> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/dn567645.aspx>
> says that there is a different kind of file cache for a random-access
> file, and that it shows up as active mapped pages.
> https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/976618/you-experience-performance-issues-in-applications-and-services-when-the-system-file-cache-consumes-most-of-the-physical-ram
These pages are describing an unrelated problem with a Windows Service(s), as 
those active pages under the category for METAFILE, and not under Mapped File. 

    On Friday, May 26, 2017 4:43 AM, Clemens Ladisch <clem...@ladisch.de> wrote:

 Jamie wrote:
> this is not the normal Windows File Caching that you would typically
> see. File Caching would be under STANDBY Mapped File

To rule out SQLite's mmap, execute "PRAGMA mmap_size = 0", and then
confirm with the output of "PRAGMA mmap_size".

says that there is a different kind of file cache for a random-access
file, and that it shows up as active mapped pages.

SQLite does not use FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS (except on Windows CE), but
it's possible that Windows is estimating that the accesses are random
(because the actually are).

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