On 8 July 2011 13:26, SteveC <st...@asklater.com> wrote:

> The vast majority of people are happy with where we are at

>From what I've read on ML posts, and from what was reported about the last
SotM meeting (I wasn't there), the vast majority of people don't care and
would be happy with the status quo, would be happy with CTs+OdBL, and quite
a decent fraction would be happy with PD too. I'm not saying that the
anti-ODbL group is larger than the pro-ODbL one, but that most people are
neutral and will go with whatever happens.

> and now it's down to people holding out because of a comma in the wrong
> place or a moral objection to various aspects of intellectual property law.

I don't really see how a group of people complaining about things in the CTs
or ODbL (some of which are moral objections, some are technical objection)
is really that different from a group of people complaining that CC-BY-SA
isn't suitable. I think about all we can say is that not everyone agrees,
and people also have different opinions on how many people are in each camp.

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