Gates was born common, poor maybe, and used his talents ...

Sounds somebody needs to do some biography reading.  Bill Gates was born and
raised in a very wealthy family and encourraged from an early age to be
competitive and win at all cost.  This attitude held whether he played
baseball, or raced his buddies across his grandmother's big swimming pool.
Remember, the university he dropped out of was Harvard, not some publicly
funded state university.  YOu're not looking at the mythical Horatio Alger
rags to riches story here.  I'm not detracting from his obvious intelligence
and talents, but Bill Gates got where he is partly, if not largely, by
ruthlesly stomping and smashing his competitors, licensing their products,
bastardizing them, and stealing the ideas, then marginalizing the licensors.
 Gates is doing in the computer industry in the late '90's exactly what the
Rockefellers did in the oil industry and Carnegie did in the steel industry
in the late '90's of the last century, the 19th one.  Make no mistake, Bill
Gates and MicroSoft want to define and dictate exactly what software you
will ultimately use on your computer, and exactly how you will use that
software and the entire format of every aspect of your computing experience,
how you will work, play, and otherwise use the beast.  Big business and mass
corporate advertising has taught and raised people to be a nameless,
faceless part of a herd.  You are defined by what you have, and if what you
have is not exactly, to the brand name, what everybody around you has, then
you don't fit in, and you don't amount to anything.  Gates is winning by
gathering the sheep and the cattle.  YOu can't name me a single thing that
any MicroSoft product does that was not already being done by somebody
else's product or products two to ten years before Gates rolled out the
feature.  Gate's motto has always been, steal it, copy it, borrow it without
returning it, buy it cheap, and give nobody other than MicroSoft any of the
credit for any of its development.
Brent Reynolds, Atlanta, GA  USA

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