CS>Re: Frequency and the meaning of words.
From: jrowland
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 23:05:04

  >> ...there is no way a signal can come from the body...

  > Could potassium be the only exception? "Total body potassium (TBK)
  > is a  measure of the body's cell mass and can  be  quantifiable by
  > the detection  of gamma-rays that emanate from the body  by virtue
  > of its  content   of   the   naturally  occurring  radioisotope of
  > potassium..." http://tinyurl.com/5ngo4   "...Total  Body Potassium
  > (TBK) A  gamma  counter   measures   the   amount   of  a  type of
  > potassium..."

  > http://tinyurl.com/6q27v

  > jr

  There are  many  types  of radiation emitted by  the  body,  such as
  thermal and  radioactive  disintegration.   None   of  these  can be
  measured with  a simple frequency counter as  described  on Tainio's
  web site.

  As your  post mentions, gamma rays are a type  of  radioactive decay
  and require a gamma counter to measure. There are  other radioactive
  elements besides  potassium  that  collect in  the  body.  Since the
  levels are  so low, special shielded rooms are  required  to measure
  the radiation accurately. These rooms are extremely expensive.

  Gamma radiation  can  be measured with  Geiger  counters, ionization
  chambers, pocket  dosimeters,  film  badges,  thermoluminescent, and
  other types of dosimeters:


  The units  of measure change with each method. For  Geiger counters,
  it is  counts per minute. An ionization chamber produces a  small dc
  current measured in nanoamperes or microamperes. A  pocket dosimeter
  is a  ruggedized  version  of a  gold  leaf  electroscope. Radiation
  exposure is  measured  by  the movement of  a  charged  thread. Film
  badges show  accumulated  radiation by the  density  of  the exposed
  film. Thermoluminescent detectors store radiation energy  in lithium
  fluoride crystals.  These  release  the  energy  as  light  when the
  crystal is heated to 250C:


  None of  these instruments produce an output in MHz,  as  the Tainio
  BT3 claims to measure.

  The human  body simply does not generate signals  around  50MHz that
  can be  measured  with a frequency  counter,  oscilloscope, spectrum
  analyzer, or any other similar instrument as Tainio claims.

Best Wishes,

Mike Monett

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