Dear Roger,

Thank you for your comments on the John Dee
implementation of the Omar Khayyam calendar.

> At one longitude, 77° W, the equinox
> would always be on the same day. Is this
> God's Longitude? 

Yes.  At that longitude the vernal equinox
would invariably fall on 21 March.

Sadly, this is no longer always the case
because U.S. Daylight Saving (did you ever
hear my views on that?) now starts on the
second Sunday in March, which shifts the
local definition of Midnight by one hour,
so 1 year in 24 the vernal equinox will
be on 22 March.

It should be noted that the longitude will
depend on where you start the 33-year cycle.

John Dee deemed the calendar to start in
year 1 [Birth of Christ when zero hadn't
been invented] with leap years at multiples
of 4 until year 32 and the first cycle
concluded at year 33 [Christ's death].

We might note that Omar Khayyam was over
500 years ahead of John Dee and we should
also remember Na'amat Allah who was
on Pope Gregory's Commission and who
almost certainly lobbied for the 33-year

We can represent John Dee's version as:

        (C C C L)x8 C

   C = Common Year   L = Leap Year

We note that 4 x 8 + 1 = 33.

There are, of course, 33 points in the
cycle which you can deem to be the start
point and this will give you other
magic longitudes if you are happy not
to align your calendar with the life
of Christ.

> This is relevant today as Donald Trump
> is crowned at God's Longitude, 77° W,
> Washington DC 

Someone might remind him of this and, maybe,
he can undo the extension of the daylight
saving period introduced by George Bush.
In this way Trump could reclaim the "line
to God" that George Bush carelessly threw

Very best wishes



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