On 4 November 2012 02:06, Paul Johnson <ba...@ursamundi.org> wrote:
> On Saturday, November 3, 2012, Ian Sergeant wrote:
>> On 04/11/12 07:24, Paul Johnson wrote:
>>> Would it be acceptable to use Street View to aid your memory of local
>>> knowledge of the ground truth?  Something that's on the tip of your brain
>>> and you have actually been there, but can't remember what a specific sign
>>> said?
>> Next time, write it down or take a photo.
>> For now, either get written permission from Google that you can use
>> Streetview to populate their main mapping competitor's database, or go and
>> check, or wait for someone else to check.
>> We have decided that we want to be whiter-than-white, and not tiptoe
>> through a legal minefield.
> I understand that, but I mean as a memory aid for places you have actually
> been to.

Here's something that Ed Parsons said in an email about Google
StreetView usage in OSM:

> the relevant clause in the terms of service is..
> 2(e) use the Products in a manner that gives you or any other person access 
> to mass downloads or bulk feeds of any Content, including but not limited to 
> numerical latitude or longitude coordinates, imagery, and visible map data;
> so checking the odd street names is OK.. but every street name I would 
> suggest would represent a bulk feed."


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