On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 10:46 PM, davespod <osmli...@dellams.fastmail.fm> wrote:
> I have cancelled a trip to survey some lonely country lanes after someone else
> remotely traced them.

A flying trip is only partway up the scale of desirability. What you
want is someone who really knows the area. They're most likely to get
involved if they spot an error and realise that they can fix it. You
don't want to litter the map with errors, but a few honest mistakes
are probably even helpful.

I wouldn't recommend remote tracing, but if you do it with due care,
or maybe to supplement stuff you have surveyed (or maybe even just
seen out of the window when passing), then it probably doesn't
irritate genuine local mappers much more than whizzing about with a
GPS on a bike and thinking you know everything.


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