I would think that any mined salt that was formed many eons before Man's intervention would be fine. For myself Morton's Iodized does the trick as it has iodine to help the thyroid. In a previous post you said you thought that vitamin C that you make in house would be good enough for you. You should look up Linus Pauling's site and learn about how you don't make any C like animals do,thats why humans get scurvy.

sol wrote:

So what do you recommend for salt? I ahve read that the himalyan salts are (sometimes? often?) contaminated with heavy metals or some kind of toxin. I continually read that refined salt (even without any flow agents??) is "toxic" and "poison" but can't find a single piece of actual research to substantiate that claim. All I see is the same statement, in almost exactly the same words everywhere, which usually means it is one of those commonly accepted "truths" that may be BS.

Dave wrote:

The discoloration of his whole body kind of shoots down the theory of photographic development it would seem. He was from Oregon and it is doubtful that he went around naked to get the sun light to the places necessary for that to happen. He did use Salt and then baking soda as a starter. Sota says it was sea salt which of course comes from the world's septic tank and could contain anything from nuclear waste to many other byproducts of war as well as medical waste and cruise ship garbage to name a few.
 Why anyone would put such crap in their body is beyond me .

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