Hi Dan,

Is this machine in use today?

Who could I contact for information?

Is there a machine on the market that can do these things for cancer?

Thank you,

Jean Baugh

> Here is something I came across that relates to the body's
> frequencies.  Any comments?
> Dan
> "You should be in a position to utilize E/M resonance therapy
> or Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging to tune to the NMR
> frequency of the cancer cells, which have a resonant frequency
> well outside of the normal tissue resonance frequency range.
> From there, you should be able to invoke, through resonance, heat in the
> cancer cell which will destroy it, while leaving the normal tissues
> untouched. This is the best method for eliminating cancers. It
> works 100% of the time. The only possible side effects arise
> when the cancer is large or systemic, and is destroyed all at once
> In that situation, the body can be overwhelmed by the enormous task
> of removing the dead tissues from the system. Thus, resonance therapy
> needs to be done by stages."
> "Princeton Medical Center has been using the NMRI  methods to
> treat all known types of cancer with success since 1987. The only
> limitation on this type of therapy is the limitation of the frequency
> resolution of the equipment. The same method can be used to
> destroy any pathogen. Known, or unknown. (I used to be friends
> with Dr. Kramer at the Princeton Medical Center. He was directly
> involved in these researches. I developed the theory independently
> in 1975 when I worked at Meloy Labs in Virginia. Meloy Labs
> does work for NIH, HEW, etc.) "
> --

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