On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 02:35:59PM +0100, Dermot McNally wrote:
> Seriously, though, we're currently in a situation where we have a
> documented truth 

Are you referring to Map features here? Is it a documented truth just because 
it's in there? So how often have you used the one true tag
shop=trumpet for "A shop that sells instruments to hand made music like 
guitars, drums or saxophones as well as microphones, mixers and amplifiers" 
today? :-)

For me, the documented truth is what people have actually been using. I find 
myself using tagwatch much more often than map features to find how I should 
map things.

> and a disparate group of people ignoring it in
> different ways with a view to solving the same problem. What we badly
> need is a considered truth that everybody can use.

Is it really that bad? Of course using the same standard is nice, but all 
serious OSM data usage needs preprocessing anyway. So why is it that bad to 
have a preprocessor that converts all maxspeed=30mph to maxspeed:mph=30?

I am not saying that everyone should tag things in a totally anarchic manner. 
But to some groups "sensible" might mean different things and if OSM can 
accommodate both groups and make both feel comfortable, why shouldn't we?


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