On 15 Mar 99 at 4:57, Ole Juul wrote:

> Hi Or,
>   Where can I find this "Word Viewer" program?
There are 2 versions of it, one for 3.x, one for 9x.
I cant really remember the exact URL.. lost it long time ago,
but I do remember that I found it using Alta Vista
(http://www.altavista.com) while looking for the keywords:
"word viewer". Its availble (or etleast, was. hope it still is)
for download from Microsoft's site.

Be aware, though, that for some reason it cant view all the
Word features. Dunno why, maybe its only compatible with Word 6.
But it shows the text, and thats the most importent thing.

                                       Or Botton
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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