I used to know Mike personally, years ago - that was around the 2009-
2013 time frame. I have been to his home many times and he to my home
many times. A brilliant man, and good friend back then. We lost contact
between 2013 and 2014, briefly touched base in 2014 but I have not heard
from him since.
Mike was an intensely private man so I will respect his privacy in
regards to his health issues.
I will drive over to his home this coming weekend if I cannot reach him
by phone. He lives a 10 minute drive from me.

On Mon, May 22, 2017, at 08:24 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:
> I  am in Michigan too but on the other side of the state from him...he
> was not well the last that I heard from him which was a long time ago.> Debbie
> On Monday, May 22, 2017 5:55 PM, Tony Moody <a...@aptech.co.za> wrote:> 
> Hallo Folks,
> Mikes Devour, owner of the silver List, mailbox is full, he hasn't
> answered recent email. Support at Eskimo.com  say that his phone rings
> but there is a generic answering machine message. He lives in south
> east Michigan according to his page
> https://www.eskimo.com/~mdevour/boatproject.html> 
> Is there anyone in the area who could try to get something more
> definite?> I can't be of much help because I'm round the other side of the 
> world
> and 9 hours earlier than you in USA.> 
> OK,
> Tony Moody