Hi Michal,,


> Successful attribution guidelines published by the OSMF will make it much 
> easier to decide how to interpret the ODbL.


The problem is, I expect the current draft will not get support from the 
community so for me its back to my original question.


Given the community concern about the lack of ‘community required attribution’ 
by Facebook (and other major corporations) do you think it would be beneficial 
for Facebook to take a corporate lead in updating attribution to that accepted 
by the community, without the need for further guidelines. I have found that 
when requested politely to update the attribution as requested at 
https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright, most organisations do the right thing 
by the community.


To me this has more to do with how much Facebook values the OSM Community…not a 
legal definition/interpretation of ODbL licencing


Cheers – Phil



From: Michal Migurski <m...@teczno.com> 
Sent: Thursday, 3 December 2020 8:51 AM
To: talk@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] I’m running for OSMF board and I’ve set up office hours 
for questions


Hi Robert, Martin, Alexandre, Jochen, Richard, Tom:

Thanks for your followups in this conversation! I am speaking here as an 
individual and not on behalf of Facebook, so I’m going to focus on the areas 
relevant to board candidacy.
First, the text of the ODbL is explicit about “reasonably calculated” 
awareness. FB believes its maps comply with this. The ODbL does not require 
that “every” person see the attribution. It requires that “any” person can. 
FB’s attribution to OSM is available to any viewer in a place that is commonly 
associated with attribution.

Successful attribution guidelines published by the OSMF will make it much 
easier to decide how to interpret the ODbL. As a board member with experience 
in cartography design & implementation and OSM-relevant companies my 
involvement will make it more likely that the eventual attribution guidelines 
work for everyone.

A few of you have pushed back on my “beyond the ODbL” framing in my prior 
reply. I don’t want to repeat myself too much, but the ODbL is very terse and 
leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Common practices for data attribution 
in map and non-map domains rely on click-through interactions like the ones FB 
uses. This is a completely reasonable way to make users aware of the source of 
map data to the extent that viewers know that maps are made of data, that it is 
often sourced externally, and that the words in the corner of a map are 
relevant to how that basemap was produced and not (for example) the location of 
a friend or venue overlaid on top of it. The community here on talk@ is 
understandably focused on basemap attribution, but in the context of the many 
hundreds of ways that FB uses maps in its products and the many sources of that 
data, there’s also important design and interaction considerations with 
dramatically more needs to keep in balance. The power of OSM has always been 
its openness to new kind of uses beyond simple display maps. My interest as a 
board member is in maintaining this open approach to uses that are bigger, 
weirder, more niche, or otherwise different than OSM might have previously 

Second, Jochen examines further the issue of conflict of interest. All of us 
involved in OSM represent a variety of interests that we bring to the map. My 
candidacy for the board is explicitly driven by a desire to see commercial and 
organizational use of OSM better represented in the OSMF. In some specific 
cases there may be a conflict of interest where I’d recuse myself, but in 
general it’s much more likely that FB and other companies’ need for a 
high-quality, free, global map with a healthy org behind it is *strongly 
aligned* with OSMF’s interests. I’ve held this belief for many years and in 
many organizations. As a board member I would work with members representing 
other OSM constituencies to make sure all these overlapping needs and desires 
lead to an OSM that’s stronger together.

Thanks everyone for your words in the thread so far. The annual election 
process is important because it’s one of the only venues OSM has typically had 
to ask itself tough questions and make important decisions.



michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html

On Nov 30, 2020, at 11:00 AM, Michal Migurski <m...@teczno.com 
<mailto:m...@teczno.com> > wrote:


Hi everyone,


I’m excited to be running for the OSMF board this year! In 2021, OSM’s 
community has two opportunities to grow stronger together: we should make the 
OSM organization support a wider diversity of participants and we must succeed 
at starting to manage our technical operations professionally.

I’d like to make myself available for conversations with anyone who has 
questions about my candidacy, manifesto, priorities, or really anything else. I 
did this last year when I ran and ended up having a few really fun 
conversations with community members. I’m blocking these four times over the 
next two weeks prior to the close of voting and AGM on Dec 12; get in touch via 
email if you’d like to chat by text, voice, or video!

                • Dec 1, 16:00 PST – 

                • Dec 3, 8:00 PST – 

                • Dec 4, 16:00 PST – 

                • Dec 9, 8:00 PST – 


Read my complete manifesto on the Wiki for more about why I think I’d make a 
good OSMF board member: 




michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html


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