On 4/18/2015 11:35 PM, Nathanael Coyne wrote:
I'd appreciate if someone could have a look at it and tell me if it is valid or invalid and if invalid then where I should start with fixing it up, given it covers such a large area.

The way itself isn't a polygon, but is part of the multipolygon http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/1388357

It is valid, but an area this large is a problem to deal with for a number of reasons
- You're more likely to conflict with people editing it
- Checking validity is hard, as you need the entire  polygon
- It poses problems for rendering toolchains

Coming from an area with many areas of trees, I have a few techniques. One is to end up splitting on an arbitrary line. While this fixes the problems, it's not ideal. A better route is to find an appropriate break in the trees.

Typically along roads, rivers, power lines, and oil and gas lines there is a break in the trees. I try to find one and trace this break. This also tends to find clearings (https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/-35.8707/149.9854), unmapped roads branching off, and other features of interest.

Don't feel you need to be perfect, particularly in a case like this where the original tracing is from landsat.

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