
Tuesday, 06 January, 2004, 14:23:38, you wrote:

t> I am not enthusiatic, but accept war as a necessity, especially
t> considering that the other side (islamicists and sponsors of
t> terrorism) is the one that declared war on us.  Oh yeah - I forgot
t> about that.

Friend,  it  appears that you are either ignorant of recent history or
just  do  not  understand  it.   If you want to get to the root of the
modern  problems in the middle east do a google search (or your search
engine of choice) for the Balfour Declaration, the Stern Gang and read
about  how  the  British  created  the  artificial  state  of  Iraq, a
non-existant  state  before the 1920's, out of 3 disparate peoples for
their  own  oil and profits.  You may also find that Great Britain was
the  first  country  to  purposely  bomb a civilian population in that
little episode as well.

Further,  we  are  occupying  Iraq and Iraq has never strayed past its
neighbors.   Bin  Laden is a Saudi and it was his boys who perpetrated
911.    Bin   Laden  hates  Sadaam and Iraq had nothing to do with 911
so  if  Iraq  had  nothing to do with it then why are we there when by
your "logic" we should be bombing the Saudis?

t>I did apply to the CIA and NSA, but
t> they didn't want me. However, I was willing to go and did apply.

Well,  the unit I was with in the service was under the direct control
and oversight of the NSA and NSG.  In 1966 the CIA was courting me but
I  declined  their  invitation  to  play.  Just a couple of months ago
while  going through my file cabinet I found the 4 recruitment letters
they  sent  me.   They  evidently  liked  my interview with them.  You
really  didn't miss out on anything by not being accepted however.  It
really  isn't  like  it  is  on  TV.  By the way, mentioning that they
turned  you  down  is  not a point in your favor.  Raises that nagging
question,  "Why  didn't  they want him?  What was the problem?"  It is
generally psych evals or problems in obtaining a security clearance.

t> I am not a chicken hawk, we are at war. the other side started it. our
t> enemy is at least as hostile to liberal western civilization as any
t> enemy in the past, including facsism and communism as practiced by
t> mussolini, hitler, stalin, mao, pol pot, etc. The other side views our
t> entire culture and civilization as invalid and wants all of us dead,
t> or at least to remove our ability to direct our own lives.

This  is absolute hogwash.  All they want is us out of their lives and
countries.   By  the  way, are you aware that one of the tools used by
businesses  and  actually  taught  in  management  classes in business
college  is  to  keep  your  employees  off center and angry enough to
increase  their  productivity  and their attention off the company but
not  angry  enough  to do something deliterious such as strike?  It is
the  same tool that regimes use to keep the power and control.  If you
have  an enemy to concentrate on you will not be looking critically at
the  regime.   In  time  of  war  it  is  easy.  It is just as easy in
peacetime when you pit black against white against mexican against Jew
against Christian against inner city against rural folks.
t> I happen to believe that modern western liberal judeao-christian
t> democracy is the best culture, the best set of values, that this planet 
t> has ever produced and I will fight to preserve it.

Oh,  looks  like  I  forgot  that  one.   Pit  modern  western liberal
judeao-christian democracy against the heathens. Silly me.

t> "there is good in this world and it is worth fighting for" Sam Gamgee

Well,  if  Sam  were  here I am sure he would feel raped and abused by
having  his  words turned to the low purpose you use them for. Perhaps
you  forget but the fellowship was made up of various races inhabiting
Middle  Earth  and  the foe they fought was not willing to stay in his
own  back yard and play. He wanted the whole neighborhood. If you want
to label someone Sauron in this metaphor then that would be the greed,
power  and  lust for control and wealth which the United States has in
spades.  The  "islamicists"  are  not by any means Sauron. They didn't
come  over  here  until  they had been abused for nearly a century and
they are not trying to take anything away from us.

Are you sure you're not related to Saruman? ;o)

Happy Happy,

Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
Mitglied-Team AMIGA
ICQ: 22211253-Gustli
The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Stra§e liegen, 
da§ sie gerade deshalb von der gewšhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.

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