On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 10:20 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer
<dieterdre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011/8/26 Anthony <o...@inbox.org>:
>> As for the obligations of board members, while they are generally not
>> allowed to act in a way which harms the organization of which they are
>> a board member, and are not allowed to *use, for personal purposes,
>> confidential information* which they obtained via their status as a
>> board member
> happy to see that we agree to this. This was actually about board
> members paying membership fees to others as "private individuals", not
> about them drinking a beer in the pub or driving to SOTM.

I assume you mean paying membership fees *for* others.

I see that as quite analogous to driving others to SOTM.  Maybe paying
for someone else's bus ticket to get to SOTM would be more analogous?

>> Furthermore, *even if they were* obligated to act in the best
>> interests of the board in everything they do, that *still* would not
>> imply that they aren't allowed to sponsor the membership applications
>> of selected individuals, i.e. give them money with which to apply for
>> membership.
> I think this really depends on the case. If a board member paid as a
> private individual membership fees for lots people, and those people
> voted then in his sense in OSMF votings this would clearly be a breach
> (at least of good faith).

How so?

It suggests that there *may* have been an act of vote-buying, but it's
not *clear* that there was one.

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