well i think you might need to use the os specific function for parenting,
otherwise we would have used the Qt method. if there is a Qt method for
parenting then i might handle the platform for us and make the code work on
both operating systems. but i think you will need to use the os specific
function call, which i linked to in the email.

you are correct about the plugin's design, use cpp to setup the application
and a dummy widget that you return to scripting. all subsequent widgets are
parented to (in python) using the return value.


On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 5:12 PM, ran sariel <ran.sar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> so you're creating the app on the plugin, and create a "dummy widget"
> (sianchor) , as a child of xsi main window.
> and from there on any widget you create is parented under siacnchor.
> I believe the return of getApplicationWindowHandle on linux is an x window,
> there should be a way in qt to parent a widget to x window,  - never used
> it though, Will take a look on Monday, and see if I can make any progress
> there.

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