Hi John and all

It's crap anyway, Robin Williams didn't write it:
Urban Legends Reference Pages: Politics (Robin Williams)

It's not even new, it's been doing the rounds for two years.

Best wishes


lisa simpson wrote:

>  5.) No foreign "students" over age 21. The older ones
> are the bombers.  If they don't attend classes, they
> get a "D" and it's back home baby.

Clearly this author has never stepped foot on a modern American
engineering quad. If you get rid of the foreign-born engineering grad
students, it'll look like a neutron bomb went off.

Nevermind that these foreign born engineers are good for the US economy.
Although Sun Microsystems is the best example off the top of my head, it
certainly isn't the only one. In fact, Chinese or Indian executives run
27 percent of the 4,000+ Silicon Valley businesses started between 1991
and 1996.

In this vein: http://www.post-gazette.com/forum/20001015edflorida8.asp

>  6.) The US will make a strong effort to become
> self-sufficient energy  wise.
>  This will include developing nonpolluting sources of
> energy but will  require a temporary drilling of oil
> in the Alaskan wilderness. The  caribou will have to
> cope for a while.

Ummm. Wow. I guess the fact that at peak production in 2025, ANWR would
only reduce consumption of foreign oil by 3-6% didn't occur to them, eh?

>  ~~~If you agree with the above forward it to
> friend...
>  If not, and I would be amazed, DELETE it !!!!!

How about a third option, namely, identifying it as the festering pile
xenophobic jingoistic crap is it?

The US is a country of immigrants, and always has been. The only
difference today is that you don't always have to wait to hear an accent
to identify someone as a member of the 'Other'.

When my dad's grandfather came to Boston from Cork, you might be able to
pass him on the street and not realize he wasn't born here, if you
didn't hear him speak. Just because you can do it now from across the
street based on appearance doesn't make it any less bigotted.


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