Hey Andrew,

Forgive my ignorance; how should we approach the Nominatim team? I'm more than happy to do so, I just don't know where to go.


On 2021-11-30 09:21, Andrew Davidson wrote:

On 30/11/21 09:55, Andrew Harvey wrote:

Since we don't have formally defined boundaries for place=region,district,city,quarter,neighbourhood,city_block should we be adding an admin_level at all?

So should we remove 7/5?

I'd be happy to get rid of admin_level 7. It never really had a good definition. The ACT district boundaries are currently 7 so we'd have to move them. Maybe to 5, or move 6 to 7 and make 6 the "county" level. We currently don't have anything at 5.

I checked via the overpass wizard query "admin_level=8 in AU" and there are no results, so no australia post borders are mapped that way, and I'm not aware of any.

I think that was an accident of history. boundary=postal_code was created after someone chose admin_level=8 for AU post codes.

So I'm supportive of removing Australia Post Postode Border from admin_level=8.

I second that.

That leaves should we move localities from 9 to 8? I don't think it really matters much to be honest.

Looking at other countries 8 appears to be things that have some form of administrative body. We should get rid of either 9 or 10 we don't really need both. Maybe move localities up to 9?

We should ask the Nominatim team before we go making any changes. We don't want to break their stuff.

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