2010/1/21 David G. Smith PE PLS <dsm...@synergist-tech.com>
> In editing OSM, I have mainly been working with Merkaartor of late, which
> has good support for WMS – in switching over and looking at JOSM again,
> I was working with the WMS plugin and one thing I note there is that it does
> not appear to have functionality for querying a server’s capabilities
> (getCapabilities request) and then presenting the user with a list of 
> supported
> layers, SRS and so on – that functionality would go quite far toward 
> simplifying
> and facilitating connecting to WMS services for users, as opposed to having
> to manually construct URL strings and try to guess at what is going wrong
> when trying to access new services…    Is anyone currently working on that
> functionality?  If so, how can others contribute to the effort?

A patch to to support getCapabilities was iirc submitted to the
josm-dev mailing list once but I don't remember what happened with it.
 The only ticket I find now is


which seems unrelated, but the archives of the mailing list should
have it.  I don't think it had a dialog to let you choose something
but it might be a step if you want to implement the rest.


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