Hi Wayne,

Sunlight produces vitamin D for the body as I'm sure you know.
>From what I understand, Direct sunlight ( not looking right at the sun
mind you ) into the eyes for 20 min. is all that is required daily to
receive the adequate amount to keep one sane. (Grin) There are studies
readily out there explaining the effects of vit "D" on mental chemistry.
I can't speak for how this may effect, if any, whether there is a
relationship to back pain. From a physiological/anatomical point of
view; there is clearly an imbalance in the musculoskeletal area of the
body, involving mainly the muscles. Sedentary lifestyles and job related
tasks contribute to back trouble. Most people I have encountered have
weak abdominal muscles which makes the back muscles,( although extremely
resilient and strong ) work overtime causing fatigue. This is where the
imbalance occurs. Now I'm not saying go out and do all sorts of
abdominal exercises and forget about the back, because u might just do
the opposite to the situation. The body works synergistically and needs
both the back and abs to work in unison to strengthen. Pilates, yoga are
ideal ways to promote good postural alignment and correct any imbalance
in this area of the body. If we are referring to an everyday "Joe" who
just works and does stuff and has happened to acquire back trouble over
the years. Sometimes we might not even be aware that we've pinched
nerves along the cervical, thoracic, lumbar regions of the back also
contributing to back aches and problems. They can be quite debilitating.

Your experience and observations are interesting indeed. But there was a
time I didn't where a shirt tanning as such and honestly didn't change
anything with my back problems. The only thing I could think of is the
warm of the sun may sooth the problem area. The exercise wouldn't hurt

Thanks for your imput.

Kindest regards


-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Fugitt [mailto:cwfug...@earthlink.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 7:52 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>The origin of back pain

Good Morning,

    The pain, the cause, and the cure, seems to have escaped the
medical profession, and maybe even most alternative doctors.

> > I'm wondering if anyone knows a good, effective way to get to the
> > of back pain.

     I have a number of friends and relatives, age ranges from 40, 50,
and older.

Many of these people, I have known their whole life, others only 15 to

I have observed their lifestyle, eating habits, and scratched my head 
relative to why they have back pains.

Finally it became crystal clear.   Every one of them share one thing in

Not one of them has every worked a day in their life,  in the Sun, with 
their shirt off.
Some have worked in the sun off and on, yet they did not have the mind
and knowledge to remove their shirt.

As a teen ager, I lived in the sun from daylight until dark.  I wore
only a 
pair of shorts. I even wore these to town and to the pool hall.  In
years, I never miss a chance to remove my shirt and get some 
sunlight.   Often at my shooting range, with temperatures in the 60's
50's I remove my shirt for as long as I can stand the low temperatues.

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