> A)I having problems when selecting any (large) area.
> For example a stadium, park, shopping centre, hospital, school, etc where
> they are amenity, etc as an area.
> Is that because I am not hitting the actual nodes? Or maybe you are not
> covering areas properly?

Thank you for pointing this out. The areas are only found at their border, 
because in fact the ways that make up their border are found. To compensate for 
this, the search radius for ways is twice as big than the search radius for 

I'll experiment with also including areas. The area mechanism of Overpass API 
can be used for this, and ironically covers the complex cases with relations 
better than the simple cases with ways. The difficult thing here is to decide 
what makes up an area and what not. Not every closed way is an area, so there 
has to be some tag selection. Another thing is a certain lag behind for the 
areas of about 24 hours, but that can be improved with some effort on the 
server side.

> B) wikipedia links. It has been said already but even then there is some
> confusion. The recommended way for tagging wikipedia links is to use
> wikipedia=language:page title and not
> wikipedia=http://en.wikipedia.com/blah

Thank you for clarifying this. While link buiding including escaping is clearly 
feasile, I'm not yet sure about the language selection. Does the interwiki 
mechanism expose an API for this? I think it would be best to first link always 
to the primary language of the object and later implement language selection.



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