*The ONLY type of water you should use is distilled water, which has been
distilled by water distillation (not reverse osmosis).* There are NO
exceptions. All other types of water have too many impurities. While water
impurities help speed up the cooking of the colloidal silver, the minerals
in the water can bind to the silver particles and may eventually create a
health condition known as argyria. Argyria is a condition where the skin
turns grey or blue-grey because of taking high doses of impure colloidal
silver over time. It is very difficult to reverse the condition, so it
should be avoided.(http://www.cancertutor.com/Cancer02/CSilver.html)me info
is at http://www.thesilveredge.com/faq.shtml

One site -- http://www.bigclive.com/silver.htm --  says "If you want to
make pure colloidal silver, then you will need to use distilled water.
While this is easily available in the USA, it's hard to come by in the UK
and the purchase of a very expensive water distiller will be required.
Personally I think that tap water is fine, particularly if the silver is
being drunk immediately."

Another site, http://educate-yourself.org/cs/csarticle2.shtml,  says : The
first type of product is the classic, original kind, usually called
"electro-colloidal silver." This product is made either by the
"electro-arc" method in deionized water, or by the "low voltage
electrolysis" method in distilled water. This product is usually found in
concentrations between 3-5 ppm (parts per million), but sometimes as high
as 100 ppm. Properly made, this product consists of microscopic particles
of pure, elemental silver suspended in water, with no other elements
present. Each particle of silver carries a POSITIVE electrical charge.
Colloidal silver made this way appears either transparent-clear or
transparent-light yellow.

And still another site says to not use anything but distilled water if it
is going to be drunk by people: http://www.keelynet.com/biology/colloid.htm

If the Silver Colloid is to be ingested or injected, be sure to
use distilled water. Tap water is fine for other uses, such as
for a topical spray or for plants. Also, before beginning to
make your Colloidal Silver you will need to make a saline
solution for enhancing conductivity.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Gladys Williams <gwms...@optonline.net>wrote:

> I think I remember someone on the list saying in a pinch you could use
> rain water
> to make CS.  Is this true?  And what is the danger of making CS from
> Spring Water?
> Thank you in advance for your responses?
> GWilliams



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