Used to be that an SUV was completely synonymous with a Chevy
Suburban  (a misnomer back then, but completely appropo today)
and a crew of 8-10 oilfield workers, fire fighters or surveyors
going out to or coming in from the field.

Now an SUV is synonymous with anything from a 1st year college
student needing room for multiple frat boys and kegs to a
Lacrosse Mom (Cricket Moms in other countries).

Here's the really funny part. One can fold up the rear seats of a
VW Golf and achieve more cargo room than most SUVs. Put a diesel
in with the front wheel drive and it can travel 90% of the places
a 2 wheel drive pickup can with double or better the fuel

Personal opiniion? Keep the "sport" in automotive confined to the
race tracks, take the "S" out of "SUV" and put the vehicle back
into perspective and its intended use.

When Lexus and Mercedes start market UVs you know the auto
industry took a wrong turn. (Odd how you don't see too many a
Lexus out rutting it through the mud on the farm or hauling
firewood to the cabin.)

$25,000 - $45,000 - the cost of 25-50 acres, an old farmhouse and
a mule - is a bit of a sacrificial exchange for quick trips to
the corner mart for disposable diapers.

It's also a primary indicator of how foolish and/or ignorant most
consumers are as to their own economic picture and future

Todd Swearingen

----- Original Message -----
From: Curtis Sakima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2002 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Heavier Vehicles Not Always Safer

> This 4X4 enthusiast/nutcase's $0.02:
> aaarrgh!!  When I hear about these "kids using the
> backseat of an SUV" or "baby standing of her lap in a
> SUV" ... it makes me puke.  Here these people are ...
> making a total idiot of themselves ... when all along,
> calling themselves (by their vehicle choice) ... an
> "SUV'er".   Giving the whole concept of "SUV" or worse
> ... 4X4'ing ... an image of "stupidity" ... or
> "ignorance".
> To me, it would be the same as though (on the news)
> there were these stupid lawsuits about "it's
> McDonald's fault that I'm fat -n- overweight" ... and
> then having the gall to reveal his last (family) name
> to be "Witmer" ... or "Addison".  The whole world
> laughs and redicules this guy ... and then proceeds to
> say ... "ALL these Witmer's ... or ALL these Addison's
> ... they're ALL so STUPID".
> Now when Keith and Christopher go to the grocery store
> .. and sign their name on a check ... the store clerk
> (who recently saw the news last night) LOOKS A THEM
> FUNNY (or gives them a funny look).  Just cause of
> their name!!!  I really hate that!!
> People, in my opinion, need to realize that whatever
> they do, reflects ... not only on themselves .. but
> also on their family's last name ... on their friends
> ... on groups they belong to ... on their church they
> attend ... on their company ... and on their country
> as a whole.
> Btw, on the issue on automobile crumpling ... I
> understand what it's for.  However, I feel it to be
> "such a waste".  'Cause now you've gotta throw the car
> away.  Too bad there wasn't a way to make the Car as a
> whole SOLID AS A ROCK ... but yet have some cheap,
> throw away "liner" on the inside that one removes
> after a collision ... throws away ... and replaces
> with a new one ... for "$5.00".  That way, the
> majority of the car can be saved.  Just a thought.
> my $0.02,
> Curtis
> --- Christopher Witmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can tell you who wouldn't notice in any case: that
> guy driving the SUV in front me this morning, whose
> kids were using the rear seat for a trampoline. And
> also my neighbor down the street who  drives her SUV
> with her baby variously seated or standing in her lap.
> You are right, Keith, about there being no direct
> connection between vehicle size and safety. It has a
> lot more to do with the number of functioning neurons
> in the driver's brain.
> Some heavier cars are so stiff that they transfer the
> force of a collision to the occupants; a well-designed
> lighter vehicle will crumple (by design) to absorb the
> force of impact without transferring it so directly it
> to the occupants.
> =====
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