It may make a lot of difference whether you are talking about head/full body exposure, or local exposure. Your hands are exposed to hundreds of gauss when you hold a refrigerator magnet.

On 08/27/2015 05:06 PM, evelyn wrote:
I wanted to csution everyone about electromagnetic
instruments.  Firstly, they are unsafe near the head -
especilly for anyone with any kind of seizure disorder ,
alzheimers, or elecrical sensitivity.  Secondly, I saw on a
website related to Dr. Beck's protocol an instrument for
producing magnetic fields.  It said it produced mag fields
in the strength of hundreds of gauss.  This is outrageous
and could cause death in some people.   5 gauss for short
exposures is a standard even OSHA uses. as a maximum.Â
Hundreds of gauss is something the whole neighborhood could


John Popelish

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