> On May 26, 2017, at 5:46 PM, Jamie <eqrecov...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Without going into too much detail of explaining C#, everything is discarded 
> appropriately. All disposable objects are wrapped by using statements. And 
> byte arrays vanish once they're out of scope.

They vanish from _your_ perspective, but they do remain in the heap until the 
garbage collector finds and removes them. So from the garbage collector’s POV, 
your program is generating garbage byte arrays as fast as they can be read from 

All garbage collectors  have a dilemma when garbage generation outpaces 
collection, and the current heap fills up. They can either block the allocator 
until they’ve cleared enough space to satisfy the request, or they can grow the 
heap by requesting more space from the OS. Usually they have heuristics for 
doing one or the other in different circumstances. If they go too far one way, 
the process thrashes in the garbage collector, but too far the other way and 
its memory usage blows up (and eventually the entire OS goes into page-swap 

I don’t use .NET so I don’t know its garbage collector's behavior. But my 
experience with other systems (most recently Go) is that they tend to lean more 
toward allocating more memory, so it’s more common to see a runaway garbage 
generator blow up its address space.

So I am guessing that this is probably expected behavior for .NET. You may be 
able to tune some runtime settings, to tell it to limit heap growth. Or it may 
be possible via the .NET SQLite API to read the blobs into existing byte array 
objects, which would mostly eliminate the garbage production.

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