On 12/15/17, x <tam118...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Suppose I execute “attach :memory: as mem” and then create a table in mem
> that requires more space than the available RAM can hold what will happen?

You will get an SQLITE_NOMEM error from SQLite.  This is well-tested behavior.

You can run tests yourself by compiling with -DSQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS5
and then starting the "sqlite3.exe" command-line shell with the
"--heap" argument to tell it how much memory to use.  Give it a few
megabytes.  Then start up your in-memory database and fill it up to
see what happens.

    sqlite3 --heap 5MB

The --heap option causes the shell to do a single 5MB memory
allocation and then divy up that one allocation for all its memory
needs.  When the 5MB is gone, SQLite is out of memory and will start
reporting SQLITE_NOMEM errors.
D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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