Charles P Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The only referenced once check is there to prevent typos and other similar 
> errors that would have SIPp load a scenario with a variable only used once 
> (the theory being why do you need to read or write to a variable if you 
> never read or write from it again, basically like an unused variable 
> warning from your compiler).  If you don't need $5, you can use it for 
> something unneeded like:
> <assign assign_to="5" value="0" />

This worked for me, I didn't need $5.  Thanks a lot -- I'd have spent
a lot more time gawking at the error message otherwise.

> A better long term solution would be to modify the SIPp source code to 
> make the whole match variable optional so that you don't need to jump 
> through hoops like this.

Ah, now that I have read it, I thought it could have been a WARNING()
instead of an ERROR(), but apparently sipp didn't want to be that
easily forgiving.  That doesn't make it any less useful a tool though.
This was an educational experience after all. :-)

"the lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne."  
                 -- Chaucer.

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