At 04:45 PM 12/31/2009, you wrote:
Quoting a couple of paragraphs from the Forward, see below:


"Many people consider death to be a complete invalidation of a healing
arts practitioner. I don't. Coping with her own dicey health had been
a major motivator for Isabelle's interest in healing others. She will
tell you more about it in the chapters to come. Isabelle had been
fending off cancer since its first blow up when she was 26 years old.
I view that 30 plus years of defeating Death as a great success rather
than consider her ultimate defeat as a failure. "

Thanks Dan.
  Guess I should have read the entire forward, instead of skimming it.
I do tend to strongly consider the personal health of anyone writing health advice, but out of curiosity will read the book.

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