What we can do (and many of us are doing) is to email, call or write our 
senators and congress people and tell them we are against bills like S510 and 
the other one whose number I don't remember.  

Also, join groups like Alliance for Natural Health and Democracy in Action.  We 
need to make our voice heard!

What I don't understand with the Dews situation is why their attorneys did not 
just suggest that the Dews hire a younger person to do what Mr. Dews does.  
the problem would disappear.

Join whatever group you can find in the fight against the allopathic oligarchy!

From: starshar <stars...@comcast.net>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thu, November 11, 2010 10:20:35 AM
Subject: RE: CS>"CODEX" The first shot has been fired

For obvious reasons, the site they were in the process of “rebuilding” is 
probably now frozen in time. 

From:Lisa [mailto:blacksa...@comcast.net] 
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 10:15 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>"CODEX" The first shot has been fired
I am appalled that these things happen and probably more often than we could 
ever imagine. The bottom line is greed…and it will be the ruin of this country 
if things like this continue.
What’s their website?
Mrs. Dews told me they had 3 warehouses around the country and will sell off 
products that are there, and that will be the end of the “Dews Twenty-First 
Century” label. Jim will continue his consulting with Texas A&M for awhile.
I WISH I had enough spare $ to stock up on so many of their products! I love, 
and depend on, their Vital Glands, for instance as well as many of their 
digestive aids. But it’s the shampoo, believe it or not, that I will miss the 
most. It’s the best shampoo I have ever used in my life!
Unfortunately this is not the whole story. She said they found out that *five* 
other supplement companies will soon also be put out of business, but she 
know which ones they were!
Sadly reporting,