On Sun, Apr 28, 2019 at 12:10 PM OSM Volunteer stevea
<stevea...@softworkers.com> wrote:

> Does OSM tag these leisure=park?  "We" (the people, the Departments of 
> Parks...) do, yet should we in OSM?  This IS talk-us; a major reason I 
> brought this up here is that USA park tagging drifts from elsewhere as "more 
> generous with the tag."  Yet the tag has recently become more precise, 
> narrowing it from how it is often used in the USA.

If the wiki history
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:leisure%3Dpark> is to be
believed, it looks like one editor besides yourself has unilaterally
decided to change the wiki page to refer to something which is not how
the tag is actually used.

Where is the consensus or vote? The wiki page says "Status: de facto"
which implies that the wiki page should document *actual usage* and
not some sort of idealist, narrow viewpoint.

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