Another problem with imported datasets is how this information is updated.

Is the import a one shot thing or will there be updates provided by the data
E,G  ABS will have new (and more up to date) data available for the suburb
boundaries. It would be sad not to be
able to use this data.

If the data has been modified or merged (I.E joined) to other structures
then it may be too difficult to do a reimport.

As anothe example, the owners of the fuel station data may well improve
their data, once they find out the correct addresses
of some of their outlets.  If local mappers have corrected the low quality
data once they will not wish to have to do this every time a
new version of the data is loaded.

Another possibility is that we just say - OSM is just a repository for this
data and we don't modify it in any way, or add to it,
and then just do a complete bulk import every time a new version becomes

Unfortunately this means that OSM would often be left with fairly low
quality data.

BTW - at a public lecture, given by the Bureau of Meteorology, last night,
they said that they will be releasing a LOT of
data about water resources and monitoring under a CC-BY-A licence.

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