On Thu, 17 Mar 2011 21:55:37 +0000, Scott Wilson
<scott.bradley.wil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 17 Mar 2011, at 21:28, Richard Jones wrote:
>> On 17/03/11 08:43, Scott Wilson wrote:
>>> On 17 Mar 2011, at 00:25, David Tarrant wrote:
>>>>>> 6.6. Adding Content to a Resource
>>>> I'll get onto this and point, just as a pointer however look at the
>>>> 'Creating a folder' section in the GDocs API.
>>> This whole area of SWORD (secs 6.4-6.6) is effectively doing the same
>>> job as CMIS. Is there a good reason for creating a new spec here?
>>> If these kinds of operations (remotely manipulating the content of
>>> virtual packages) are part of the core functions of SWORD, should it be
>>> a profile of CMIS rather than AtomPub?
>> I've tried /quite/ hard to get to grips with CMIS without a huge amount
>> of success.  It seems extremely large and full of a lot of stuff which
>> is way way way over the top for what SWORD is trying to achieve, as far
>> as I can tell.
> It is indeed rather more complex than SWORD as it is handling content
> management rather than just deposit -->


My instinct is CMIS is only worth pursuing if you need to talk to an
existing system talking CMIS (e.g. Microsoft Sharepoint). I think someone
earlier pointed out our methodology is RFC-orientated i.e. minimal,
well-defined and, where relevant, re-using existing Internet RFCs. CMIS, by
comparison, defines a full query language, ACLs, CMS-orientated APIs ...

What I've been pushing for with SWORD is:
1) Re-use sensible paradigms from existing AtomPub profiles (CMIS/GData)
2) Behave like an AtomPub implementation (i.e. don't MUST something that
isn't MUST in AtomPub)
3) Modularise the spec. and features to enable flexibility

I just echo what Dave Tarrant has said about talking in real-time with
this. I can see Richard has injected ideas from various sources into the
spec. but these ideas need to be thrashed out between multiple brains. I
was initially thinking we want to add behaviourial controls through headers
whereas I'm more convinced now that these should be IRI parameters, which
will make it more obvious that this IRI is going to behave differently to
the base IRI.

All the best,

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