> http://tile.openstreetmap.fr/?zoom=17&lat=37.40505&lon=127.12573
+1 from Japan, too.

Here are some other samples. (not OSM)

> just placed in the middle
Yes, there are such a case. (traffic signals with name, without junction)
But they are very rare, and don't have serious effects.

It could be very helpful if signal names will be rendered.

2013/3/26 Hans Schmidt <z0idb...@gmx.de>:
> Am 25.03.2013 17:48, schrieb Christian Quest:
>> Here is a quick and dirty rendering on the junction=yes + name=* tags
>> that will make visible the 1800+ nodes overpass found mostly in Korea:
>> http://tile.openstreetmap.fr/?zoom=17&lat=37.40505&lon=127.12573
> This is exactly what I was asking for. Just put a rectangle around it,
> and that’s all. :)
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Satoshi IIDA
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