On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 5:04 AM, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
> You're both a whole continent and
> an island. There is therefore no reason why data users can't use FOSM for
> Australia and OSM for the rest of the world - and even combine the two into
> one dataset.

CC-BY-SA doesn't allow you to "combine the two into one dataset"
unless that one dataset is CC-BY-SA.

> Because you can just "cut out" Australia and place it in a new database with
> no linkage, it can be a Collective Database, not a Derivative Database - so
> they don't have to be the same licence. That unambiguously works with ODbL
> (4.5a): whether it works with CC is a moot point because CC is unclear for
> data licensing, but it's likely that it does

I'm not sure why non-clarity makes it a moot point.  If you don't
clearly have a license, then you shouldn't use the work at all.

But as long as you release the combined dataset under CC-BY-SA, there
shouldn't be a problem.

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