On 7/6/2011 3:20 PM, Sam Couter wrote:
Steve Coast<st...@asklater.com>  wrote:
This is exactly right.
It's only exactly right if you don't have a problem with the new
licence, with the process by which it was implemented, with mass
deletion of data, with the proliferation of incompatible open licences,
with irrevocable and eternal rights grants, with future relicencing at
OSM-F's whim, etc.

Dismissing the objections of people who don't share your viewpoint as
some kind of hidden agenda or shitstirring for shitstirring's sake is
immature, childish and unproductive.

Failing to understand that others genuinely have different viewpoints
from you is a glaring failure for a man who's supposed to be a leader in
an open community.

Wow, you infer a lot from my four word sentence. Do you have any evidence to back any of it up?


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