On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 9:29 PM, Andrew Harvey <andrew.harv...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Since the ban on all contributors who didn't sign the CTs, and ban on all
> new contributors from using NearMap and other CC-BY/CC-BY-SA sources, I'm no
> longer actively contributing to the OSM database. Instead I am now actively
> contributing to the fosm database. I am interested to hear what other active
> Australian OSM contributors will be doing now.

I swapped to fosm when the lockout happened


> Just looking through the list at http://odbl.de/australia.html we have a
> fair amount of people who have been locked out, and also people who ticked
> the CTs who have used CC-BY/CC-BY-SA sources in the past who may want to
> keep this data and continue using these sources in the future.
> So, active Australian OSM contributors, are you staying with the OSM db? If
> so how are you going to do edits going forward, because any CC-BY-SA derived
> data you add may be removed if OSM abandons CC-BY-SA at some point in the
> future (or may even be conflicting with your agreed CTs now...).
> Are you moving to the fosm db? If so, great! Less problems with trying to
> merge your data into fosm, and we can all get back to mapping. Do you have
> any concerns over the switch?
> Are you going to stop contributing data altogether? Or are you putting you
> efforts on hold at the moment.
> I'm interested in Australia wide, but I'm personally most interested to
> hear from Franc, behemoth14, rrankin, Zhent, Ebenezer, swanilli, inas,
> Diego, good2010, dexgps. (these are just those that come to mind from
> looking over recent edits in the Sydney area)
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