On Mon, 2020-08-17 at 09:14 -0700, stevea wrote:
> I believe it correct that access=private tag be removed from
> highway=service + service=driveway, as "private" seems too strict to
> accurately describe a driveway (that's part subjunctive mood where it
> needs doing, part indicative where true now).  This is especially
> correct when entered or deleted by a company performing delivery
> services — access=destination seems much more precise, and directly
> in that exact circumstance.  I only tag access=private when there is
> a sign explicitly prohibiting access, a gate which enforces this, or
> both.
> (And "I believe it correct..." is, after all, simply one person's
> opinion, it is important to remind).
> There is an "implied semantic" (in my mind and I believe many
> others') of how private property and driveways "work" in USA law and
> custom:  "If tagged highway=service + service=driveway, this MEANS it
> is on private property.  If you are invited by having delivery
> requested or are visiting the residence (by invitation) or business
> (because they are open) so attached to the road network, you may
> traverse.  Otherwise, it should be respected as private property,
> access=private is superfluous and too strict."

This makes sense; however, on the other hand, I can't think of a
situation where someone grants blanket access to the public to drive on
their home's driveway whenever they want, so access=private seems like
it would be correct for 99% of cases.

However, I do agree that because of this custom, it makes sense instead
just to leave it highway=service + service=driveway, and leave off the
access tag for these kinds of automated bulk additions.

Thanks for your input!

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