Patrick Buchanan and Paul Craig Roberts have strongly opposed self-destructive American meddling in Mideast politics, and made accurate predictions about the disastrous

Re: [political-research] Re: The Root Cause of Anti-Semitism

2007-07-09 Thread tigerbengalis
tim_howells_1000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: These are areas where the general public has moved far ahead of academia. Most people are very comfortable now with the idea that there are genetic and biological bases for human behavior, and accept this as established

Re: [political-research] Re: The Root Cause of Anti-Semitism

2007-07-09 Thread tigerbengalis
.) tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: tim_howells_1000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: These are areas where the general public has moved far ahead of academia. Most people are very comfortable now with the idea that there are genetic

Re: [political-research] Re: The Root Cause of Anti-Semitism

2007-07-09 Thread tigerbengalis
? Probably to some degree. But we may all be on rather short leashes. There is something about extreme xenophobia that is strongly suggestive of obsessive-compulsive disorders -- I'm betting on a genetic origin for the mindset. tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sean

Re: [political-research] Behavioral Genetics (Searching for Genes that Explain Our Personalities)

2007-07-09 Thread tigerbengalis
Actually, I very much consider the American Psychological Association to be on the fringe, at least scientifically speaking. I'm not a science worshipper, and find plenty problematic with Big Science, but no one in the scientific community would consider the APA terribly relevant to scientific

Re: [political-research] Re: The Root Cause of Anti-Semitism

2007-07-09 Thread tigerbengalis
Sean McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Elucidate: you are saying that there is a genetic basis for diseases like Tay-Sachs and sickle cell anemia among certain ethnic groups, but there is a not a genetic basis for mental and personality traits among certain

Re: [political-research] Behavioral Genetics (Searching for Genes that Explain Our Personalities)

2007-07-09 Thread tigerbengalis
with this particular article? tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Actually, I very much consider the American Psychological Association to be on the fringe, at least scientifically speaking. I'm not a science worshipper, and find plenty problematic with Big Science, but no one

Re: [political-research] Re: The Root Cause of Anti-Semitism

2007-07-06 Thread tigerbengalis
tim_howells_1000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: MacDonald approached these issues from a scientific rather than a political perspective. What you and most seem to be saying is that the conclusions he has reached are just too terrible to contemplate, so he has to be

Re: [political-research] Understanding Messianic Jewish Ethnic Nationalism

2007-07-02 Thread tigerbengalis
Sean McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: So: for tigerbengalis: One of the most influential Jewish leaders in America has himself clearly portrayed Jewish history as a series of violent confrontations with evil ethnic outsiders. He is obviously obsessed

Re: [political-research] Re: Is Kevin MacDonald a Scholar (by Frank Salter)

2007-07-02 Thread tigerbengalis
tim_howells_1000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It is true that the antisemitism faced by Jews in the Ghettos was of a different nature, and was not based on resource competition. The issue of the highly collective and exclusive nature of Jewish identity was a

Re: [political-research] Re: Is Kevin MacDonald a Scholar (by Frank Salter)

2007-06-30 Thread tigerbengalis
developed a scientific understanding of the dark depths of this species soul. Hence, religion's prominence and persistence, as a way to find explanations to the unexplainable. tim_howells_1000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: tigerbengalis Below you are displaying

Re: [political-research] Kevin MacDonald Stormfront - Google Search

2007-06-29 Thread tigerbengalis
Hey, for today's chic young goose-stepping barnyard hipster, what's not to love :) Michael Pugliese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Results 1 - 20 of about 10,400 English pages for Kevin MacDonald Stormfront

Re: [political-research] Unanswered Questions on Ethnic Nationalism

2007-06-29 Thread tigerbengalis
Jackson, tigerbengalis or anyone else. What I think is going on is that even asking these questions is highly alarming to the neocon camp -- the neocons (and their secret sympathizers) tend to become hysterical and even violent when confronted with the bizarre and indefensible self-contradictions

[political-research] Re: Unanswered Questions on Ethnic Nationalism

2007-06-29 Thread tigerbengalis
that the neocons will have succeeded in triggering a major wave of global anti-Semitism. The anger against the neocons coming from the American foreign policy establishment these days is electric and palpable. tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sean Why are you

Re: [political-research] Re: Unanswered Questions on Ethnic Nationalism

2007-06-29 Thread tigerbengalis
Abrams is substantially running American Mideast policy from the NSC. tigerbengalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sean So if I connect the dots in your equation below, it boils down to a claim that this most dangerous movement (and I don't dispute its dangerousness