I think the work on this group is doing more in the real world to bring
peace than 99% of what is going on by politicians and military. The fighting
is fueled by money and a perceived need to control oil.

If we use home grown fuel then we keep the money at home and we don't need
to mess with their politics.
A win win situation.
Anything to reduce fuel consumption is a plus as well. Insulating shutters
on windows are one of the best things you can make for the cost/benefit
ratio. They have to be used, of course, and that is a problem. Most people
will not be diligent in closing them. Make sure they don't block fire egress
when you install them.


-----Original Message-----
From: George Wessel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 1:47 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Huge Hydrogen Stores Found Below Earth's Crust


>Very mild on this list compared to others. When I replied to a post on
>another list that nothing had ever been contributed by Arabs I asked if the
>Alphabet and our system of numbers wouldn't be considered a contribution.
>The reply I got was the people are a different people now. There is a
>deliberate propaganda effort to demonize Arabic peoples and I loathe
>propaganda because it always presages violence. There is a plan afoot and
>smells of blood.
When Saddam Husseim, sorry for the spelling, gased the Curds in Northern
Iarqi was that propaganda. I would have to bet that the Curds didn't
think so, it was plan genocide to them. When the Kuwaits excuted the
Iarqi soldiers by beheading after the US forced Saddam to pull back his
army, was that propaganda.  I bet the Iarqi soldiers who got caught and
was about to be murdered didn't think so. Or when Osama blew up the
Marine barracks in Saudia Arabia was that propaganda.  I could go on and
on.  Their actions are not exceptable by Western standards. If this is
offensive  to them then let them learn and change. The killing has to
stop and they have to start with their own people in case Saddam is
listening.  If they don't like it then why don't they change.  They are
forceing this world into a war they cannot win.  Yet a very large group,
and growing, 65% of the Arabs poled by NBC, support the terrorist action
of al queda against the US.  When the World Trade Center was attacked on
9\11 the Arab students attending the Oklahoma State University cheered
openly in front of the rest of the student body when the towers
collapased.  We were offended then, horribly insulated would be a better
word, and they didn't give a damn about our feeling then. I hope being
murdered by the thousands isn't to offensive to them but it is coming if
they don't stop with the terrorism. It has all ready started in
Afganhistan.  Your right,  their is a plan afoot and it does smell of
blood, one on each side and blood from both.  Arafat could denounce
terrorism and stop a lot of it right now.  But he won't, he don't want
his Hamas and Juduid buddies to kill him for giving in to the west.

I know their is a lot of good Arab people out their and they are being
sucked into the beast just like the rest of us.  We will all pay for the
murderous actions of a few.  The Arab's have the power to stop this now.
 To work out a peaceful deal with the US and Israel but they won't
because the terrorist group that they finance won't let them. Anybody
who tries dies.  I would have to wonder if their feeling are hurt as
they are being executed by their own people for wanting peace.

I agree we cannot stereotype all arab into one group of murdering
cowards.  From another view, isn't all American's placed into one group
of fat, lazy morons who drive big expensive cars  that guzzle gasoline
and pollute the air  by some if not most of the rest of the world.
 Throw our money around and offend the world by our fragent acts.  I
don't drive a big, gas guzzling car. I do everything I can to cut my
fuels costs every way I can and I most certainly don't throw my money
around.  So this puts me into the same group as the arabs that don't
support the murdering of innocent people by cowards. Yet I take this
insult with grace, then let the arabs take their insults with grace as well.

I read once that 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.  So it is with
the Arab world, the only way it will stop is when they clean up the
small percent that is giving the rest of them a bad name.  SAudia Arabia
and the US are having some hard feelings because they refuse to help
seize the assets of terroriest who operate in and out of Saudia Arabia.
 Why, because the majority of the Saudia people support the terrorists,
that's why. Not a small percent but enough to threaten King Faud's
government if he helps the US to much.

Sorry in advance for blowing off, it isn't all propganda, their is a
real problem out their and it has to be dealt with or it will only get
worst.  And a lot of people are going to get far worst than hurt
feeling.  I wish I could say it wasn't true but I'm afraid this is just
getting started. If the Arabs don't like it then they should offer a
little more support to stop the terrorist.  Nothing that the US has ever
done will justifie the blowing up of the WTC and the murder of thousands
of innocent people.  The real propagand is where we are being blamed for
forceing the terrorist to blow it up.


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