>If I could find a regular source of pricing of various fuels

I think that there are only one or two ways this is ever going to get
done, despite the very best efforts not only of the Petroleum Industry
(which seems to have set itself up as one of the only sources of
ethanol pricing information) but also of participants in the ethanol
industry (ADM, et. al.)  

One of the ways would be to make use of one or more of the folks who
may be reading who could, once a week or once a month send information
as to ethanol pricing, be it in a straightforwrd form (here is what I
paid or charged this week, wholesale or retail, for ethanol in
thus-and-such form) or a bit more roundabout compromise (here is what
my local station is charging for E85, or here is the information I am
stealing from a paid subscription publication which provides pricing).
A person such as yourself could commit a few minutes per month or per
week to receiving the information from one or more sources and posting
it as a courtesy to the ethanol community.

There are several legal pitfalls that would possibly be eventually
used against you, such as if the information was stolen from a paid
subscription, or if the pricing was of ethanol in non-denatured form,
because then the ATF might have some pretext for getting involved (I
think the built-in pricing of dealing with the anti-drug bureaucracy
is a ridiculous problem that drives up the cost of ethanol, but I have
no way at present to show this).

I think the question would be to make it a steady commitment rather
than posting info, say, once per week and then backing off in 10
weeks.  As you know from being a webmaster, there's little more
annoying than web pages which change URL's or change their projects.
Other challenges would be to clarify for the reader how the subsidies
affect the pricing and precisely what pricing is being posted (i.e.,
is it before the maker has to pay for gasoline to denature the ethanol
or after, etc.) 

The webmaster who sets up this pricing information page will, so far
as I am able to determine, be the only easily-accessible free source
of ethanol pricing in the world, and the page which carries that
information could boast of that fact, should the webmaster wish.

There is a URL at methanex which partly demonstrates an example of
what I'm describing, done for methanol instead of ethanol.  The
pricing is not something you'd use for day-trading or anything, it's
just posted month-to-month, apparently in order to help investors of
methanex to understand the pricing of the product made by the company
they've invested in.  A helpful thing, it seems to me, even if it
comes from a company I do not always like.  Heaven forfend that folks
who are being browbeaten into believing this or that commodity is
worth investing in and pushing-for should have basic pricing of that
commodity made available to them, so they can understand what the heck
is going on.  As it stands for ethanol, I have no way of knowing at
present, if I didn't have some involvement, if we're talking $1.25 per
gallon or $1250.00 per gallon (except I think there would be a riot at
the local bar in the latter case).

I'd provide the Methanex URL but last time I went there my computer
blue-screened, and so let me see if I can save this first.

Ok, here is the Methanex URL.


It is linked prominently from their home page.  They've been doing
this for years.



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