On 2 March 2010 11:48, David Murn <da...@incanberra.com.au> wrote:
> Just out of interest, do these railway stations and airports, also come
> with a street address?  What percentage of these items youre importing,

No, just lat/lon.

> are you bothering to check, 1 or 2?  1 or 2%  50%?  None?  Id be pretty

At this stage I'm leaving it up to others, I really don't have a
direct interest/benefit in non-NSW/Qld data, but someone somewhere

> sure that almost all airports and train stations are already in the
> database, and those that arent, are the exception, not the rule.  Out of

No they aren't, especially a large percentage if not the majority of
regional ones are generally not mapped.

> maybe 1000 airports, 995 might be on the system already, so is it really
> worth having to de-dupe and fix up 1000 nodes, just to get the 5 missing
> ones?

It's really not that hard to de-dupe, you make it seem like a massive
problem, in any case there is generally a complete lack of data in
non-metro areas.

> I know I always seem negative about people who mass-import data,
> unfairly, but put it this way, would you trust a travel guide from
> someone who'd never been to the place the guide is about, or would you
> prefer to use a source which someone has actually visited, and
> documented accurately?

I've mapped a lot of things from aerial imagery, as did most people
not in Haiti that mapped things out, I don't see this as a completely
valid argument to be honest, OSM is about an evolutionary improvement
from worst (blank canvas) to best (highly accurate positioning), it's
not ever going to have perfect data everywhere, and having bad data is
better than no data, after all how many mistakes exist in commercial

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