On Sat, Apr 20, 2002 at 07:37:17PM -0600, kirk wrote:
> I believe the practice of witchcraft involves love potions etc. does it not?
> So the free will of another is fair game?
> Hmmmmm. . .
> Manipulation for gain.
> You see nothing wrong with that?

   Hoboy! Where do you get that stuff from, Kirk? Wicca most certainly does
involve herbal potions for healing (and enlightenment), which is the real reason
for their persecution during the Middle Ages. You see, wise women (Wicca = craft
of the wise) were the principal healers back then. Men were also involved, but
women had the "in" because they were also midwives, something men were totally
excluded from. So, whenever women wanted healing, they went to the wiccan
women. And, of course, since the wives called in the wise women, if the man was
sick, the wife called them for him too. 
   It's all about money, eh? The men wanted the business, so, in league with the
men of the church, the christian priests, they denounced the women healers as
"evil witches in league with the Devil". Burn, baby, burn!
    Oh yes, before I forget -- people might find it quite enlightening to do a
little research on the Satan in the OT. Seems like mostly he was just a
snitch. He didn't do anything at all except snitch on you to Yahweh when you did

Harmon Seaver   

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