It seems you don't read well. I wrote "it didn't always work".  
I am sorry for your dog who was made to suffer on one side of his body because 
of your slavish need to demand scientific evidence before you can be 
      From: John Popelish <>
 Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 11:34 PM
 Subject: Re: CS>electromagnetic instruments
On 08/27/2015 10:23 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:
> I don't need scientific "evidence" to tell me if
> something works or not. I live with pain and I use
> magnets... and they help more often than they don't.
> I've been using them for 30+ years so I think I am long
> past placebo.

You are the perfect person to have a long lasting placebo
effect. It doesn't expire after some number of days. You
have strong confidence that they are working and so they work.

I think you don't want to know whether you are benefiting
from placebo effect or actual biophysics. If you did, you
would have tried some control experiments, by now.

I wanted to know whether silver water was helping my dog's
chronic skin infection. So I used silver water one side and
plain water on the other side. It wasn't double blind, but
it was single blind. The dog didn't know what was used on
which side. The silver side healed while the plain water
side got worse.


John Popelish

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